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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. 4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    It wasn't generous, they have ulterior motives and wanted rid of it

    Of course it was generous. You are being disingenuous.


    It saves the Generals money. So what if the US and Japanese come knocking on the door in the not too distant future, and say...you know those vaccines we donated. The Generals like to think they know what they are doing. All they are doing in my view, is making themselves look like <deleted> too.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Interesting, just read what he said, I had exactly the same symptoms. Vaccines are EVIL and unnecessary. 

    Interesting perspective. Perhaps, as a child, had you been able to give informed consent, you would have refused all childhood vaccinations?


    One does wonder how an inanimate object can be viewed as evil. And one does wonder why this post is still available on here.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Waste not, want not' is a sound philosophy to live by, but it does have one disadvantage. It does make Thais the most awful hoarders!

    You should have seen my garage when I sold the house in UK...full of <deleted> I had collected over the years. I was told, by an old Irishman, when I was an apprentice...Keep it for 7 years. If you don't use it, keep it for another 7,  just in case....

    • Haha 2
  4. I guess it depends on attitude, or perhaps, needs over wants.


    Felt washers, YouTube, bottles of oil, bearings all available in uk at reasonable prices. Just that we can't be assed to look inside the machines, see what needs fixing, look up YouTube, bimble around town for spare parts that may or may not fit, look up on eBay or Amazon...etc etc....

    in Thailand, not many people can afford to buy new every few years, this is what makes repairs worthwhile. Needs...money, time, effort...

    UK, being a supposedly richer nation has become lazy over the years. Or perhaps, as most people work full time for a living, don't care to be face down, <deleted> up in repairing domestic goods and are prepared to fork out for new goods. Especially when sometimes they can be a lot cheaper than in Thailand.

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