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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. 5 hours ago, kensawadee said:

    It shouldn't be the responsibility of average people to figure this out.
    What if you have a "fake" note?  Are you then suspect?  Do they take your "fake" note and leave you without compensations? 

    And that is what happens in UK. If you have in your custody or pass a counterfeit note, or coin it is an offense.


    The note or coin will be removed from your custody and you will not be compensated.

  2. 11 hours ago, EricTh said:

    That's why there shouldn't be any walk-in, they should be by appointment so that only a limited people are vaccinated for that day and staggered throughout the day.

    Walk in...inside an area of shade and relative sterility. Not walk up to...

    Organisation here was obviously <deleted> poor as they seem to have failed to take into account the numbers of people likely to turn up.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Pedrogaz said:

    Thing why don't they buy a bit of paint and paint stop and give way markings on the roads? Again, way too sensible.....and not enough money to be diverted into the pockets of the already obscenely wealthy. 

    They constructed concrete barriers on a 4 lane highway near me. No 'turn left' signs or 'no right turn' signs from any of the side roads. No one would take any notice anyways. A roundabout replaced 4 way traffic lights near me too. No one seems to have a clue how it works, no yield markings in the road, just lane markings no one obeys.

    A proper crossing barrier is a little out of the thinking for places as above...No money, no thought, no care.


  4. 8 hours ago, meechai said:

    As for land ownership.......forget it. Thailand is too small with 70 million citizens

    With a land area of over 513,000 square ki!ometers, every, and I mean everybody will have over 7000 square meters...1.7 acres...4.3 rai...

    A family of 4, mum, dad and 2 kids, that's 28,000 square meters. 17 rai.


    Isn't it?


    Also, 5 million of that 70,000,000 are foreigners, so no land for them...


    137 people per square kilometer..

  5. I thought most of the land was owned by either: the banks or the government or the temples.I


    Around here, most land has no chanote, and that which does is in hock to the bank. The land without chanote is worked... Sometimes... The land with, well, no one can afford to pay the debt to the banks and no one can work it while it belongs to the banks...

    So, the land without chanote, who really owns it...?

  6. It would be true to say There are variations of processes everywhere. I suggest this is born of ignorance and fear.


    Fear of the unknown and ignorance of what is best practise. But also, too many variables.

    What do I do it someone comes from a deep red area? Quarantine for 14 days... Sounds logical, and best practise, until you factor in 14 days in a deep red area quarantining as you've come from another deep red area or flown in from another country.

    Too many variables, therefore, reduce the variables to a manageable amount...1...

    Everyone quarantined in the tent by the village hall for 14 days, if you don't come from a green area. Or lie to the Or Sor Mor and head cheese. Tell them you came from a green area...

    Weird thing is, a guy, who hasn't been seen for about 15 years, married to a woman from a province far far away, came back to the village as his parents are there. Why? His wife went home to her village and he didn't want to go.  14 days quarantine. 1 option, 1 solution...easy.

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