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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. How is unemployment defined in Thailand? Does anyone know? I see many people digging the canals wider and deeper so that they can take more water than their neighbours. A few  people weeding in the rice fields, a few working in shops they run and own. Fast food places. Mostly though, drinking and talking. Are these the employable ones who are counted as unemployed? Kids, in my eyes anyways, 20 ish year olds doing nothing all day apart from lounging around. 40 to 60 year old men, drinking, running round on motorbikes getting white whiskey, beer and ice. Are they classified as employed? 

    The numbers of employed seem to me to be picked from the air. 

    • Like 2
  2. Ah, the old 'politically motivated' ploy.


    Political opportunism, political motivation, political this, political that. What does it actually mean? That someone does or says something for political gain? Well, in my view, and don't hang me if you disagree. Politics and politicians have provided me with merriment and mirth for a long time, and rank alongside lawyers, used car sales people, estate agents. More lately, alongside bank think tanks when spouting about tourism, economists, analysts and countless others categories of occupations.


  3. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    A press conference with three spokesmen outlined the latest arrests, contained a denial about live round use, spoke of stop and search techniques and announced a demonstration of tear gas and rubber bullet use for the press today.


    I'm sure the press does not need a demonstration. They have seen it in action on the protesters. I'm also sure that they do not want the demonstration used on them, either. 

    If the old Bill's not careful, tear gas and rubber bullets will run out. Not available on Lazada either.

  4. Sorry. Not changed the way I shop...or rather, the way the wife shops. Takes the car, does a 10 minute journey to get nom cheen noodles. Just that, the noodles. 15 baht.

    Grocery shopping from Macro once a month, Big C and Tesco Lotus perhaps once a week. Local shopping is an excuse for the wife to get out of the house...once a day.

    Oh, and fresh markets anytime we go to the big supermarkets, too. And sometimes the local markets, Monday, Thursday and Saturday. 

  5. 4 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    Takes brains to do such things but even then i can just imagine almost nobody turning up at the Labour Exchange; a few Women maybe but the majority of Men around our way are not interested in any work, just send the Mrs out to work all hours in the Local Market to earn enough for Beer, Fags, feed the Kids etc.  The Teenage Boys have little interest in any work; much easier to live off their Parents backs while they lob Yaba down their throats and lay around all day !

    Sounds like you live near me...Same here.

  6. My BIL is mentally ill, according to the medics. He couldn't be prosecuted for attacking people in the village with machetes. They wouldn't section him. Not sure if that's a well known term outside UK. It means place him in mental institution. Forever. Same as nephew next door, talks to himself, and when high on drugs, destroyed his mother's kitchen, cut down the trees in their garden, is violent towards his sister... In jail for possession with intent, now, though. So much for mental illness...I guess his was drug induced.


    What's a ping pong bomb?

  7. A lot to be said for correct PPE now. Assume everyone has covid and plan accordingly. Boys in brown PPE suits, I can see it now...I

    Hazmat suits with wings and lanyards, silver bullion around the face masks for higher ups.

    Seriously, though. 30 people in quarantine for want of correct protective equipment. I'm tempted to say, sufficient baton rounds, water cannon,tear gas grenades and such like, but no PPE...

  8. I noticed no brown bread and very few eggs in the local Lotus's early last week, around 3pm. They were putting out more white bread... Plenty of rice and seems to be loads of other stuff too. No food shortages, as far as I can see.

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