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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. A culture change is needed.


    Enforcing laws is a start, but responsibility goes to the driver and owner of the truck to ensure it is in roadworthy condition.

    Would it not be cheaper in the long run to pay to maintain vehicles than to continue to pay for the old bill to look the other way and pay compensation for every accident?

    Tyre blow outs do happen though, even on well maintained vehicles.

  2. Control. China wins. Anyone upstream of China?


    "The Mekong Dam Monitor, which was officially announced on December 14, will employ remote sensing and data from cloud-piercing satellites to track water levels in China’s dams, which have been accused of withholding water from downstream nations."


     And then what? Nothing will happen, guaranteed. The next wars will be about water. Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt...



  3. So, everything else is supposed to make up the shortfall?

    All tourism, including domestic, accounts for 20% GNP. 10% of jobs....if, as someone has said, foreign tourism is only 11.8% GNP, then if things stay as they are, domestic tourism makes 1.298 trillion. Just 1 trillion down if all foreign tourism stops. So a shortfall for everyone else to make up. Oh, and reduce exports too, as they depend too much on those too. Another thing that makes money from outside. Hard currency, to pay for the imports.....to cover the remittances of foreign workers.

    Baht going out, no dollars or Yuan or pounds coming in.

  4. On 12/19/2020 at 12:21 PM, ezzra said:

    Yeah right... with 2,416 km long border with Burma alone you need like 10's of thousand of soldiers to start to be effective guarding Burma borders only, not to mention other countries bordering Thailand...

    Eliminate there is an estimated 500,000 in the RTA alone. Then in the Royal Thai Armed Forces bit, it says 360,850...


    Anyways. 2 meters between them, 24 hours per day... 721,700 meters. Exclude 10% senior officers...650 kms.  Need more grunts.



    Why not build a big beautiful wall and get the Burmese to pay for it?

  5. 3 hours ago, Estrada said:

    Since the Brexit referendum I have lost 26% to 30% of my U.K. pension when converted to baht. Brexiteers told me at the time not to worry as the GB Pound would bounce back and go higher within 6 months. That was 4 and a half years ago and it is still down 26% and likely to fall further if we crash out without a deal.


    22nd June 2016, THB was 51.6264, according to Oanda. 23rd June was 51.6207, 24th, 52.045...


    Today is 40.45. Roughly 24%.


    But then again, in 1997-1998...23 June 1997...24.2550. 23 June 1998: 40.6593. So your point is...?

  6. The THB may be strong against the dollar, but remains relatively stable against the GBP. Has a few dips, but comes back to around 40 per GBP.


    Says more about the dollar in my view, than the Baht.


    Soothsayers abound. I was wish they would all shut the <deleted> up. They do nothing to help.


    As for conspiracy theorists, wow. My thoughts in words would not be permitted here.

  7. Is there a law against it?


    How do laws work in this country? If a deed is not specifically included in a law, you can't do it, or, if it is not specifically prohibited, you can...?


    For example, the law must state either: DOA cannot transfer to AOT, thus it cannot happen. Or, it does not state specifically that this action is prohibited, thus it can happen.

    If the law states it cannot happen, change the damned law...

  8. A car in a car park. A dog in a car park. Is it called a dog park? Dang, could have been one less dog to bite people.


    Sure they were foreigners, sure they were drunk? Sure there was a dog?


    So many assumptions from such crappy footage. Security arrived unexpectedly, or the Benz did? Sufficient time elapsed for the Benz to do drifting and to be caught on camera for at least 2 minutes. Where was security?

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