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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. Face it. It's all politics. Saudi hates Iran, others hate each other. The US ends up telling countries that they cannot do business with it unless they comply with its rules. These countries get caught in the middle. Same old story, do it our way, or we'll find ways to make you. Gunboat diplomacy by another name. Perhaps this why the US has been at war or in conflict during 93% of its existence.

    • Like 1
  2. As an outsider, I find this whole issue about the Presidential elections both comical and worrying. 


    I look at the incumbent, desperate to cling to power and those who follow him will do almost anything to keep him in power. Those people are so virulently against the President elect and his team. Even to the point where the President elect is not the President elect, according to them.

    The election seems to take forever. It always seems to be part of the news, years before it happens and months after. Such a circus I have rarely seen.The

    As for the possibility that the United States military machine has some role to play in the outcome of an election,this is unthinkable to me.


    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

    Yes and No, if the companies in the west would skip those suppliers who abuse their workers, they could not be held responsible.


    And ultimately, the responsibility is yours. You buy stuff, made by companies  who, by certain standards, exploit their workers or other people.


    If companies can skip those suppliers, you can skip those companies. This would then incentivise them to improve the workers lot.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    same as the UK.  Civil Servants there can have a whole career and never achieve anything, except a nice fat pension at the  end of it.  I  suspect that most Civil Servants the world over are just 'drop outs' that have a life time job, where nothing much is expected of them.   Embassy and Diplomatic  staff come from the same mould.  Motto for them all, don't make waves, keep things simple, don't change anything, don't show initiative, go home early. 


    And you know this how?

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 20 hours ago, Thomas J said:

    While it may not be your fault to catch Covid, it is also not the fault of accident victims who have their lives ripped away from them.  Many of them could be alive today if the government took as aggressive a posture on drunk/and under the influence driving as they have with Covid. 


    This, to me, is a gross over simplification. It can be the fault of the accident victim who have their lives ripped away, as you put it. Running red lights, driving too fast for the conditions, driving faulty vehicles. Why is it always the responsibility of government that people drink and then drive? Is it governments that get in vehicles that have faulty brakes, is it governments that have micro-sleeps, run red lights, not wear crash helmets? Ride 4 up, let kids ride bikes? No. Personal responsibility has to start somewhere, and that's at home and school.

    A culture change is needed. That comes hard in any country.

  6. This is all wrong...


    Illegal migrants getting health insurance, free 2 year right to stay and work.


    Some of these (legal) migrants, who are waiting to enter the country to work, are in debt having paid brokers or employers various fees to secure jobs," he said.... Word in brackets is mine.

    So those who already have work permits can't get in and work, while illegals are feted. Free this, free that, free other stuff. Dang. Ass backwards if you ask me.

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  7. We have so many checkpoints springing up locally. Insufficient manpower to place the required 12 coppers at each one for breath tests. Not sure what reasons the cops will find to pull cars over, other than drunk driving. No masks? Inside cars? I was signalled quite recently by a rozzer that I had no mask on inside my sealed pickup. I thought he was quite observant, but I nonchalantly bimbled on by...

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