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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. Once again each country has its own standards and mine is better than yours syndrome.


    Why is it not possible to cross recognise standards without having to get 203 differing approvals?I


    I found this shocking:


    Indeed, under current U.S. law, there is no requirement that any motorcycle helmets are actually tested by the manufacturer or any third party they may choose, either before or after the helmet is released to the market. That may be a factor in why more than 40 percent of the helmets carrying the “DOT Certified” label have failed performance tests since 2014 when they were tested by a third-party lab.


    The DOT standard is only enforced by limited (very small sample size) post-marketing testing by a third-party under contract with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). If you prefer to use a helmet and you want a model that has been tested and proven to pass the certification tests that apply, you might want to consider looking for a helmet that is certified under a system that requires the helmet to pass the tests before to being labeled as “compliant” in addition to bearing the DOT certified label.


    From: https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2020/12/15/ece-22-06-motorcycle-helmet-performance-standards-set-for-2023/



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  2. Just a thought. You would need the 800,000 in the bank 3 months prior to the extension and 2 months after...or t'other way round.... to maintain the validity of the extension. You would need 12 months of transferring 65,000 plus to a Thai account from a foreign account. I know not your circumstances, but you would need to maintain the permission to stay on the 800,000 whilst accumulating the evidence of the 65,000 per month over the 12 month period. Sounds expensive to me. What I mean is, it takes a year of transfers to qualify for the income method. Plus the maintaining of the minimum in the bank in the meantime.


    I have done an extension on the 65000 per month method, using transferwise and I repatriate funds to the UK using Western Union. Yes, it costs money, yes it has fees and exchange rate issues, but that is the cost of living here with no Thai income, which would incur taxes anyways... 

    I don't need 65,000 a month to live on, and rather than keep it in the Thai account, I use it for other purposes in the UK.


    Sorry for all the waffle..

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  3. On 1/14/2021 at 5:34 PM, snoop1130 said:

    LONDON (Reuters) - Scottish nationalists are on course to win a record majority in elections for Scotland’s devolved parliament that would start a new push for independence, an opinion poll published on Thursday showed.


    Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister and head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party, will claim a mandate for another independence referendum if her party performs strongly in the elections scheduled for May 6.



    Still, five months to go to the Election. I wonder what the poling questions were.


    Never mind. 


    Why not declare UDI? Get it over with. The FM keeps telling all the world she has the mandate, or will have when the SNP wins a huge landslide majority in Holyrood.


    I dare say, all the plans are in place for compliance with the EU rules of accession. Hope she gets her way, hope the EU accepts the Scots back into the fold. 

    Borders at Hadrian 's Wall. Borders in the Irish Sea. Soon be borders at Offa's Dyke...isolated England.


    A pissant country, hitting far above its weight. No American President has yet come out and said he is of English origin. Irish, yes, Scottish, yes. English, not to my knowledge. I think that, personally, is great, but that's just me.


    Sorry, old home country, time to let the kids go their own way and curl up in slippers and smoke your pipes near the fire, with the aging spaniel.

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  4. 61 governments since 1945...


    According to Wiki...


    The Economist Intelligence Unit rated Italy as a "flawed democracy" in 2019.[1] A high degree of fragmentation and instability, leading to often short-lived coalition governments, is characteristic of Italian politics.[2][3] Since the end of World War II, Italy has had 61 governments.[4]


    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_Italy#:~:text=The Economist Intelligence Unit rated Italy as a,World War II%2C Italy has had 61 governments.


  5. Easy done. Same as in Egypt. Pay cash for the visa. $25 and no local currency, unless you get at one of the bank windows.


    Or, if they do insist on cash before engry, hope they get some ATM s and currency exchanges before immigration...I


    Or, as is done now... Get the airline to collect the 300 baht through the ticket pricing. No one will see, no one will care. Furore over....

  6. 3 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Sorry, but burning trash is a horrible idea.  It just makes our air worse. 


    There are alternatives.  They cost more and take more time, but in the end, they are much better for our plant and those of us who live here.


    Don't contribute to our air quality problem.


    And they are...?

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  7. 18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    LONDON (Reuters) -British Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said on Friday there were concerns that COVID-19 vaccines might not work properly against the highly transmissible variant of the coronavirus discovered in South Africa.


    You think this guy was permitted to say this without the grown ups giving him the nod? Take one for the team, boy, see how it flies.


    It's called covering all bases. He didn't say it wouldn't work, he didn't say it would. He was just preparing the ground in case it isn't as effective as is hoped.

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