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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. I looked at the headlines. Real estate caught my eye. Hoping this was the year foreigners could buy land. But it goes on to say just condos.


    Real estate is property consisting of land and the buildings on it, along with its natural resources such as crops, minerals or water; immovable property of this nature; an interest vested in this (also) an item of real property, (more generally) buildings or housing in general.[1][2]


    according to wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_estate

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  2. It can't be 'smog'. Smog is a contraction, or portmanteau, of smoke and fog.


    Fog is defined as: a weather condition in which very small droplets of water come together to form a thick cloud  at or near the earth's surface which obscures or restricts visibility (to a greater extent than mist; strictly, reducing visibility to below 1 km).




    This is just smoke in the atmosphere...don't blame mist or fog, nothing to do with them, leave them alone.

  3. What's the point? Vaccinate and still have to quarantine for 7 days, or not vaccinate and quarantine for 10 days? 3 days different. How does one prove to the satisfaction of the authorities when and which vaccine was given? One assumes the 14 days is the number of days since the last required injection to be 'fully vaccinated'.

  4. 21 hours ago, keith101 said:

    If there were no signs everywhere stating what safety equipment had to be worn to take part in the event (from the start) and was not being monitored properly to ensure all those taking part actually wore them then the organizers are responsible for the care of everyone injured .

    If people joined from the sidelines then they are responsible for their own safety and any injuries .


    I disagree. People are responsible for their own safety and should be properly equipped to take part in whatever activity they are involved with. 


    having said that, failure to control and monitor is a responsibility of the organisers. If someone chooses to turn up at the control points without the proper safety equipment, they should be 'couselled' and told they cannot take part. Each person should be issued a number, and those without a number are not taking part and are not the responsibility of the organisers.

    Organised activities should be insured. They have to be where I come from. Officially taking part, as above, means insurance covers you. 

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  5. Headline says 'by 2024', which to me implies all of 2021, 2022, 2023. 


    text in article says 'in 2024'. 


    I am confused, but not enough to know that this sort of statement from any government minister is meaningless. No one knows what's going to happen next week, let a!one in 3-4 years.

    Statements for the sake of something to say and the media laps it up.

    • Thanks 1
  6. As a contrarian idea...motorcycle engines are not as efficient as car and some pickup engines, they are just a lot smaller and therefore pump out less pollutants. Pollutants per cubic centimetre would be a better comparison.

    Motorcycles and bicycles should be separated from cars and lorries. This would make it a lot safer. Motorbike riders frustrate car drivers, slow pickup drivers frustrate everyone. Make all major roads dual carriageways, remove all possibilities of U turns, including where the central divider has a huge ditch which bike riders seem to like to cross. Forget traffic light timers, fit traffic detectors instead. Sitting at red lights for 2 minutes when there is no traffic in any other direction is frustrating. 

    The above is not going to happen, so, education is the key. 9-10-11 year old children ride their parent's motorbikes with no education from the parents. They just follow what the parents do. How about schools educate the kids about road ssfety? We did cycling proficiency at school. Can we not do motorcycle safety here in Thailand? Catch them young, parents know no better.

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  7. Is it not inconceivable to still conduct trade with an illegitimate government? A government who took over by force of arms, declared elections fraudulent, disrespected the Electoral Commission 's assertion that none existed, jailed leaders who won the election, continue to Trump up charges against the former leadership?


    And still normal trade is conducted, according to the Thai military. But this is not a normal trade route, according to residents.


    One draws the conclusion, something shady is going on. Military back scratching I suspect.


    Interesting to note that the Myanmar military have alienated the KNU. Should be interesting to see what the Karen's do next. Or other signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement... 

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