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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. 15 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    The whole world should publicly condemn the military leaders,  stop all monetary aid, trade and businesses. Bring the junta to its knees as a failed state and refuse to negotiate with them until a freely elected government is back in place.




    As in Thailand, the people seem want this this sort of thing, every so often. It has been said that the people get the governments they deserve. 

    Wiki says there are 590,000 Myanmar people in the army. 2.4 billion dollar budget in 2014. 53.5 million people in Myanmar. So the armed forces are 1.1% of the population.

    The West is so focussed on this. It's a travesty, they say, beating their chests. Wailing and moaning. The people could sort this out in no time. 


    You are my son, my daughter, you will not obey unlawful orders given to you by your superiors, who are also sons and daughters of the people. The people rule, if only they realised this. 

    How can my son kill other Burmese, arrest other Burmese in the night, torture other Burmese...?


    Because I let him.




    • Sad 1
  2. More forest land to be encroached upon.


    23 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    expand forests to help in prevention of forest fires and to address pollution in the north.


    This, surely, is an oxymoron. The more forest, the more fire...removing detritus is good forest management, as is controlled burnings, apparently. Controlled burnings is forest fire, no? 

    How does this idea lend itself into addressing pollution? 

    You stop having forest fires by not having forests.

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. I would suggest that if you're still alive, that it's not an earth problem but a static problem. 


    If you still intend to go down the road of earthing the appliance, ensure no extension lead, or , 3  core extension lead if used. Ensure that the socket has the facility for earth. Otherwise, direct earth cable from the cabinet to a copper rod deeply embedded in the soil. Preferably keeping the soil damp enough to ensure good conductivity.


    If you are lucky enough to have metal water pipes, that's good, but in my experience, plastic pipes are what are commonly installed.


    All my sockets seem to have an earth cable. Not sure where the earth is after the consumer unit, but the shower heaters have an individual earth cable, and most of my appliances seem to have 2 pin plugs, or 3 pin plugs on 2 core cables. 

    I know elsewhere, double insulation exists in domestic appliances so no earth is required, or facility provided on the appliance.



    • Confused 1
  4. No civilian government in any country in this region has the balls to get to grips with their military. 


    Most of the so called civilian leadership is ex forces, so they have a vested interest in keeping their military sweet. Those that are not, are accused by the military of corruption and fraud, if they are not kept sweet.


    Having said that, I echo what has been said before, although with a caveat. Aung Sang Suu Kyi is guilty of permitting mass relocation and genocide. Guilty because there was nothing she could do, even if she had wanted to, as that was the will of the military.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, natway09 said:

    Because of the vast difference in living costs between country & city living some differential could be developed or is that also against human rights here as well?


    My understanding is that no country has made a differing payment scheme depending upon where one lives. Human rights does not come into it. It would be too damn difficult.

    • Like 2
  6. The pickup driver was Lucknow impatience got him.out of a bad situation.


    The lorry pulling out bullied his way into the road.


    I saw the other day a 6 wheeler they use for soil transport edging his way from a side road into the main carriageway on the opposite side of the road at a U turn. The driver couldn't see anything out of the passenger window due to the angle he was at, but he wasn't going to stop until he had forced his way into the road.The


    We were taught, never use the size of your vehicle to intimidate other road users. We were taught, but when you are driving a loaded tank transporter, no one will argue....

    • Like 1
  7. I ask, as I have done my last renewal in Si Saket and presented statements, bank letter and passbook. I also provided a print out from the tax authorities with regards to UK income. I prepared UK bank statements showing transfer to Transferwise and ran off a copy of each of the transfers to Kasikorn Bank.

    I highlighted the 65,000 baht incoming to the Kasikorn Bank on my statements and also on the Transferwise information. As I pay Transferwise from an account other than I get my pensions paid, I ran off those bank statements as well, highlighting the transfers. 

    • Like 1
  8. 23 hours ago, webfact said:

    The Center for Air Pollution Mitigation has asked all provinces to ban outdoor burning from now until 23rd January, while the air quality index in Bangkok has reached the code-red unhealthy level in several areas.


    A ban has NOT been announced. As can be seen from the quote above, provinces, preseumably, the Governors, have been 'asked' to ban outdoor burning....oh, wait, today is 23rd January, so that's ok then. No change....

    • Haha 2
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