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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. Something very wrong here with the basic sums.


    Here, in a local.store, beer is 60 baht for Leo. Someone tries to sell it for 148, they would have no customers. As has been said, 142 bottles  is less than 1 bottle per day.  Lamphun province has a population of  405,955. Chiangmai has a population of 1,763,742...4 times more than Lamphun. Extrapolating, 4 times more drinkers...4 times more tax....?I


    The article is flawed, the statements therein are likewise flawed. Same thing said twice, in case it was missed.....

  2. Perhaps, during this pandemic, a little thought would have gone a long way. Asking 'non-natives ' to travel 'home' to vote, seems a little shortsighted.  There are other ways to vote without travelling. Postal voting, online voting. All those methods so beloved by a certain person who is no longer in a position of power. Worries of election fraud have yet to be confirmed. A bit of, how about: I live here now, I'll register to vote here.  Joined up thinking, boys...

  3. It beggars belief that a parliament cannot change a constitution. A constitution written in such a manner that a previous, no longer applicable entity was the only body that could change it is no longer valid. The body is extinct, the constitution cannot be valid, thus it must be changed.

    A  court ruling stating that a referendum is necessary before parliament can authorise itself to change the constitution is madness. If the referendum fails to authorise Parliament to change the constitution, then what? It will never change until the next coup?


  4. I'm surprised Thailand has any AstraZeneca vaccines after Italy prevented a shipment to Australia and the European Commission threw its toys out of the pram about trying to force AZ vaccines produced in the UK to be sent to the EU. 

    That being said, there have been comments here which are valid, e.g. Thailand does not have the death rates of many other countries, so a rush is not required, in my view, and safety is the number one priority. Better to be sure of the batches and the vaccines themselves than rush a solution that need not be rushed.

    • Like 1
  5. If the Thai government misses this, it would be a great shame. The poo Yai here used to ride his 125c.c. Motorbike to the Cambodian border (90 kms each way) at least 3 times per week and there was a free bus service there as well, daily. The wife could well support the casinos on her own, given the chance. Roulette on machines, a killer.


    Make it legal, raise shed loads for the Thai government coffers, instead of other people's and government's pockets.

    • Like 1
  6. Good. Pay more attention, and perhaps others will stop their complaining about Thai drivers doing the same.


    Nice to know red light cameras are available and working. Now all that needs to be done is to ensure all motor vehicles have registration plates fitted.


    I seriously considered taking them off my pick up, no one seems to care.

    • Haha 1
  7. A story, told me by the wife, so it is gospel...


    A 'cousin', of which she has an enormous number, was burning the stubble in his rice field prior to planting corn. He thought it had gone out when he left. Later, it was revealed that the rubber tree plantation next to the to the field had been burned by the fire in the cousin's field. The owners wanted a million and took him to the cops. He can't pay a million, so he said he'd go to jail. His wife and family, not me or the wife, I hasten to add, contributed a sum acceptable to the rubber tree plantation owners, of, I am told 300,000 baht. No jail time, but now he owes a number of peop!e a large sum of money.


    as to:


    1 - the veracity of the story. I have no doubt the wife believes it.

    2 - the rubber tree plantation owners being opportunistic....I can't say, but the rice stubble burning I have seen in this neck of the woods is just the detritus catching. The stubble remains mostly untouched. Charred lines between the still standing stubble and shed loads of smoke.

    3 - has the wife asked me to help out? No, not yet. But I wait in anticipation. If 'we' do, I'll want the land paper in the wife's name, quick smart. I think I'm dreaming....

  8. I don't really care.  There are other news services in Australia. Why use a social media site for getting your news. Use a news service. Some news papers charge punters for online content, Facebook have said no, we don't want to pay, therefore we will pull all news service links and posts. If Facebook has to pay for services they do not want, the punters using Facebook will be required to cough up.


    Australians who want free news... tough poo. Not from Facebook, mateys.

    • Like 2
  9. 21 hours ago, webfact said:

    Suthep claimed that the decision to terminate the contract had the consent of the Office of the Attorney-General and relevant agencies, after the project’s owner, Hopewell Company, could not fulfil the contract and repeatedly asked for a review of the terms, which was rejected.


    No Parliamentary privilege?  Nice to know the Office of the Attorney General still works after the Boss debacle.



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