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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. You previously posted 'is there really such a thing as a "fine weapon" personally i find them all revolting'. I responded to that.
  2. Of course there is. Just as I have no personal use for a Rolex watch I understand that it has the finest in materials, design and workmanship. Same thing with a firearm, it is not a product I am in the market for yet I can understand the same sort of quality in materials, design and workmanship can go into making it.
  3. I tend to disagree. What sequence of events could possibly lead to the photo we see of the guy wrestling with a cop? Almost certainly has to be some fault on the side of Kiwis
  4. In general, but especially when extending my stay, I don't want to "go elsewhere". Your strategy means not making a reservation so not knowing where I will be staying. I have seen travelers walking from hotel to hotel dragging their luggage looking to save a few baht, no thanks.
  5. OK, I see about "thugs" now. It's a dog whistle isn't it?
  6. Another point that occurs to me. " I get early check in late check out breakfast, dinner and drinks lounge and room upgrades." But aren't you paying close to 200 USD a night? So those little extras you are definitely paying for.
  7. Good for you, you are staying in high end properties and as you say Agoda is not for you. Agoda is for me and those of us who are shopping around trying to get best value for our money. Additionally, with locally owned midrange to low priced properties (IMHO) a person gets more contact with local culture (for good or for bad). I perceive Le Meridian, Sheraton , Marriott as western bubbles wherever they are found. Also, I can't afford them LOL.
  8. Agoda is very reliable and maybe the least expensive way to book. Recently I went to the front desk at a hotel to extend my stay the price they quoted me was more expensive than Agoda. I mentioned that fact and was told to go ahead and book with Agoda as they could not match Agoda's price.
  9. "Power prices are rising and some countries are introducing road user charges for EVs. " Yes tax on gas/petrol/diesel has been a "use tax" in many places and this tax income was devoted to road maintenance. How to replace that with EVs?
  10. The cops and the press need to listen to the song "And then I got high" to get a picture of the typical effects of smoking weed. People are usually lethargic and non-aggressive after using weed in any form. (Edibles were being commonly used in my city before I left the USA, very strong doses).
  11. "What is wrong with you ? " You are not alone in asking that question. Almost all of what he posts is simply bragging and boasting in various contrived ways. He has found a place where he feels like a big fish in a small pond. He is so desperate to build himself up it's pathetic. He would be an object of pity if he wasn't so thoroughly, completely unlikeable.
  12. I like TGM, have good quality bacon and sandwich meat as well. Just for my enlightenment, what is this thing "budget" you speak of? Just kidding, actually I eliminated booze a few years ago and suddenly I had lots more money in my stack each month.
  13. Just an aside, but is thug racist? Doesn't it refer to a long ago (maybe forgotten) sect in India? Never thought of it as having any racial meaning.
  14. The things Trump suggests are what one might expect in a nation that had no tradition of democratic institutions. Not what you would expect in a nation that has had peaceful transitions of power since the Washington to Adams succession in 1797. What can a person possibly say about this guy and his followers? In spite of the fact that it was not politically wise, I think Secretary Clinton's remark about the contents of a basket was accurate.
  15. Asked a Thai 11 year old if people would blame all falangs for the 2 Swissies. The kid said, "No, those 2 people did those things, only they are to blame". So definitely not all Thais have been recruited for the anti-farang whatchamacallit.
  16. I talk to 2 taxi drivers every day, going to work and coming home. In the last few days since the Swiss kicking incident on driver was on a frenzied yak about the Swiss guy. But he didn't generalize about all farangs. He was the only one who brought it up, everyone else the usual "hot today chai mai?" or "you like Thai women" or "you're an American? New York or Los Angeles?"
  17. They are gray and they come in quarts? oh no, I got it backwards, it's not an adage it's a riddle. What's gray and comes in quarts? An elephant.
  18. I have finally badgered this Ricardo Cabeza that owes me money to begin repayment. Now he is saying he doesn't know how since he doesn't have a Thai bank account. Can he just go to an SCB branch with cash and my account number and make a deposit/\?
  19. BS always has a kernel of truth. OP had a beer last night. There's the kernel.
  20. Not all. Some are lower to middle management "errand boys and girls", not sitting in First Class, maybe not even Business Class. Not necessarily high rollers.
  21. Do you have a US address? Maybe you could use that and don't ask don't tell that you live in Thailand. If not, sorry to hear that.
  22. I use a Credit Union in the USA for most of my banking business. I t seems that banks outside the US and US Credit Unions are mutually a mystery to each other. I have found that I can't explain one to the other, they are in different worlds. I have a Charles Schwab Investor Checking account with ATM card that I have used for about 20 years in Thailand. ATM fees are credited each month, so no fees for ATM use. Never had any problem with ATM grabbing my card and never had the card refused by any bank. Once, maybe 15 years ago, had two fraudulent withdrawals in Thailand. Schwab credited right away and it never happened again. I am pretty sure you can still open an account online from anywhere. Verifying this will be left as an exercise for the student.
  23. "The study focused on the number of lounges in the passenger terminal, designer brand shops, luxury hotels in the area and the availability of champagne and caviar before boarding." Very narrow criteria. Not really a contradiction of the poor ranking previously made public which considered a broader set of factors. This rating is for the world of travellers unknown to the average AN user. (I know, not you Mr. Bigshot, but the average AN member). I mean we have a member that had never heard of caviar? I have never tasted it, but I have known of its disgusting existence since I was a child. I'm gonna go Google champagne now.
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