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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. I was thinking the same thing. "Give firearms to the police, that will solve everything! Just like in the USA."
  2. I think it is exactly the point, so many feel as follows: "My convenience is so much more important than the inconvenience I cause others."
  3. What can one expect for 430 THB? I don't think it was so misleading.
  4. Wow, that was my Xmas wish list when I was 12.
  5. Exactly... MYOB Mrs. Kravitz.
  6. "I think if push came to shove I'd prefer plant based over bug based..but ultimately prefer "real meat" from an animal." I agree. I can't even eat the bugs of the sea that so many love. But if I don't know and it tastes like meat, wEll I guess I won't know.
  7. Depends on battery type doesn't it? I think you are referring to substantially discharging a battery before recharging, My understanding is that is not necessary with all battery types.
  8. Kind of a yawner, in all places at all times bars and restaurants have an extremely high failure rate. Most fail in first year is my understanding.
  9. I generally tip delivery drivers 20 baht. I tip the parking lot attendants where I work 40 baht every time they get me a taxi. I sit outside work and they cross the parking lot to the street to get me the taxi. That is one of the best value for money expenditures I have as they are always eager to get me a taxi. At the end of the day I don't want to go down to the crossroads and try and flag a ride. (doo da da doo doo). Taxi drivers I give the change (less than 10 baht) which some are grateful for and some want to give me back. I tip the parking lot attendant at my condo 500 baht a month. The day guy only, the night guy is a surly bastard and I just ignore him. I could save a few baht by not tipping but I don't really need to.
  10. I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that. Can you say it again?
  11. yes, sample sizes are calculated per sampling theory and they often seem small to non geeks, like me as well.
  12. OK, so you are in the second group, "if you have never done anything mommy wouldn't approve of you won't really understand it."
  13. You are wrong, Hummin hit the nail on the head with "you can choose to be fair and square play the p4p, or pick girls for fun, convince them you are a good guy, and dump them whenever you feel for it! What is worse in your opinion morally ? " If you are some kind of prude you won't be able to admit it, or if you have never done anything mommy wouldn't approve of you won't really understand it. But he is right.
  14. I understand the urge. It's A-hole falangs that are the worst.
  15. Agreed. Not done in a spirit of fun but in a mean-spirited bullying way. Thai people having fun are OK, but some tourists and expats don't know how to do that.
  16. I book on Agoda frequently using MC credit card. Last time was last weekend. Not sure what the problem could be.
  17. Ahhh, the unicorn steak, one of my favorites, especially when garnished with gold flakes.
  18. The alternative that hasn't been mentioned is that you can send an authorized representative. Which is what I am doing. We will see how that works out.
  19. Thanks Dr. Jack, looks like I have a solution that will work, thanks for the info.
  20. My first 90 day report date is due on the 12th of April 2024. It is my understanding this had to be done in person so I didn't try to do online. I see now that Chaeng Wattana immigration office is closed on April 14th, 15th and 16th. If I go on 17th, 18th or 19th I will have to cancel work appointments and I would rather not do that. Does immigration make any exceptions for a time when the offices are closed? If I go late for report (I could easily go on April 22) I understand there will be a 2000THB fine, but is that just paid and done or are there other difficulties if I am late reporting? I would be grateful foraAny ideas or advice. Any advice requiring a Time Machine I would be grateful if you would keep to yourself. Thanks. a
  21. Why not live and let live? The OP isn't trying to start mass conversions to Church of England. When sharing your sophisticated non-religious convictions did you forget to mention you are a vegan as well? No one asked about your beliefs and no one cares what they are.
  22. I think the fines should be on a sliding scale based on how unattractive you are naked. I wouldn't dare go naked considering the shape I am in. But some people probably don't look that bad. I see some falang guys in Speedos that ought to be fined for causing people to wish to go blind.
  23. Apologizing in advance.... "oh yeah, well your ma is a cadmium slag!" Sorry, not to minimize the problem, just couldn't help it.
  24. I was thinking about Moby Grape as well. I didn't know what happened to them. They could rock.
  25. This kind of cheap Charlie could make everybody happier by buying his beer at 7-11 and drinking it sitting on the curb.
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