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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Imagine a guy who is a reality show personality, appears to be a very wealthy businessman, and has $50,000 hush money budget. Now imagine he decides to have a one night stand with a porn star, of all the porn stars in the world he chooses... ...Stormy Daniels? Hundreds of porn stars out there, Stormy was his choice? Raises a lot of questions about him.
  2. I'm guessing it's a setup for a GoFundMe. "I'm a pensioner who can't afford the musical fruit, please give what you can."
  3. "So you always have to drive at a speed where you can stop safely if someone suddenly pulls out of a side street directly into your path...?" No you don't have to. But if you want to live...
  4. It does sound like that rider enters traffic in a dangerous way. I often observe motorcycles accelerating in traffic to speeds that will make it impossible to stop if another driver or rider does something dangerous. That may have contributed to the collision as well.
  5. You would need to read to get it, so maybe no chance?
  6. I think nuclear power is not appropriate in Thailand because of Thai culture. You can't have a "mai been rai" attitude around the operation of a nuclear power plant.
  7. Urgently requesting a "yawn" emoji.
  8. And that's nice for them.
  9. I think George Carlin said he liked "the 3 little pigs" as his sacred story.
  10. Which you were too lazy to do, instead ragging pointlessly about someone who 5'2" as if she were a dwarf. Clearly Hollywood doesn't have a preference for short people as you claim. Dickweed, good one, you clearly have the playground comebacks down. Here is a little exercise for you dickweed "Question: The average height of American women is distributed normally, with a mean of 63.5 inches and a standard deviation of 2.5 inches. Approximately what percentage of American women are taller than 58.5 inches, but shorter than 68.5 inches? a) 50% b) 68% c) 84% d) 95%" from https://homework.study.com Oh, and I almost forgot, go forth and multiply with yourself. You can ask the person you get to help you with the average height problem to explain to you what that means, dickweed.
  11. "Why is Hollywood so fond of small people ?" Yeah like: Dwayne Johnson Jason Momoa Liam Neeson Ben Affleck Idris Elba Chris Hemsworth Hugh Jackman All over 6 feet tall Jennifer Lawrence Ilfenesh Hadera Nicole Kidman Gal Gadot Tilda Swinton Sigourney Weaver Famke Jansenn All over 5'9" I think Hollywood is fond of talented actors of whatever height. And Rachel Zegler is 5'2" so far from a midget.
  12. "I think Dalai Lama’s effort to eliminate the discrimination of nuns should also be mentioned here. " Absolutely, I don't know how this thread has gone this far without it coming up. Mention it, by all means mentions it.
  13. The Dunning-Kruger effect, combined with desire to show off, and an overinflated ego. A person who speaks Thai poorly is not in a position to judge how well he speaks Thai. Hence numerous people who learned Thai as adults have the mistaken belief that they speak perfectly. The probability that a person who learned a language as an adult has native level pronunciation approaches zero. People who use Thai for purposes of communication (I myself use a mixture of Thaiglish, hand gestures and facial expressions) don't get shunned for using Thai; if anyone does it is people who are trying to show off their (questionable) Thai proficiency. The OPs problem may be much simpler, "the guy who speaks Thai" may just be to identify him. His real problem may just be poor personal hygiene. As a rule of thumb for the OP, "by the time you smell yourself other people been smellin' you for 3 days".
  14. you sure she didn't say "farang pood Thai mai geng" ? Could be you were hurting her ears.
  15. "restraining a cop and wringing his weapon from him"
  16. I just hope he doesn't get the "white collar criminal" special treatment and gets the same treatment as another offender would get.
  17. So it sounds like a good result. What's the problem? You got your Australian dollars, drove no more than 50 extra meters, I don't see the problem.
  18. Bad timing for kicking a Thai woman. Precedent has been very recently set. She shouldn't expect leniency.
  19. "The video looks like the two disarmed the cop and waited for the police to arrive, they absolutely don't look like they were assaulting the cop." They disarmed the cop without assaulting him? Using hypnosis I'm gonna guess. Additionally, "disarmed the cop and waited for the police to arrive"; uhhmmm makes no sense.
  20. "He was referring to the high concentration of criminals associated with illegal immigrants." If I understand what you are trying to say (and I think you are really trying), I don't think that it is true.
  21. In places that relay on tourism there can be a minority of locals who resent the tourists. Not unusual for tourists to behave badly, a minority again but still exist. Also often resentment of tourists who are better off financially, basically envy. This is not exclusive to Thailand, I have seen it in the lake resort areas of Minnesota where some locals resent the tourists from Chicago and Minneapolis/St. Paul. They call them "City people", "summer people". It is true that they depend on the tourists' money, maybe that somehow makes them even more resentful.
  22. Looks like everybody is having fun. Does look a little bit staged; are their really that many waiters/dancers?
  23. Turns out those who said they were entitled jerks were right. The worst kind of rich <deleted>holes, Daddy made the money.
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