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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. My only hesitation with the DTV is if you use the digital nomad/remote worker category. Now they have an official admission you are working in Thailand. If they ever get rid of that visa and you start trying to come in as a tourist then they could give you a real hard time about it. Also, if you go to another country without a remote worker visa and they see that 180 day stamp in your passport, they could have lots of questions for you too.
  2. It's only better in theory in my experience. The one a lot of people mention is Wizz tv and their big selling point is that they have SE Asia based servers. In my experience there was still lots of buffering on those servers in Thailand. In fact, I would often get less buffering by switching to their UK based servers. Anyone who tells you Wizz or any other of these other grey area services never buffers is lying. They all buffer on occasion. Wizz even admitted they had a problem at one time. The following email that customers got from Wizz several months ago is how I know with 100% certainty that anyone claiming it has never buffered for them in Thailand, on their Asian servers, is lying.
  3. One candidate has a resume, the other has a rap sheet.
  4. Depends what kind of weed farm. It's the medical marijuana industry that is lobbying hard to get recreational shut down.
  5. Reminder that the convicted felon killed the bipartisan border bill just so he can pretend Dems aren't trying to do anything about it.
  6. I will tell you exactly what will happen. The military will eventually have to step in again. The country ran much better under them than any elected gov't anyways. Democracy just doesn't seem to work too well in some countries.
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/white-house-lawyers-who-advised-reagan-bush-endorse-harris-over-trump-2024-showdown
  8. Also, a lot of DTV holders will not know that they have to do 90 day reporting. So expect to see lots of stories about that in the coming months.
  9. Us Canadians are getting hosed as well. Not as bad as Kiwi's though.
  10. I mean, isn't this the whole reason they give out food stamps instead of cash. Presumably why they were considering a digital wallet as well. To prevent abuse? Why am I not surprised that the very first public idea Thoxin's spawn gives is dumb and half-baked. This has all the hallmarks of another disaster in the making just like the rice pledging scheme. Not nearly as much money involved (yet) but I am sure there will be many more scandals to come. I give it 6 months before the military needs to step back in.
  11. People carrying and handing out bags of untrackable cash, in Thailand. What could possibly go wrong. Rice-pledging scheme 2, electric boogaloo
  12. A pro-gun candidate protecting himself from bullets while addressing pro-gun voters.
  13. The wierdos living in their alternate reality. They lie as easily as normal people breathe.
  14. So he told you the same thing any other expat who has spent any amount of time in Thailand would have told you? What a hero!
  15. I still remember that time he selflessly saved me from a burning building. 😆
  16. All these low life scum being thrown in prison must be why there seems to be fewer troll posts on here lately.
  17. Whatever you say anonymous internet border expert who has probably never done it themselves. Of the hundreds of people in line when I did my bounces, every last one of them turned right around and came back. The same thing plays out day after day at Ban Pakkad, Aranyaprathet, and elsewhere.
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