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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. I don't see this info posted in that sub anywhere. Here is the latest I can find about it. Apparently the tourism ministry is coming out against it, which is no surprise. It sounds like the health and tourism ministries are fighting over the final requirements, and it's the PM who ultimately decides, so it's still up in the air. https://e.vnexpress.net/news/travel/tourism-ministry-rejects-health-ministry-s-entry-restriction-proposals-for-foreigners-4434447.html
  2. You may want to check the new new requirements for Vietnam. They just made it a whole lot more complicated because....why not. Now I think they want 72 hours quarantine and two PCR tests. I am not sure exactly. All I know is there are all kinds of new rules now and after I heard that they changed the antigen test to a PCR test on arrival it turned into a deal breaker for me and I stopped listening and scratched Vietnam off my list.
  3. Crypto moonboys are investors about as much as gamblers are.
  4. I am guessing it would need to be a supervised test for the reasons you gave, but I could be wrong. I think there are apps where they can monitor you doing the test remotely.
  5. Because this site used to be called ThaiVisa until very recently.
  6. As if expats constantly whining about all things Thailand wasn't enough, now TV is turning into a moonboy forum full of crypto pumpers. ????????
  7. Welcome to the moonboy thread where everyone already has their sportscar picked out when their sheitcoin takes off aaaaany day now. ????????‍♂️
  8. How do you find the time when so much of it is spent bragging on random forums. You can do that stuff from private yachts too btw. Have your personal IT department look into it for you. Maybe ask them to install a spell checker while they are at it. Also, turtles. That's the key!
  9. I am not talking about you. I am talking about people who manage to sound somewhat credible.
  10. It's curious why you always see these anonymous internet people bragging about how much money they are making on random forums when they could be sailing around the world on their private yacht fully stocked with supermodels.
  11. Bitcoin is like the Seinfeld of investing. It's value is based on nothing.
  12. So your argument for what not to do to get rich is to use Warren Buffett as an example? ????
  13. Today I shall mitigate my risk by putting it all on red, because that is what worked yesterday.
  14. ????‍♂️ He replied to a thread about it on another board and 'invited' the guy to come back. You are welcome to step away from your imaginary virtual world calling people liars and go into meat space to verify it yourself, or just contact them. https://www.facebook.com/English-Rose-bar-and-guest-house-609952952390363/
  15. I don't know of many gambler that don't think they have some sort of astrology methodology.
  16. I think he's the bar manager of that place. If that vlogger shows his face on that street again there are a lot of people who will want a piece of him. Thai and farang.
  17. They are probably getting close to their expiry date so it's either send them out or throw them away.
  18. They are removing some restrictions on flights but they are still not issuing tourist visas. They have not even begun to talk about what if any restrictions they will impose when they do start issuing tourist visas. Everyone seems to be following Thailand's lead to require travel insurance so I suspect they will do the same.
  19. Just get a visa agent to do it for you. No bank deposits required. I don't know how they get around it. All I know is that the end of it you have a legit 12 month extension. This is for OA. Not sure about O.
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