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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. I think he's the bar manager of that place. If that vlogger shows his face on that street again there are a lot of people who will want a piece of him. Thai and farang.
  2. They are probably getting close to their expiry date so it's either send them out or throw them away.
  3. They are removing some restrictions on flights but they are still not issuing tourist visas. They have not even begun to talk about what if any restrictions they will impose when they do start issuing tourist visas. Everyone seems to be following Thailand's lead to require travel insurance so I suspect they will do the same.
  4. Just get a visa agent to do it for you. No bank deposits required. I don't know how they get around it. All I know is that the end of it you have a legit 12 month extension. This is for OA. Not sure about O.
  5. No they have not changed the requirement. You still require a US SMS capable number to sign up and to verify (one time) on the app. US VoIP numbers (that anyone can get) that are SMS capable may also work but YMMV.
  6. Google Voice is free to make calls to US/Canada, but you need a US SIM card/number to sign up.
  7. All anyone needs to do is go to the website and search and see for themselves. I believe those old posts are still there. https://www.stickmanbangkok.com/?s=hiv https://www.stickmanbangkok.com/?s=std I believe you have to go back to before 2010 to see the transformation. I think he left around 2011 but I stopped reading before that so I don't know. Looks like he kept posting from NZ or wherever even though he didn't live in Thailand anymore.
  8. If I ran into Stick I would gladly tell him to his face what an idiot he was is trying to claim all Pattaya bargirls have HIV.
  9. They will also try claim that it's some giant conspiracy that all gov'ts all over the world are in on.
  10. T&G v2 electric boogaloo feels more like a cash grab to me. Not so much about the science.
  11. Thailand can go pound sand. I was ready to book and then they cancelled T&G v1, which I was already on the fence about. T&G v2 electric boogaloo is a non-starter for me. I would rather just stay at home or go somewhere else than subject myself to that.
  12. One PCR test before departure and that's it. The way it should be. Making tourists test 3 times is just silly.
  13. Is this that same "innocent victim" that claimed he was attacked by some random Thai guys on beach road a couple weeks ago unprovoked?
  14. Ah yes the tired old power plant argument. Polluting at the power plant is far more efficient, so it creates far less pollution than individual vehicles polluting. As things gradually transition to clean generation then it gets much better. Batteries can be reused for other things and then recycled. Please provide proof of your "totally toxic" claim?
  15. The farmed salmon is just fine. I get it at Big C extra at least once a week and have them to barbecue it for me. If you can't trust that then you may as well not trust fish & chips or chicken or pork or anything else and just eat canned food.
  16. That must be the covid rate. They used to charge around 15k for a standard room I think. It should be pointed out that any additional charges really add up at that place. Like their high electricity charge. It will probably add at least another 4k to that for a month stay with minimal aircon use. Based on the rates they were charging pre-covid and considering how old and worn and musty smelling the rooms are, there is better value to be found. For 4k with minimal aircon use it's ok value though.
  17. Yes, the part where the hospitals bend you over and give it to you good and hard after you test positive.
  18. I don't know why anyone even bothers to report cases anymore. It's meaningless for all sorts of reasons. The only thing that matters is hospitalizations. We usually don't hear nearly as much about that. I wasn't able to find that info for Thailand but the death rate is way down.
  19. I don't know what is more hilarious with some of the comments here. That some think it's only speculation that her age and health status might have had something to with it, or that the antivaxxers are trying to jump on this as proof the vaccines don't work. ????
  20. Oh puulease. Thailand is way safer than most other countries. If anything, the farangs cause more problems than the Thais. Pattaya doesn't exactly attract the best farangs after all.
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