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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. If you like that mugshot you will love this one of Fulton Country Inmate # PO1135809.
  2. The convicted felon's head is exploding...again. https://www.nj.com/news/2024/08/trumps-craziest-post-ever-sounds-alarm-will-his-family-get-him-help-or-just-cash-his-checks.html
  3. They look like what I imagine a lot of the trolls on here look like.
  4. It's all on their website. Easy to find and explained in a way that a 5yo can understand. Asking on there is the worst place you can possible get correct info. This site is overrun by trolls and troll farms that just want to generate misinformation and chaos.
  5. I want the convicted felon to live to be humiliated again, whine incessantly how the election was stolen again like the sore loser and narcissist he is, face more justice for the pending court cases, and eventually die in prison a broken old man like he deserves.
  6. What was the other setting?
  7. I have an Amazon 4k firestick. That is NOT where the bottleneck is. People who don't see any buffering must watch the UK sports channels, which seem to work better. I am only interested in movie channels and experienced lots of buffering. The UK movie channels worked much better than the US movie channels though.
  8. I call directly from GV all the time. There is a call setting in the GV app that defaults to use your mobile carrier to make calls. Just change that to use WiFi and mobile data instead. Settings > Calls > Make and receive calls > Select "Prefer Wi-Fi and mobile data"
  9. I believe the eVisa site requires you to attach your plane ticket, so nobody is going to be applying too far in advance of travel anyway.
  10. I already answered that. If you still can't connect the dots I don't know what to tell you.
  11. Go read the official docs if you are still confused. It's been explained hundreds of times already. The comment you quoted is from 3 months ago before anyone knew what the actual rules would be, so ignore that old info because it's wrong.
  12. That should tell you all you need to know. Draw your own conclusions why this garbage account hasn't been banned yet.
  13. And good ole boys wearing wife beaters and driving pickups.
  14. Five days before Donald Trump became president in January 2017, a manager at a bank branch in Cairo received an unusual letter from an organization linked to the Egyptian intelligence service. It asked the bank to “kindly withdraw” nearly $10 million from the organization’s account — all in cash. Political appointees (Bill Barr) rejected efforts to search for additional evidence investigators believed might provide answers, then closed the case. "US gov't investigators saw hallmarks of an international money-laundering operation in the way funds moved into and through...accounts ahead of [the] cash withdrawal, indications of a potential crime that may or may not have been related to an effort to help Trump" This WaPo link is largely paywalled but the youtube video interviews one of the reporters and quotes the article. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/08/02/trump-campaign-egypt-investigation/
  15. I thought I just said that. In other words you are charged the same. The WiFi calling is not free, it's part of your unlimited talk&text. The thing you seem to be getting confused about is the WiFi part. It's free in the same way as anything else you do on the internet is 'free'. It's the internet....soooo yea it's 'free', technically. That has nothing to do with the talk&text part. That still goes through At&t and it is metered the same as any other call through their cell towers, based on whatever plan you have.
  16. The convicted felon is all talk and no action.
  17. If your plan includes unlimited talk&text then it will be the same on WiFi calling. In other words, you will be charged the same.
  18. It's good for 5 years. That is your deadline for first and last entry. 60 months = 5 years
  19. Standard tip is 10-20 baht, but not expected. Doesn't matter how big the bill is. Using percentages is a western thing. Lots of Russians and Europeans don't tip anything. If waitresses expect tips I won't go there. That only seems to happen at western-managed places trying to import tipping cancer culture into Thailand and probably underpaying their staff. Tipping 100b no matter how small the bill makes no sense. Especially if the bill is only a couple hundred baht.
  20. Buakhao is a gong show. One way should have happened years ago. Still waiting.
  21. The whole of Pattaya is already grinding to a halt. They have to do something because it will only get worse. They already made beach road and 2nd road (and probably buakao soon) one way so some kind of mass transportation is the next step.
  22. You think an institution, that knows it's filled with gay pedophiles, while preaching morality, is not wierd?
  23. For proported chest pain, hypertension, and low blood oxygen. Everyone knows that neck braces (and don't forget the arm cast) are what you use for that.
  24. Before you know it, there will be ladyboys competing against men in Muay Thai.
  25. I had planned to try that place a few times but every time I walk by (Pattaya & Jomtien) and see the sad sacks sitting there I always change my mind.
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