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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. Unless people plan to stop breathing there is about a 0% chance anyone can avoid catching it.
  2. That's the official name of the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine, so now you know.
  3. So here is what I have learned from the plethora of virologists who apparently frequent this website. Covid is not at all like influenza but definitely just like polio. ????‍♂️
  4. Yea, I was disappointed to see Thailand not on the list. Does that exclude them from importing it from India or elsewhere though?
  5. I guess it's a good thing they are not the ones on here day in and day out complaining about it
  6. Sounds like a lots of 'coffee' drinkers around Pattaya too, but don't tell the serial complainers here circle jerking with each other saying that it's literally end times or something.
  7. Yes of course you can get good international cuisine, for a price. English is widely spoken. People who don't are not dealing with foreigners on a daily basis anyways.
  8. The PI has two major advantages over countries like Thailand and Vietnam. It's easy and painless to live there on a retirement visa and english is widely spoken. The food thing is manageable. There is plenty of fresh food in the markets if you like to cook yourself or get someone to do it for you. If you like to eat out a lot it's not so great as most of it is mediocre and kind of expensive. Some of the barbecue and carinderia places are good and cheap though.
  9. So your 15 year old website has not had any security updates and was compromised. Shocking.
  10. I'm no international law expert but common sense tells me there could be severe penalties if you are caught forging travel documents, including being blacklisted from the country. Congratulations on getting away with it...so far.
  11. TIL that having a healthy liver is for snobs!
  12. What about them? Those are not the people on here all the time looking for any excuse to constantly complain about everything.
  13. Based on the amount the doomers and drama queens around here are chewing on this new squeaky toy it certainly sounds that way.
  14. I see the drunks have a new squeaky toy to chew on. People without a drinking problem certainly would not be upset they can't drink in bars/restaurants from 2-5. If you don't think you can make it that long before the shakes start you can always have some sangsom stashed away. Maybe get one of those pocket flasks to keep you going during those 3 long hours in the afternoon.
  15. Cambodia appears like it might be hassle free in principle. Will have to wait and see if it's true in reality when more details come out.
  16. Just attach a note saying you are travelling as a tourist and do not have a sponsor. You don't need one for a tourist visa but they did not separate out the questions for each visa type.
  17. China and Eva Air do not appear to be flying till March based on my search for flights to BKK. I believe it is because Taipei is closed to international transit passengers.
  18. I could be wrong but I think one of the reasons airlines are anal about this is because they could be responsible for flying you back if you are denied entry to Thailand because of something they didn't check such as a valid visa and/or onward ticket etc., as unlikely as it may be.
  19. Why risk it? I always make sure to have a hard copy of everything. Often more than one.
  20. Nobody will be flying anywhere on EVA till at least March as far as I can tell.
  21. I forgot about medical insurance. That comes before Thai Pass I guess.
  22. Are there any statistics anywhere? I know that commuter cars are by far the worst PM2.5 polluters but I don't know what the actual figure is.
  23. They might even need to (GASP) go into a 7/11 and buy some of that rice whiskey when the shakes get too bad.
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