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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. I took all my desktops to the computer recycler. They were still quite capable so hopefully someone in Africa is making good use of them. Laptops today are quite a bit more powerful than desktops of only a few years ago, and use a lot less power. There is no price advantage anymore. Dual screens and the lack of a high speed USB-C interface were the only thing that held me back from using a laptop as my home computer before. It's no big deal now. Almost all computer screens have HDMI and all laptops have HDMI + USB-C. I just use a $20 USB-C to HDMI converter for the 2nd screen. I use my newest laptop at home as my desktop, and an older one for travelling as well as a 3rd laptop as a backup. That 3rd laptop is over 10 years old but still works perfectly. It will be the next to go to the recycler when I buy my 4th laptop.
  2. It was. Remember the convicted felon dog-whistling "where's the birth certificate" nonstop, with his mob of other losers dutifully following along? Now he's saying he wants to lock everyone up including Obama, because it's always projection and deflection with these losers. They need to clog up the media news cycle so that there are less negative stories about him. The media falls for it every single time. Steven Bannon, former political strategist to the world's biggest loser and now a convicted criminal himself, called it "flooding the zone with s**t".
  3. It's entertaining to watch the same people who have been yelling "lock her up" for years running for their fainting couches now that their hero is a convicted felon.
  4. None of the whiners are going anywhere. They just like to huff and puff (and whine) about everything. They have nowhere else go because if they did they would have left a long time ago. I remember many years ago everyone was saying they were going to Cambodia because Thailand was getting too expensive and visa hassles blah blah. Same old same old. I would say less than 1% actually did and of those, probably 99% moved back.
  5. The convicted felon has given losers everywhere someone to look up to.
  6. People still use desktops? I've always built my own desktops. I don't even bother anymore and buy laptops now. Even if you are a gamer I think you can get some pretty powerful graphics in laptops now. I don't care about games myself. A standard laptop does everything I need. I was even able to add a 2TB NvME card as a second storage device. With a USB-C/Thunderbolt port I can connect just about anything to it. I can even power the laptop from that port.
  7. He also appears to have magical healing powers. One day he was sick and needed to be released from prison on medical grounds, and then he miraculously got well almost over night. He also appears to be able to shape shift his ailments. Initially admitted to the prison hospital for chest tightness and high blood pressure, then shown after release with a neck brace and arm sling, both of which he no longer needed days later.
  8. So you look up to losers who are also convicted felons? Do you have a poster of him hanging on your bedroom wall.
  9. That won't stop the hair on fire crowd around there from doing what they do best, which is whine about everything.
  10. No amount of lying and whining can stop a grand jury and 12 jurors from making the worlds biggest loser the worlds biggest convicted felon loser. Such delicious wingnut tears.
  11. It's an admission by the convicted felon that he's a loser.
  12. But then they won't have anything to come on here and whine about. A lot of them seem to live for that.
  13. I want my 7:05 back. He didn't say anything that wasn't already known or assumed. He just read the same thing we all read. No new info there.
  14. Thai's have a huge problem with gambling addiction, so let's legalize gambling. Oh but Marijuana bad, let's make that illegal again.
  15. With a reciprocal tax treaty this would be a nothingburger for expats if it ever happened, which is far from certain.
  16. The convicted felon is such a snowflake.
  17. Alternate headline: 9 in 10 Republicans want a convicted felon for president.
  18. There The wingnuts were yelling "lock her up" for years over imaginary crimes in their alternate reality. Now, suddenly, they are like oh no you can't be doing that when our guy is a convicted felon for real. The convicted felon is now pretending he never even said that. 🤡 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-denies-saying-lock-her-up-clinton-1235031145/
  19. The convicted felon finally won the popular vote, by all 12 jurors.
  20. Half of Americans Believe Convicted Felon Trump Verdict Correct, Call for End to Campaign: Poll ftfy
  21. The convicted felon was never interested in doing the actual job. He just liked the idea of acting like a tinpot dictator and trying to profit as much as he could from it.
  22. They both use the exact same 160 engine as far as I know.
  23. Just go to Bangkok International Dental Center (BIDC) as others have recommended. Another one close to Nana and Ploenchit Skytrain is Bangkok International Dental Hospital (BIDH).
  24. No no see convicted felon and world class loser Trump is innocent of all 34 counts...because reasons. Just ask him. Why would he lie? Hunter Biden on the other hand is a WAY bigger deal. I mean, he has the same last name as the president and everything. Also, something something deep state, Soros, Hillary.
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