If medical industry includes hospitals, then yes. For the dying there is not much money to be made out of pharmaceuticals. There is in all sorts of testing etc.
For sports and muscles there is an effect, but there is no proven effect on brain function in spite of a lot of research that you can find on serious websites. Any personal reports are to be seen as N=1, meaning you don't know what would have happened without the product.
Because I think he is talking about expats who come here to live off a pension. For them indeed you get better value for money than in many western countries.
Laughing gas is not listed as a drug as such although it has psychotropic properties. It is used by restaurants as a pressure gas for applying cream, as in bakery. So it is commercially available. In the Netherlands this was the reason to ban the large containers. As a result the streets there are littered with the small metal capsules which you can also buy here on Lazada (219 baht for 10). Khaosan road appears to be a major hub for this gas.
I am involved with a 25 year old young man who had been inhaling laughing gas in a bar on Khaosan road. He has now been in coma on ICU for almost a week. Unclear if there will be residual brain damage after he wakes up. Nothing to laugh about.
The economic and military genius Donald Trumpski is siding with long-lasting shrewd ruthless cunning autocrats with a clear strategy. They will have him for breakfast.