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Dirk Z

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Everything posted by Dirk Z

  1. Income of brain surgeons is overrated here.
  2. Please let all the smug non-vaxers realize that they got away with it thanks to all the others with more brain, more common sense and more feeling of responsibility to get the vaccination and provide for herd immunity and reduce the chances for the virus to spread. If no one had been vaccinated there would have been an immense world wide disaster.
  3. Free. And now only Pfizer.
  4. Yes, and no need to make a reservation. I was there two weeks ago around lunch time and my wife yesterday. I had the reservation but no one looked at it. A long row of empty chairs, sit down and before you know you have the jab. Just fill out a permission form beforehand. Wait 30 minutes after, get your certificate and you're done. Highly recommended, grab your chance. As far as I know just this month, but then again it has been extended before.
  5. It can be after 4 months but certainly be serious about it at six.
  6. I have no idea what you are talking about and also don't know what an STD clinic is.
  7. On the streets in Bangkok most non-Thais don't wear masks, like me. Thais are obsessed with them. Explain to me the science behind sitting in a restaurant, eating, talking ad drinking without a mask and then going out on the street after putting a mask on. And there is more nonsense around. Of course any authoritarian government has an interest in keeping its citizens scared. Prolongation of the emergency situation for instance. And I would not be surprised if many officials have shares in companies that produce face masks. I don't see them disappearing soon, like in the rest of the world. And of course on a motorbike they offer better protection than an uncomfortable helmet.
  8. Completely agree. It's hard to understand how people can deny this.
  9. You may have noted that I did not refer to a specific image and just mentioned that "in some cases" the work was not very professional. Go to a bar and you may see what I mean.
  10. Personally I don't think tatts make anyone look better, on the contrary in some cases it looks like the work of a schoolkid. But everyone is free to choose the risks in life. Joining traffic in Thailand and smoking are by far riskier than having some ink under your skin.
  11. There is no such thing as strong or weak antibiotic. Just appropriate as has already been commented. Don't take any advice from any of the "experts" here, however well meant. Infections can be very different, i.e. have a different cause. Only a culture and assessment can help to choose the right antibiotic. There are wide-spectrum antibiotics that are effective against many microorganisms, but there is the risk of creating resistance. Antibiotics are grossly misused in this part of the world anyway, so seek the advice of a prudent doctor who can explain why you should have antibiotics and which kind. And they don't work against for instance a fungus. Says this MD. And by the way, this kind of topic should be removed, some advice is just dangerous.
  12. You say you are not a doctor but yet give a specific medical advice. How does that work?
  13. If you have a bank without bank books, like me (Citibank), withdraw an amount from the ATM on the day of the visa application and keep the printed slip with the balance. Attach it to the bank papers and it has always been accepted.
  14. I thought a shotgun wedding was something else....
  15. Quite some years ago (I don't remember how many but at least more than 5-6 or so) I arrived at the airport and found out that a seat-belt rule had been introduced. The taxi driver was adamant about me wearing the belt in the back seat. This lasted a few days and then it was business as usual. Looks like they are reviving an existing law?
  16. The value of these health checks are greatly overrated. If you are in your 30-s and have no health complaints it is not going to get you anywhere, provided you have a healthy life style. Everybody knows what that is these days, or should know. Sometimes a minor flaw is found leading to unnecessary extra investigations, having its own risks etc. This is my honest opinion as an MD.
  17. Weird to hear this in a country where many indoor places are too cold to be comfortable and you need to bring a sweater or jacket.
  18. I have been extremely satisfied for over 15 years with Pornsak clinic Sukhumvit soi 39.
  19. In many - mainly European - countries cars will stop even when you are just approaching the crossing. No police about. It is a matter of education and decency. Thais are normally polite and modest, but unfortunately turn into selfish savages when driving a vehicle. Camera's would help for those crossings that have lights. But only if they have consequences....
  20. As a recommendation I started to use it. I bought them in Holland, home brand, 300 tablets of 25 micrograms for 4,39 euro (163 baht). Second bottle half price.
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