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Dirk Z

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Everything posted by Dirk Z

  1. I totally agree with the OP. Vaping is the new plague. After having gotten rid of second hand smoke we now have to fight a (uphill I am afraid) battle against these vapes. And yes, vaping inside is totally anti-social and inconsiderate.
  2. The rules about where you may or may not smoke are impossible to enforce. There are streets where you can smoke on one side but not on the other because of the vicinity rules. I can imagine that police have better things to do than walk around with a measuring tape. Also non-Germans cannot join these cannabis clubs, which is in violation of EU agreements. Good luck with this new law.
  3. It seems like a lot of impressions are very biased. I have been to Russia quite a bit, can speak the language and have met many of them. My impression has always been of friendly, hospitable and warm-hearted people with a big interest in their rich culture of art, literature and music. They do have a harsh history, but many have ways of coping. I think the Russians who we meet in tourist areas are a different breed. The same goes for other nationalities.
  4. I think I did too, so that's why I just went online. And got rejected. It seems the rule is not applied consistently (no surprise!) but the officer at CW was very clear about it when I asked why I had to come in person.
  5. This is exactly what happened to me. It seems to be a general rule, I even found it on the internet somewhere.
  6. It happened to me twice: 1. I entered Thailand from Europe again. 2. I got a new passport.
  7. Turning off A/C for an hour saves a lot more energy than switching off the lights even for many hours.
  8. Agree on all qualifications, but you forgot loud, too loud, unnecessary loud.
  9. There is the official K-ETA website from the government, that I was referring to, but a search will also lead you to official looking sites, which they are not. So beware. This seems to be the official website: https://www.k-eta.go.kr/portal/apply/index.do
  10. I thought anything would be better than a narcissistic sociopath for president, but with the choice available I begin to doubt...
  11. I have never felt unsafe in Thailand when walking the streets. Excepts when I run into 10 street dogs at a crossing. They are unpredictable. A friend (older lady) was bitten without any obvious reason in the forearm. Had to spend time in hospital and can still not use the hand normally. I was bitten twice as a kid by a dog "who would never harm anyone". Do I like dogs? Yes, especially grilled or deep fried.
  12. I never told Immigration I was married. Presumed it would save a lot of documents and extra proof. I know the money is half of 800.000 but luckily I don't care about that.
  13. My bank does not have the book. I got the letter a day before, on the day itself I drew a small amount from an ATM machine and attached the slip with the balance and the withdrawal to the statement. It was always accepted.
  14. I returned from Europe and my online 90 days was rejected. They told me at Immigration that after returning to Thailand from outside you have to come in person. As is the case with a new passport, as pointed out above. The science behind all this eludes me.
  15. You may have missed the irony in my post. But even though it is often just an exchange of ideas and experiences there are certainly posts that strongly suggest a certain course to be taken, and that was what I was referring to.
  16. Dizziness is one of the least specific complaints. It can mean anything or nothing. If it persists and you worry, go see a doctor and avoid the experts here.
  17. In a previous post I said: "I have a record of only 121 patients treated for hydrocephalus over a period of 30 years and this includes all forms." I omitted : patients over 65 years of age. The many other CSF operations are children or younger patients where it is unlikely that they had NPH. Even those over 65 are not allNPH patients, but my database records treatment and not diagnosis.
  18. Sorry to have to correct you. NPH is not common at all, ventriculomegaly is, but it is not the same and not treatable as opposed to NPH that can have good results after shunting. The triad of symptoms for NPH are cognitive deterioration, gait disturbance and incontinence. On the MRI large ventricles with hyperdense lining. Tremor and Parkinson symptoms are not part of the NPH complex.
  19. Please allow me to clarify some issues about hydrocephalus. In the brain there are four spaces filled with cerebral spinal fluid, the brainwater. We call these the ventricles. In the course of life we all lose brain matter. In some this is more than in others. The space lost by the brain tissue is filled with the cerebral spinal fluid. So the ventricles become larger. They can also become larger when the outflow of the cerebral spinal fluid is obstructed. If this is complete, for instance by a tumour, it leads to serious symptoms that need emergency treatment. If it proceeds slowly then the symptoms will be more gradual. This can be the case in the so-called non-resorptive hydrocephalus where there circulation of the cerebral spinal fluid is disturbed because the fluid is not taken back by the circulation system. This causes the syndrome of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). Unlike Sheryl says in her comment this is not a common condition. I have a record of only 121 patients treated for hydrocephalus over a period of 30 years and this includes all forms. Only a part of these were probably normal pressure hydrocephalus. The diagnosis is not always easy to make. There are symptoms that point in the direction like cognitive deterioration, problems when walking or incontinence with an enlarged ventricle system on the MRI. But even that is no proof and does not guarantee a good result of a treatment which consists of a diversion of the cerebral spinal fluid to the heart or the abdominal cavity. There are some additional tests but none of them is 100% conclusive. The MRI can show some typical signs but even then no guarantee for correct diagnosis.
  20. A radiographer (technician) makes the images and the radiologist asseses them.
  21. Easily done online with quick response. Cost about 280 baht.
  22. Still a medication....
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