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Posts posted by jetzie

  1. I've been doing visa runs on the maesai-tachilek borders , never got asked for an onward ticket before.

    However when i am going Bangkok from Singapore (hometown), i was asked by the ticketing office to show them a return ticket, which i don't have.. so i just told them i had one but it's an e-ticket and the ref/booking number is in my email.

    they are cool with that although they told me it's better to have it printed out, what's next? hello bangkok! haha

  2. No wonder -- the founder of Ryanair owns 16% of Tiger.

    According to Wikipedia:

    "In October 2006, Ryanair was voted the world's most disliked airline in a survey by the TripAdvisor website, and in November 2006, it was revealed as the subject of more complaints than any other airline in the EU.[5] The BBC reported that 56% of respondents said Ryanair caused "the biggest headaches" for air travellers in a poll taken in 2003. [6] 60% of all complaints to Ireland's Commission for Aviation Regulation were about Ryanair. [7] On 22 August 2007 the UK's Advertising Standards Authority upheld a complaint that Ryanair had misled the public in an advert comparing its service from London Stansted to Brussels (in fact to Charleroi) with that of Eurostar".

    surprising how 16% can make up eh :o

  3. @ fennilynn:

    haha next time book a swissair flight when you're planning to bring a hugeass luggage :D

    @ jeffer:

    I dont think u see it in the same perspective as some of us here, fennilynn is not complaining that she is at fault when the staff retorted to her to off her mobile. Yes, she IS at fault when she forgot to off her mobile but, hey! there are serveral ways to remind a CUSTOMER, 1 way is to snap at thier face, another would be to smile and remind that she has to switch her mobile PLEASE (i do remmeber singapore having endless campaigns about courtesy since 1983, well i guess the staff must be born before that )

    Unless l've travelled business class l cannot remember the last time l was shown to my seat on any airline. Is it so hard to find your seat without assistance? The seats are numbered last time l looked ... even on Tiger

    i think i remembered being ushered my seat right from the boarding step to my seat by this "stewardess" everytime on a COACH (not VIP class, just Class1) when i travel enroute to other parts of thailand. a bus provides that simple customer sevrice, why can't an airline? no matter how small it might be, the presence of a smile or the absense really makes a difference on how ur day continues.

    as a customer yourself im sure u think that way too unless you're ok with being retorted at.

    Oh well, i forgot, we're paying for what we get, so yeah, move on :o

  4. I agree that No. 1 is Jetstar , No. 2 Air Asia, and No. 3 Tiger.

    Tiger is typical Singaporean...out to outsmart you.

    1. Tiger is the only one of the three budget carriers which still does not include the Baht 700 BKK Airport departure tax in the price of your e-ticket and remains silent about it. This is to outwit the unwary customer who thinks he/she has a good deal (when comparing prices) only to learn at check-in that the Baht 700 BKK departure tax is extra. I have seen many fuming-mad passengers at check-in.

    actually, it's already included. Although for a moment in the eariler times it wasn't.

    My flight BKK-SIN via tigerair last week had the 700thb included.

    Nevertheless, although cheap and budget, they should still enforce some QC guidelines on the attitude and training of the staffs.

    The poise of some of the stewardess, and the way they bring themselves, make them look more like ticketers at the bus interchange rather den a airline crew.

  5. You should be able to open a savings account at any bank without a work permit by showing a lease.
    If you recently opened a bankaccount in Bangkok without the need of a workpermit, can you please let me know what bank and the branch.

    I have a friend who has failed in all the branches he has been to and I have talked to the office where I have been doing all my business transactions for the last 3 years if they could help, but they said "no workeprmit, no account"




    Lease from thai apartment ? i got a 6 month contract with them, will showing them the bill/contract do?

  6. Tiger , I would rank it 3rd among the 3 budget airlines: Airasia 1st, Jetstar 2nd and last tiger.


    Airasia stewardess are polite and extremely joyful, they dress well and are nicely poised. Jetstar staffs are polite, although looks amatuear. Tiger staffs are horrendous, in terms of dresses (might be the uniform) and there has been multiple reports of rudeness by tigerair staff (from the straits times newspaper in Singapore)

    2 accounts has been posted on the forum section of the straits times about the bad behaviour of Tiger Airways staffs.

    1) One occasion when the chinese speaking passenger seemed losted on sitting arrangements, spoke in mandrian to 1 of the stewardess. In digust, the stewardess replied to her in ENGLISH "CHINESE SPEAKING PLEASE MOVE TO THE BACK"

    2) Outside food are not allowed on budget flights, but i do understand that some passengers still bring regardless. I have seen some bought chips up, in jetstar, but normally the staff just keeps qiuet and turns a blind eye to it.

    However on this account on TIGER airways, a passenger bought a bun up the flight and took it out to consume. the stewardess not only didnt politely remind the passenger that outside food is not allowed to be consumed, she snatched the bun from the passenger and hurled it into the white plastic trashbag she was holding.

    Being a budget airline, it seems that the training and QC of the staffs of tiger are being budgetted too.

    Also the tiger staffs stutters terribly over the PA system, maybe a new recruit or something.

    Give me thai airasia anytime!

  7. Just go talk to Muhammad at NJ and he'll tell you what you need to do.

    There are some real ratholes on Chulia st. so be sure to look things over before paying.

    I found Penang to be a very easy place to get around and spend a few days and NJ made the visa process painless! Good luck!

    Thanks alot ngangu.

    What are the cost roughly for giving NJ and others? haven't been to Msia in ages , dont wish to be overpaying or "ripped off"

  8. so i suppose its recommanded that i stay in Chulia Street. From chulia street to the thai consulate, it's via cab right?

    Im not sure how different is a EDvisa collection different from a B or O, since it's just collection because application would have to be approved and the school inform me to go penang to collect it ?

    it's just to go down to the thai consulate, give them my passport tt has the tourist visa and collect it the next day with the TV replaced with a ED right?

    Please clear my doubts . Appreciated.

    Any website for City Island Resort? cant find online

  9. Sorry guys, i did a search and i found myself more confused den ever, im currently awiating for the neccessary papers to be process for my GF where den we will be heading to Penang's Thai consulate to collect her ED visa.

    However, i am totally unsure about locations and navigations around penang, i noticed words like Penang, georgetown and chulia street etc

    can some kind soul here please help me around here, like how do i get to the thai consulate and some recommandations for hotels? i heard there are some hotels that provide agents to do the work for you?

    We arent big spenders and my gf doesnt want to spend alot on hotels, maybe a decent one will do, hopefully below 1000thb/day.

    Would be glad if there could be a compiled guide around here so as to ease stupid TVforumers like me..

    roughly navigational help like address and road names would be appreciated... I would really HATE to get lost in Msia


  10. With sincere concerns over the education visa and the current Myanmar problems, i think i need to bring this out.

    My girlfriend is a Burmese national currently taking classes with Callen school, very nice people there.

    She arrived from Yangon on 8th Sept, just before the situation got too serious.

    I was told by my girlfriend that she has to go back to yangon to collect her ED visa if that is successful, and there hasnt been any unsuccessful application so far.

    However, i have been reading the papers and seeing quite some serious problems with yangon and her people recently, i wonder how will that affect my girlfriend's application.

    I am worried for her safety if she returns to yangon to collect.

    Is it only yangon that she can go or is there another consulate where she can visit to collect her visa?

    and i'm kindda worried that with the riots and rubbish going on in Myanmar right now, will the ED visa even be approved?

  11. With sincere concerns over the education visa and the current Myanmar problems, i think i need to bring this out.

    My girlfriend is a Burmese national currently taking classes with Callen school, very nice people there.

    I was told by my girlfriend that she has to go back to yangon to collect her ED visa if that is successful, and there hasnt been any unsuccessful application so far.

    However, i have been reading the papers and seeing quite some serious problems with yangon and her people recently, i wonder how will that affect my girlfriend's application.

    I am worried for her safety if she returns to yangon to collect.

    Is it only yangon that she can go or is there another consulate where she can visit to collect her visa?

    and i'm kindda worried that with the riots and rubbish going on in Myanmar right now, will the ED visa even be approved?

  12. no, however don't keep you TV on a standby - it's OK to keep it on a standby for short periods of few minutes, but longer than 30 minutes I would just switch it off compelety.

    some white appliences might be leaking electricity to the ground while being switched on, like happens with the older fridges with the metal casing

    no i mean totally offed as in pressing the power switch off. not from remote controller.

  13. even shops selling orginal films stock only the US movies, seldom those thai movies which we see in cinemas. once u miss it, you prolly wont get a chance to see it again.

    VCDs have em, but VCDs aint got subtitles!

  14. I'm placing my input on this thread here because I am in awe of your written English, it is better than most of the "white" posters on this forum. My take on the OP's problem is this: The reason that most schools hire white/caucasian teachers of English is because that is what the parents of the students want to see standing at the front of the classroom. For some reason, they are unable to accept that a non caucasian is more than capable of providing first class English language instruction to their little darlings. As far as recruitment companies go, one must recognise the fact that Singapore along with the Phillippines is considered a country that requires teachers of English as a second language, whereas Thailand is a country that requires teachers of English as a foreign language.

    I hope you are able to get over the rage Fennielyn, if not you could always change boyfriends, or drink more whisky, or both!

    Yeah, i suppose so, it's more of an acceptance by the locals rather than the actual meaning of "native speakers"

  15. guys, i am thinking of buying a Iphone from america, and den having it unlocked here in thailand,. is it possible?

    i saw them in MBK but it's really too expensive for me. a friend is visiting next month i was thinking of asking him to perchase 1 from USA and bringing ti over for me. possible? thanks

  16. Hi guys, i have been walking the streets looking for thai movies realeased but all those stalls selling DVDs are more often selling US moveis and korean dramas . wasnt able to find any of the thai movies around, know of any places??

    not really interested in buying orginals though :o

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