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Posts posted by jetzie

  1. Absolutely. This is the best page I've found:

    click here

    I use Mobile Clear. You may want to try Mobile Seconds. It's the best deal because there are no hidden fees. I've been using it for months and have only used about 9 bucks out of 20 because you can talk forever and there are no hidden fees. Other cards had fees like 49 cents charged every 2 weeks so it got eat pretty quick by stupid fees. These cards have none of that. I was estatic when I saw those cards on that page. Try it out. You'll notice the one on the right has a weekly fee and 3 minute rounding on your call minutes so I wouldn't suggest that at all even though it's 2 cents/minute. That high fee will eat up a lot of your money for no good reason.

    thanks alot!

    once again, is there any card u recommand where i can buy from a convienience store like 7-11????

  2. Hi guys, i am on a trip to the USA for 3 months, and i cant find anywhere to buy a international calling card to call my girlfirned ffrom thailand.

    i am now in Escandido, san diego, anyone can recommand a good international calling card to call thailand and where to buy it??


  3. There is another school for thai lang in bangkok, that can help you get long term ed visas. www.smitlanguage.ac.th. They have helped several Burmese people I know get visas. Quite helpfull and knowledgeable, but costs around 20,000 baht.

    thanks for the tip, i think it's reasonable, but im looking for english lessons, not thai, do they provide??

  4. WOw Vit77 are u shan as well? well to answer some questions here, my girlfriend never lived in thailand, she lived in Kengtung. and she has a Union of Myanmar passport, not the temp ID that was mentioned on 2nd post.

    so she is techinically the same as us forieigners, she would love to stay and be able to stay in thailand with me, and i would like to apply for her a ED Visa. howvwer, 1 hiccup, she has no documented qualifications, so i really dont know wad she can study or even qualify, except prolly English schools.

    Vit77 i would love to hear more details and info about this as this can really help me and my girlfriend, 3 years with her and frequent travels to kengtung is really too taxing and tiring for me and the relationship.

  5. asking this on behalf of my shan girlfriend, i understand that there are schools which we could enrol in a get a education visa for really studying in thailand, my Shan girlfriend (holds a valid Union of myanmar passport) wishes to come over to bangkok to study. she has not prior formal education but speaks and write good Thai langguage, as well as able to speak english and read as well.

    what are her options? she is 21 this year and she hopes to upgrade herself in bangkok, study and get some sort of certification, and of cuz get a education visa which allows her to stay in bangkok with me .

    any options here? and suggestion of schools? she was asking if she could start from the bottom but i think 21 is kindda overaged? where can she start?

  6. You are eligible for the Visa Waiver Program and will get a 90 day permission stay stamp and do not need a visa. You do need a machine readable passport and if issued or renewed/extended on or after 10/26/06 it will need to have an integrated chip with information from the data page (e-Passport).


    hi TH, my passport is issued on 2003, machine readable i guess (i see them immmigration putting my passport into some scanner to scan whilst i was in singapore grounds)

    does it mean i will just need to pop into the USA dallas without a visa and able to stay approx 90 days??


  7. hello, i have been in HYIPs and auto-surfs for about a year now. right now staying in bangkok

    (im a singaporean)

    of course i did have my fair share of losses before but every losses gains u new lesson, and now i would say it's pretty possible

    i'm 24 and i stay in thailand with a tourist visa, everyday i scoot off to the cafes and do my stuff which is just about what i call my "job"

  8. Hello guys, i am a singaporean with a single entry tourist visa for thailand, alreayd in thailand and is planning to pay dallas a visit after it expires.

    i have checked the US embassy website and found out that Singaporeans are able to stay up to 90 days , however i am sorta confused here, do i need to get a US tourist visa frm the US embassy here in bangkok so i can stay up to 3 months , or do they mean visa-exempted stamps allow me 1 shot 90 days??

    anyone help me here im Singaporean in thailand now, visitin dallas in a month.

  9. Hello, i done some reading on the re-entry permit and i understad that i need to fill in the TM form and bring along a passportsized photo,

    i am on a Tourist Visa and after 2weeks here, i need to pop over to tachilek to settle somethings for a few days, and i do nnot wish to waste my thai visa.

    is it obtainable at the borders or maesai or should i go to survarnabhumi airport to get it before going to maesai??

    please advise.. thanks

  10. 6 month validity, 2 to 4 entry tourist visa: pre-obtained at a Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate and will result in the holder obtaining a 60 day 'permission to stay' stamp upon entry. If required, this type of visa may be extended by 30 days at an immigration office, but after that time the holder must leave the country. The holder may then return to the Kingdom and will obtain a second 60 day 'permission to stay' stamp which can also be extended as previous and then the holder must leave. After the stipulated number of entries the visa is “used”. (Something else you might check on in Singapore, still gives you 90 days each entry but multiple entries).


    To what i recall, all embassies and consulates only issue single entry visas now.

  11. Tourist visas are meant for tourists. At one point the Embassy might ask you the question if you are 'living' in Thailand as opposed to being a tourist. Issuing visas is at the discretion of the Embassy.

    If you plan on living in Thailand, maybe you should look at other visa options than a series of tourist visas.

    On the other hand the Embassy might just keep on issuing you with tourist visas

    thank you Krub for the detailed answer. :o

    Well i did look @ other visa options but

    I'm under 50

    I ain't married

    I dont have a biz in thailand as my income derives online, so i cant declare tax and get a WP to go along

    what are my options?

  12. Hi gonzo,

    my girlfriend is a shan, holding a Union of myanmar passport.

    The only say she could come down to thailand is via Air from Yangon, she stays 3hours away from Tachilek , which makes better sense to cross thailand from there but laws prohibit land travel through thailand. So she has to spend good money and precious time making a big detour, which explains why there are severeal burmese immigrants that crossed over to thailand via shady means.

    hope this answers your qn, however, Myanmar has a new capital, so im not sure if it will be shifted to the new 1 or still in yanngon

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