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Everything posted by Lacrimas

  1. Nope, this is old and misunderstood news. Paypal actually just delayed the process, I think in a few months Paypal will be available only for Thais with a registered company in Thailand.
  2. She is simply not that serious to be considered an emergency it's not that the wards are full
  3. If it's more than 50k baht it will take days, less than that seconds. Plan accordingly.
  4. Pimrypie is an online seller not a show biz girl, she has already lost millions but doesn't care. Not her main business anyway.
  5. The problem is not dying but getting one of those nasty side diseases that come after healing from covid like lung or heart infection or long covid. If you die at least you don't have to live miserably for how long you don't know.
  6. Here we go again.. the baht has been overvalued for years and now that it has again a resemblance of a real rate the crows are coming announcing the default of Thai economy. The USD is just strong, compare the Baht to all the other currencies and you will see nothing much has changed.
  7. What the hell, seriously... the price of the visa is not the issue, flights are crazy expensive right now and no one worries about 80 dollars for a visa, not even begpackers! This is a retirement and remote working destination, just make things easier for those coming to do that. Make extensions easy to do without 100 copies every time, No 90 day reports, no TM30, make digital work permits easy to obtain and people will come. Hell, they will even pay taxes if you give them the chance but no... they want to target the high spending... lol
  8. I'm surprised, it's pretty accurate. This website used to be a joke but now it's quite good, thanks.
  9. I was talking about the Work from Thailand scheme. The scheme you are quoting is even more useless, if you are already working for a company here paying you that much why would you go on your own and pay all the fees yourself?
  10. Is it so difficult to understand that I want those benefits? they will be wasted because almost nobody will be able to get them! And your imaginary friends don't count.
  11. Exactly, thanks for clarifying a very important matter to Thai gov simps they'd shove mud in their mouths and they would still eat it. Also, they are planning to attract 1 million people and that's why it's pathetic. There's no chance they'll get that number. Make it people that earn 40k$ a year self employed or working for normal companies and you will get that number while attracting people that make 10 times the average Somchai.
  12. LOL no one believes that, what a load of <deleted>. You have much better options.
  13. They are for 99% of the people which also includes those that for the same money would rather go to a civilized country like Spain instead of this mess we all live in. Not only the 'poor' which are not at 6.666 dollars a month like someone else pointed out, it is not middle class in most of the world. Let's stop pretending this is not a low cost country and that's why we moved here. This attempt at the rich is another pathetic attempt because the real rich would go to another place rather than Somchai land.
  14. I'd love to pay taxes and get a digital work permit but simply I'm not that rich (in monthly salary) and not working for Google or Facebook since they are asking for that. Why they don't make it a bank deposit requirement? Don't know... 5 million of baht?
  15. Man you are amazing, a fountain of knowledge. 1.5% is not much but at least the extension money doesn't need to sit still useless
  16. Well there's the Long Stay Visa now, it's not for everyone but if you fulfill the requirements it's 10 years https://thaievisa.go.th/long-stay-visa
  17. My wife has one but I don't. How did you open it? Do you have a work permit?
  18. I understand, I live in the sticks with no traffic at all so driving my car to the market takes 5 minutes but if I was in a big metropolis like BKK or Chiang Mai I'd drive a motorcycle to save time. I'm happy you never had a accident and hope you never will but Thailand is one the most dangerous countries on the road. It's just a fact.
  19. yeah tell that to the 80 year old Chiang Mai expat on a 100k custom bike that got killed by a Chinese that got in his way without warning. He had been living here for 30 years BTW, so you still have time to change your mind. A car is always safer in Thailand.
  20. Buy an old scooter and get killed or worse paralyzed on the Thai roads. Not exactly my way of saving money.
  21. Who should we trust though? This is a British newspaper not exactly an unbiased source.
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