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Everything posted by HandsomeTallFarang

  1. Says in the linked article: "He did not see both foreigners and only realized they were there when his vehicle hit them." How do you not see two humans on a decently lit road? Especially when you as the driver, need to be looking out for pedestrians and road hazards constantly.
  2. "I feel so horrible that this happened, I will take full responsibility, including criminal liability, and also make sure my insurance pays fully and also compensates them for their pain and suffering." Said no Thai ever.
  3. Cannot think of any fate worse than having to drive a taxi all day, in Bangkok. I would rather just be a farmer and liven off the land rather than participate in urban chaos.
  4. Now he can go doze off again in a multi-ton truck that he drives with flipflops and 37 hours of no sleep! What a miracle! ????
  5. put that rifle to use and get our there and start eradicating the soi dogs that bite and scare people imo
  6. It is a very serious thing in the eyes of Thai Immigration, you Bozo ????
  7. Honestly shocked that he got anything at all except an insincere apology and some Wais
  8. Yeah, but I didn't mean them, I mean the crappy 7/11 hotdogs that they love too. Back home Casper's all beef hotdogs or actual polish hotdogs were the way to go. Costco has a good hotdog with good ingredients, and even those are pretty unhealthy. People over here are eating Dollar Store hotdogs, like a 10 pack for a buck level mystery meat hotdogs ????
  9. Absolute obession with kfc + those <deleted>-tier hotdogs with 1 billion times the healthy amount of nitrates + sodium. I'll never eat a sausage here again, they are disgusting.
  10. Who is 'we'? Got an imaginary friend with you? ???? Some of 'us' don't ever think that, doesn't even cross our mind because we behave ourselves. The only way you can get "Beat down and handcuffed" (I like how you know that handcuffed is one word, but don't know that beatdown is too, by the way.) is if you are being an obnoxious loudmouth. Foreigner or not. If you worry about this at all, it's because you frequent bars like a degenerate with zero real hobbies other than getting smashed on cheap Thai whiskey and collecting STDs from Bargirls, OR you look like an easy target. Real easy solution to that, stop frequenting bars at shady hours of the night, and if you do, stop getting blackout drunk and making a scene over pennies-on-the-dollar. ???????????? As far as "not looking like a target" well that just depends on your stature / build in real life. The guy in this story was obviously an easy target, I'm surprised his giraffe neck didn't get broken from those two slaps.
  11. Wow, sounds like a stand up guy, partying with loud music daily + an incredibly irresponsible ho-hum attitude about overstaying here, which is a very serious thing. Why do these degenerates even come here? Cause they struck out back home or what? Go <deleted>ty-up your own Country. No sympathy whatsoever. Do you duty to get your immigration status in order. He was probably too hungover to do anything when the day came to renew his visa ????????
  12. Thailand really worrying about the issues that matter ????
  13. You can reduce inflammation by choosing to avoid certain foods. Street foods cooked in mystery oil causes inflammation. Fast food too. Try to avoid anything processed and oily. I had an enlarged prostate by the time I was 20 years old. I take / took Finasteride and it seemed to clear up in less than a year of being on it. Good luck.
  14. The maids have access to the safes with the emergency key to open the safe in case the combination code is forgotten. $5000 is likely more than their entire yearly salary... Even $1000 is like many many many hours worth of working. Seems like a lot of things and people want to extract wealth from foreigners here, one way or another.
  15. Guy seems like a really old druggie / alcoholic with a mouth like that... Not sure what his endgame is. Crowdfund pity dollars?
  16. Just goes to show that each day is a gift, it's not a given right. Makes no difference who you are, how careful you are, how tough a guy you might think you are, if you're at the wrong place at the wrong time, you're gonna get it.
  17. Basically an impossible option from what I heard. and even worse, I heard that if you get the volunteer visa, that you're disqualified from getting all kinds of other visas in the future. Not sure if true but wow if it is. Education or Elite Visa or Border Bounce seem like non retirement visa options that are realistic.
  18. Don't get a Huawei tablet. It can't access Google play services / or the Google app store without massive tweaking and being tech savvy. Just get an ipad (the $300 one) it's easy to use and it's fast Or on Android, Get a Xiaomi Mi Pad 5. Those are the only options worth it. Cheap $100 mystery tablets from Lazada are trash.
  19. Ah, the old "I sHoUlD bE aLloWeD tO bE a JaGoFf On HeRe I'm OnLy ExPrEsSiNg My oPiNinIoN!!" That's great, now let me express my opinion. You're making light of a tragedy hours after it happened. Nothing to do with snowflakes being offended, it's just you being a tasteless clown and people rolling their eyes at you.
  20. What is with this whole "finding another home for dangerous animals instead of putting them down"? Surely this is a joke? Offering someone a trio of animals that mauled someone to death? Here's what these pups need: .38 special
  21. DUI is just a problem with lack of enforcement and people thinking it's ok to drink and drive from what I can gather.
  22. It's an agent with the company, it's free.
  23. I just got the five year elite visa I know a very good agent if you're interested
  24. What is with the weird, staged posing like that in that photo? ???? Do they want extra praise or something for doing their job? They look like they are standing by, waiting to receive the Medal of Honor. Also, how humiliating for anyone who gets caught on an overstay. Just making you sit there while they all pose around you, like you are some prized trophy fish just caught out of the water. That said, no sympathy for the pillocks and begpackers getting deported. Come back after the blacklist expires with a real visa ????
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