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Everything posted by HandsomeTallFarang

  1. Uhh, why don’t you just receive confirmation codes and such via email? Surely that has to be an option
  2. BOY if I had a dollar for every time thailand or Thai immigration had a “proposal” that never amounted to anything, I could get the elite visa.
  3. They’re guilty of loving their country too much, after all, the PM himself forfeited a few month’s salary to show just how much he truly cares!
  4. I wear the mask everywhere, but we might as well just do away with the mask mandate, because other contradictory, self defeating policies are in place that nobody seems to question, undoubtedly doing more harm than a group of idiots not wearing masks. What do I mean by this? Stuff like the tiny 7/11s packed like cans of sardines with people nearly shoulder to shoulder, especially around the curfew 8pm closing time deadline. Other shops and restaurants have to close, so a lot more people than usual are going to get food and essentials at a tiny, cramped 7/11 now. These 7/11’s that are often the size of a large garden shed continue to operate with zero capacity restrictions and zero other restrictions, except for the government order that they all must close early, which ensures it’s packed solid about 30 minutes before, and up until closing time. People scramble to get stuff at the few last minutes before curfew starts. The 7/11 near me almost has a line out the door near closing time, it becomes that crowded. Construction sites are allowed to go on, despite the fact, that repeatedly these construction worker camps have been the source of new infection clusters. Building high rise buildings is apparently essential work. Other nonsensical things like, a deliveryman who interacts with dozens of more people than the average person who goes to a restaurant to get takeaway, and go home immediately after, is qualified to handle your food. Your food needs to have a middle man who puts hands all over your food’s packaging; an extra person unnecessarily touching your stuff, after interacting with the public all day, needs to bring your food to you. These things don’t matter, they aren’t spreading COVID, but a group of idiots, foreigners or not, that aren’t wearing their masks, outdoors, does matter. Not only does it matter, it’s news worthy. You really cannot make this stuff up, it’s almost satire at this point.
  5. My condolences, all I can say is, there is probably going be some major retribution for China, collectively from the world, after this is all said and done. I would be surprised if there wasn’t.
  6. Oh wow, forgive me, 98%, not 99%, because that’s a huge difference ????
  7. Implying that a COVID infection = a death sentence, is completely low, and disingenuous. A greater than 99% survival rate statistically... All you are doing is fanning the flames of panic and acting like the sky is falling, with this kind of nonsense.
  8. Foreigner-hating countries that are insignificant on the world stage will never acknowledge how much foreigners, including world powers like the USA, have helped them.
  9. Considering the fact that you need an AC in each room, which ever one you are occupying, you’re look at buying several ACs and Install them to save what amounts to $20 a month in the best case scenario. no thanks bud
  10. Same reason why 7/11s are packed like a can of sardines?
  11. All of this, yet the THB barely moves despite clear economic devastation and entire dead industries like tourism and hospitality, and others. Currency manipulation, or is some entity propping it up? It’s ridiculous that it’s barely getting weaker. It can barely stay above 33 Baht per USD which is where it was at about two years ago without any ill effects from COVID yet. No amnesty announced again, have to keep getting covid extensions for $60 a pop, potentially endangering all the immigration workers there and people going to visit for renewal. I can’t imagine $60 every two months X how every many people need to get it, is making any kind of appreciable dent in the economy. I guess they are seeing how much they truly rely on foreigner money It’s just more callous foreigner hate, to not reintroduce an amnesty during a worse situation, and it’s genuinely harder to travel back home because of Delta Variant / Lack of getting a ‘good’ vaccine here. If there was ever a time to have an amnesty for foreigners and extended length of stay, it’s now.
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