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Everything posted by GrandPapillon

  1. DOS is easy to learn, seriously, you have to be very lazy or clueless not to use it OSX is not proper unix, it has a proprietary layer on the top of it, messing up things a bit, but you can still manage things efficiently with a console. Mac users are not Unix fans and have no clue how to use the root console on MacOS X The file organization structure on MacOS X is also a mess, compared to a real UNIX system like Debian. Of course Win10 is far worse, but you don't use Windows to play with the console all day. I prefer the UI of Win10, compared to the Finder in MacOSX
  2. they don't create money, the create marketable debt, that's the main difference, and they can do it as they will. That's why we have taxes, so they can pay back investors with interests ???? hardly, it's more complicated than that. The "minting" is not really "minting", you are not creating anything, it's an endless loop with no purpose. If you don't have purpose, you have "emptiness", and that's what cryptos are ????
  3. it's not going to happen, and if you understand how macro-economics and monetary policies worked, most cryptos fans don't, you would understand immediately how cryptos is not even an option it's like replacing "water" with "air" in a water pressure pump to run your windmill ????
  4. as usual, focusing on administrative details as some kind of justification, he was driving the bike for god sake, what are they going to do next, prosecute the bike owner too if it wasn't him? ????
  5. just a question of time before everyone start understand than cryptos are nothing more than useless algos not creating value or cash flow, and it's all for show only like tulips are for your garden ????
  6. I am an Apple IIe fan, and still run it on my Win10 PC ???? I have like 20 version of Apple II ROMs to test ???? awesome little machine ????
  7. welcome to the club ???? Amen to that ????
  8. I guess when you are old and senile (the target market), it doesn't matter much ????
  9. god, do you even understand what you are saying? ????
  10. not really, stickman site is much easier to read, even though it's not pretty and old style <deleted>, this is 2022, not 2001, they could have updated their layout since
  11. jesus, that was hard to read, poor layout, like it was 1999, and very "generic" content ????
  12. you can short BTC futures on US markets, it's a CME/CBOE product if I am not mistaken Contract multiple is 5x from memory, and pricing is obviously an issue because of silo pricing from crypto exchanges very risky, and with leverage, a 10% change in BTC can bring 800% change in your gains not for snowflakes, and definitely more profitable than all other cryptos, and with netting, your gains are secured and will not default like those creepy crypto exchanges You can buy 10,000 USD in 1 BTC contract and make 100,000 USD in one day if you time it well Futures market are heavy regulated and the CFTC will not let you access to those markets without prior knowledge of Futures trading
  13. to be fair, the Apple machines are not that expensive, and they are good value for the quality, and at par with high-end PCs the issue is not the hardware, Apple always excelled there, no the real issue is their crappy UI and their crappy OS, full of stupid "features" and "apps" nobody ever use
  14. The M1 might look better on paper, but the overbloated UI of MacOS X will kill any improvement in speed Windows 11 is copying Mac playbook btw, the MS Indian CEO is learning fast ????
  15. he is not alone, European leaders are doing the same thing, but at least they will be voted out in the next election
  16. indeed it would, hence why you should never take advice online or from anonymous forums, including mine ????
  17. it's not because you didn't see them that they don't exist, I have seen them and they work, even in the long run, some over 20 years. The good strategies are kept and reserved for the "elite" and UNW Individuals, not for the average investor.
  18. well it's a job like anything else ???? there was a gay guy who found out once that his partner of 20 years had a wife and children and had a double life. he didn't take it nicely, and was shocked, the gay farang was in tears, thought it was all for love the gay partner excuse was it was a "job" and the family knew it, and since the gay farang was very very rich, it was meant as a source of funds for the entire family. kind of creepy and crazy, but people will do crazy things in crazy times just to survive, and westerners were not different during time of wars. Ask the German wives whoring themselves to American and Russian soldiers after the Berlin invasion to protect and feed their families.
  19. you are right, luck does play a lot in successful investment. One way to mitigate this is to have "systematic" rules to beat the "odds" and the probability. The clueless investors don't even have that or understand that, so really they are gambling. Gambling is fine, but it's regulated for a good reason. People will hurt themselves financially, because they are babbling idiots and need to supervised like children. Cryptos is gambling, not investing. Luck but also "manipulation" is key for success. In this unregulated environment, the manipulation takes away the luck you could expect from gambling, and that's the main issue. Cryptos is dangerous for people and society. If people want to gamble, just go to a casino, the "odds" are regulated. Or you could play card games, but that would require skills and "work" and since people are lazy and just want easy money, it's a no go, and they will stay in the miserable life they have and deserve for being lazy ????
  20. I think it does matter, because if we don't look at history, we can't learn from our mistakes. What happened before, is happening again. It could be something else than crypto, it would be the same thing. What happened 300 years ago tell us a lot about our behaviors, our bias, our cognitive disconnect and our excess. They tell us everything we need to know about us and our future. It's a crystal ball to our future. Don't you want to know what the future will be for cryptos? ????
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