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Posts posted by GrandPapillon

  1. a few more for the road:


    "We started the year with easiest deal in history, sunny uplands and ending it with port blockages, unicef feeding our kids and a collapsed economy where no deal (a million to one disaster or negotiation by Johnson’s own admission) is being rebranded as Australia deal to fool the gullible 

    Not going too well is it?"


    "17.4 million Lievers must now be either:
    1. Realising how silly they were in being conned by and lied to by Farage and co.
    2. Becoming ever more dissonant, desperately seeking to defend their indefensible, disastrous choice, to cut the UK's ties with the world's wealthiest, nearest and most powerful trading partnerships."


    "More the first time it's been quite so obvious France and Germany are using the EC as a political shield - if it goes well, they'll take the credit, if it goes badly they'll let the Commission bureaucracy take the blame - hence the reason the Commission has been playing for no deal from day one, no upside to them in a 'pretty good' or 'win-win' deal."

    • Like 1
  2. some interesting comments from the BBC website:


    "It does seem a bit absurd that the EU expect unfettered access to another countries territorial waters. No other country allows this. If you want the fish from our waters, buy them from our catch. A bit like when we want wine from France - we buy it rather than driving over to France and helping ourselves to the vineyards crop. It works both ways."


    "Water moves as do fish!
    How do you propose to keep the waters and fish static?"


    "On BBC news this morning.
    The EU want to limit the UK's level of state aid, and have said that the member EU states will abide buy the same rules...
    … except if the subsidy come directly from Brussels it should be exempt to this limit.
    How in any light can anyone deliver this with a straight face and then claim they are operating a level playing field? This is why talks are stalling."

    • Like 2
  3. 9 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    So you are OK with a leader who lies to you?  Denies the virus so tens of thousands die needlessly?  Seriously?  Wow....


    None in recent times have been as bad as Trump.  None.

    all leaders lie anyway, there is nothing that can stop that. They need to sell dreams.


    Trump saved the US economy by not imposing a complete shutdown of the country for too long, unlike Europe

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  4. 4 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Cool it with the mentalist act. Speak for yourself about what you think but not about what everybody else thinks quietly. That's kind of statement is obviously valueless since it's impossible to disprove.  It really an attempt to validate what you think by claiming everybody else thinks the same way. And what about the status quo was Trump trying to disrupt?"

    and you are?


    the figure of speech definitely got lost on you. Yes, the votes that mattered went for him, and if you had to talk to his voters, they would have said the same thing as I just described above. The Hillary voters chose to ignore those reasons, and she paid for it.


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  5. 7 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    I think that the best part of your post was all the stuff that you left out. Like that no president before has ever lied and told falsehoods as Trump did. The problem is that people like you see being abrasive and vulgar as somehow signifying honesty. It's possible to be consistently abrasive, vulgar and dishonest. What exactly did Trump do to disrupt the status quo in Washington. He loosened restriction on Wall Street and the banks, and allowed polluters to run the Environmental Protection Agency.  What right thing did he try to do?

    Truthiness - Wikipedia

    I think his qualities was to say out loud what everyone was thinking quietly. Is he 100% honest? of course not, he is in real estate, but we knew that before he got elected, there was no surprise of what he was. He was a pig and still got elected.


    TBH, I didn't expect him to be that vulgar and abrasive, and I think that's what got him at the end, with the crazy twitters. He did push the "entertainment" value too far, and like a good standup comedian (POTUS are public comedians by definition) that took a joke too far, it backfired eventually.


    The funny thing is I think he is going to be more vocal for the next 4 years, and Biden will be exposed for the fraud that he is, no matter how good or presidential he looks.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    You dont see anything wrong with trump except he is abusive, vulgar and a pig?


    Not very presidential traits. 


    Add to that a gold medal liar, purveyor of porn stars, a bit of unsolicited grabbing, walking into dressing rooms of under age girls unnanounced.


    Oh the list goes on, but you think its nothing.

    and the problem is what exactly?


    so you wouldn't mind someone who looks good as POTUS, yet privately engaged in frauds, pursuing personal interests, selling out voters, engaging in pointless wars, and sell dreams to the public he knows he can't achieve etc...


    what does it say then because I just described Nixon, Reagan, GW Bush 1, GW Bush 2, and Obama

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  7. 23 hours ago, Timwin said:

    If a freelancer gets a job from one of those remote freelancer sites, he does not even get a paper contract, just few clicks and either a fixed sum or hourly rate set. Most projects only last few weeks, some even just few days. Some have tens of clients per year, some have only one but most do not have one client project lasting six months on average. 

    yes they are confusing "short term" employment contract with "freelancing"

  8. 10 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    Let me just get this right...... You want me to surrender myself and my skill and experience and you're gonna allow companies to pay me 50,000 bht  for skills that you don't have in Thailand......  Er, no..... for one i make 50,000 bht in two days at the moment selling my years of experience and qualification to a large oil company next door to Thailand that lets me in for free for three months.....   Cheeky barstuards now want us to surrender ourselves for basically free and get our knowledge and experience dangling a visa carrott, well you know where you can stick yer carrott !.......  50,000bht a month !  I wouldn't get out of bed for it..... 

    and that's the thing, with that visa deal, they can only attract the untalented pool


    their deal is simply not competitive, yet still could be successful, no shortage of untalented freelancers in this world ????

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Ya, best ever for disrupting and demonizing the U.S. tradition of democratic governance and government. Best ever would-be U.S. dictator.


    that boat has sailed a long time ago, don't confuse popular election with democracy, and the POTUS has very little power at the end


    Congress is corrupted by lobbies and self-interest, with no vision for at least the last 4 POTUS (Clinton was the last with a vision)


    Obama was a complete failure, and a nasty person, despite being very "presidential" and handsome, and very good for public relations


    Trump had a vision, despite his "disruptive" and "unPC" ways, and he was addressing a reality, the neglected of the red states


    Biden is not going to be able to solve much, probably less than Trump, but at least he will look pretty on TV and be well maneured 

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  10. 13 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    To my knowledge, most digital nomads are working freelance and are often self taught geeks in various fields where remote work is possible. There might however be some with high education and in fixed employment in larger companies "working from home", but all those I know of in that kind of positions, they also need to be partly physically available in the companies, and for meetings; the latter might however begin to change after the Covid with experience from virtual meetings.

    it's possible that the Thai government is confusing "Remote Work" with "Freelancers", even though we could argue the only way to do "Remote Work" is being a freelancer, at least for a farang


    a lot of young Thais work that way actually, have a work contract in a Thai company as an employee, but they will work away from the office, typically in Starbucks. It's mostly "marketing" jobs or "Creative" jobs like webdesigner etc...

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  11. 7 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    The word is the EU have made some concessions hence talks extended

    UK 2 EU 0

    naahh, Boris blinked, the EU deal was always the same, they can't change terms without the EU27 approval, and that time has gone already


    Boris has just showed his hand, the EU knows it, the World knows it, and his fans know it


    he is not going to be able to do his little dance for another 2 weeks, nobody is looking at it anymore ????

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