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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. How about doing a French Canadian St Jean Baptiste Brunch on 24th ...? :o


    Yes, please, Annabel. I would be delighted to attend. Where and at what time?

  2. So to resurrect this old thread, does anybody have any leads on finding clove cigs in Chiang Mai? Specifically I'm looking for Djarum Blacks?

    Perhaps others will have ideas, but I have never found any kreteks for sale in Chiangmai. I get by personally through the kindness of a friend who picks up a carton in Indonesia for me from time to time.

  3. Ah :D ! How bovine of me (regarding equinimity).

    I thought perhaps you were going to say it was asinine of me (as indeed it was). :D

    No, we should get back to the real topic here. The info on the bangers needs more fleshing out :D . I'll get off your case :o:D now.

    I agree, and will join you in taking it porcinally.

  4. Has Rasseru been tuning into these webcam scenes, too ? I think he means equanimity :o .

    No, I don't mean 'equanimity', although I am making a bad pun based on the word (confession time: I adore bad puns). Think 'equine', 'neigh' and the reputation that some English lords and ladies have for resembling the four-legged critters on the backs of which they love (or used to love) to pursue hounds chasing foxes.

  5. . . . Razza, you dork. :D

    I try subtly to help you with your spelling, and this is the thanks I get? :D

    I just don't know what came over me. It must be the effects of the strange dreams I have had to endure since Tigerbeer exposed me to some terrible webcam scenes of ladies wearing only a smile (actually a strange type of smile with their mouths agape and making strange grunting noises.)

    Shocking! That would certainly explain an awful lot. :o

  6. He is also the black sheep of the family. :o

    If he is indeed such a very aristocratic Englishman, I would expect him to demur with a mild 'Nay'.

    I would have thought "Bah" rather than "Neigh"!

    Only possible if one overlooks the profound equinimity of the English aristocrat. :D

  7. As for renting a motorbike, I may do that at some point. But I have to say that I'm a bit afraid of driving one of them.

    Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Do that and then take care and learn properly, and you will have a fighting chance.

    Particularly coming from the States. Where we drive on the other side of the road.

    Least of your worries.

  8. I reckon this thread is well out of order . . . . . readers need to take the cautions posted here with a very large subjective pinch of salt.

    WARNING: Avoid this thread??

    If one is unable to read between the lines and, as chiang mai post says, apply a good pinch of salt to any post that one wolfs down here, then yes, certainly, one should avoid this thread. Not to mention the Chiangmai Forum generally, TV Forum as a whole and, to the extent possible, the entire world.

  9. Glad that I could somewhat brighten up your otherwise dreary life :o

    Happily, you could do no such thing, being nothing more -- or less -- than one more point of light in the dazzling brilliance of my day! :D

    How about that free coffee at Libernard's that you promised :D

    How about it? Next week some time, like Wednesday or later? (I'm going to Bangkok today, returning Tuesday.) That should give you time to dine at The Neighbors and be in a position to offer your report over coffee, yes?

  10. You are right. Actually, that was a misprint. A bunch of freinds are here now. :D

    Time then for a feeding freindzy!

    I envy you, by the way, for never having had a teacher who irritated you with the phrase '"i" before "e", except after "c"'. :o

  11. My wife and I ate at The Neighbors last night, and are now huge fans. The steaks we had were the best we have ever had in Thailand -- which in itself might sound to some like damning with faint praise, but I don't mean it that way: they were extremely tender and delicious steaks by any standard, and cooked to perfection. The Greek salad was excellent and the house wine was very good too.

    Since I owe some thanks to Steve2UK for inspiring me to go, I will quote from his post and add a few comments here.

    Well, I'm just a Brit . . .

    Well, I encourage you not to dwell on it -- nobody's perfect.

    ........... but I still know good food when I eat it :D .

    You certainly do.

    Last night, I slipped over the river for the opening night of "The Neighbors" to join other happy attendees and got the real deal. Angus steak that really shows why it matters where and how the restaurant chooses to get its meat, perfect fries, a killer Greek feta cheese salad as good as any I've had in its homeland. . . . and some freebie dates stuffed with cream cheese/garlic as an appetiser when I sat down to read the menu.

    . . . . .

    Friendly service, great atmosphere and music, comfortable seating and very reasonable pricing for all that quality and quantity :o . Happy to have this new arrival in the neighbourhood . . . . .

    Thanks again for posting this, with which I can now say I fully agree, based on experience.

  12. Three ways to come here.

    From CM city:

    Cross one of the bridges and turn left. Towards Buonissimo and the tourist police. Follow that road till the end. Go left, under the bridge and take the first left again. After that 2 km.

    From CM city:

    Take the 11 to Lampang. After Tesco (right) and Lanna hospital (left) cross the bridge. Stay on your left and make the first available u-turn (180 deg). Go right and from there 2 km.

    To CM city:

    Coming from old Makro, Carrefour etc. Just stay on the left lane, not the new highway. Follow that road untill the end. You have to go Under the bridge. So do, take the first on your left and from there 2 km.

    Got it, thanks. In exchange for all that work, let me offer a couple of what I intend as helpful comments. Buonissimo: it is no longer located where your directions above assume it is; they moved last year to a point on the east bank of the Ping River a short distance south of the Superhighway. Your on-line map: I would suggest you revise it, identifying the Ping River as such, changing the name of Ram 2 Hospital to its current name (which appears to be the name I mentioned in my earlier post).

    See you soon!

  13. Yes. Coming from CM between Lotus and Lanna hospital and Ram 2 (has a different name now). The 11 from CM to Lampang.

    When over the bridge stay left and make a 180 deg u-turn, then 1st right after that about 2 km.

    Thanks for trying, fiscalist, but I am still not sufficiently confident about the directions (and, without wishing to come across the wrong way, I am quite good with maps and directions). Your online map refers to a Ram 2 hospital, to a tourist police office and to a Khao Jao Market, none of which appears, by any of those names, on a highly detailed map of Chiangmai that I have (Chiang Mai Big Map). You mention that Ram 2 Hospital has a different name now. Is its current name Theppunya Hospital, by any chance? If so, I will be able to find you.

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