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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. WOW. That is an interesting, but somewhat puzzling post by Mr. CobraSnakeNecktie!!

    . . . .

    Before you start trying to . . . put shit on someone who’s actually trying to help in a language other than their native language take a look at yourself first.

    All your other points are fair enough, I think, davidgtr, but I don't think you have a good basis for bringing into your charges against CobraSnakeNecktie the fact that the person he was 'putting shit on' does not speak English as a native language. It seems reasonably evident that English is not CSN's native language either.

  2. I think these Buddhist-bashing threads are becoming dull. I find it strange that non-Buddhists are so interested in the Buddhist part of the forum. If posters came to learn a bit more about Buddhism it would be fine, but they don't - they come to bash it.

    I hope you understand that I, the OP, did not start this thread either to bash Buddhism or, equally importantly, to invite any other posters to do the same. Actually, come to think of it, while I have not reviewed the thread to check, I don't recall that many, if any, of the other posters have been bashing Buddhism on this thread.

    Because those posts have been deleted per posting guidelines for this forum.

    Ah! :o

  3. . . .

    Tao is just another word for The Dhamma. The I-Ching being their vehicle instead of the Eightfold path..

    Again, same destination, different maps. Both through careful observations of nature and consciousness.

    ...and the relevance to the question at hand is?

    With the same goal at hand, why would they want to persecute one another.

    I get the impression you are something of an idealist, who finds it difficult to think and speak in terms of how the world actually works, rather than how it should ideally work.

  4. Starmark (HomePro) - upper end of town but with better sticker prices than Modernform. Some really nice & unique fittings/designs/finishes. Consultants are only so-so, so you'd better knoiw what you want.

    With your help, for which thanks, and that of a number of other people, my wife and I are looking for someone to build us a new kitchen. Last week we visited the Starmark folks at Homepro, and I would just like to mention here that they have been extremely responsive, helpful and pleasant so far. They visited us at home the same day we made our first visit to them, to check and measure our kitchen space. They had a very nice design ready for us the next day, with some ideas that none of the other places we had visited had thought of. We had some suggestions on their design, which they incorporated and showed us the following day. Language is an issue (their command of English is a close match for ours of Thai), but they have been pulling in people from elsewhere at Homepro to help, and that plus a lot of sign language has worked well so far. Their quotation is slightly over half the quotation we got from Homikitch (albeit for a different design).

  5. . . . My sources, although not in Thailand will remain anonymous.

    Shouldn't that have been: "My sources, although not in Thailand, will remain anonymous." :o

    / Priceless

    . . . the substantive "although" does not necessarily need a comma before it but you are correct. .

    To expand on that, Priceless, since the author chose to place a comma before 'although' in that sentence, then, yes, you are correct, he should have placed a second comma after 'Thailand'.

    Part of the problem will always be in the differences of usage between English speakers.

    Indeed, no one should ever make the mistake of thinking that all native English speakers use the English language correctly. :D

  6. Here is a nice story about the history of Kasem Store

    Thanks for that. I've known and liked Mae Kasem for nearly two years now, but simply as the old lady in the store whom I always had fun seeking out to greet without ever knowing who she was. Now, with the picture in the article, I know who she is. :o

  7. To find No 1, start from the east side of the moat and turn left (east) down Chang Moy Road with the original Mike's Original Burger place in front of you. Down there, round the left hand bend and over Stinking Klong Bridge. Turn left at the first traffic lights (into Ratchawong Rd, another one way street at this point) and Kasems (No 1) is about 5 shops along on your left.

    That comports perfectly with the directions I would give, except for one thing: there are no traffic lights at the junction where you say to turn left.

    I get my coffee beans and bananas and p1p's fantastic tomato sauce at Kasem's.

  8. ......why am I reading this boring thread and replying???

    And the answer is? Yes? Yes?

    I've . . . never suffer from boredom......

    That's the attitude! Everyone should learn to enjoy boredom as you do. :o

  9. I guess I'm going to have to try black coffee at Libanard [sic]. :o

    Start with the espresso. It's mighty fine, as I discovered today, on my second visit there in two days.

  10. Going to Starbucks was the highlight of most our days in Medina (Saudi Arabia). Pretty boring town if you aren't there for the Haj.

    And terribly frustrating if you are, once you realize you need to be in Mecca for the Haj. :o

    Better continue your research on that Razza.

    Medina and Mecca are the 2 sites where Haj Pilgrims carry out their Pilgrimage. They can do only Mecca if time and budget is limited but to do both Medina and Mecca it is considered to be far more worthy.

    Followed your suggestion and continued my research.

    You'll be surprised, I think, at what I learned. The Hajj -- note correct spelling -- takes place entirely in Mecca. Hajj pilgrims do indeed sometimes go on to visit Medina after the Hajj concludes, but it is done as a side trip that is not part of the Hajj. Alas, what this means, I'm afraid, is that one cannot be in Medina 'for the Hajj'.

    Can I have a 'F*cking lawyer!'? :D

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