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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. . . . Rasseru is a . . . Francophile [sic] . . .

    Too many francophiles for my taste :o

    English is not my forte but I think the above sentence should read "Rasseru is a sick Francophile"

    I ask for your forgiveness in advance, but my desire to help you strengthen your English overwhelms my customary reserve. It is considered better, in English, to avoid the kind of redundancy that occurs when one combines greatly overlapping terms like 'sick' and 'francophile'.

  2. WOW! That is a generous offer jb. And I always thought inflation made prices rise.

    I work for peanus :o

    :D Reminds me of a great line from a Pink Panther movie, spoken in a strong (albeit artificial) French accent to a groom entering the bridal suite of a hotel with his new wife: 'I wish you happiness'.

  3. I had no idea an offer was on the table. But whatever the offer, we may end geting wet. :o

    I was referring to his offer in post #18 of the 'Dating in Chiangmai' topic. I'll do my best to stay clear and not get wet.

    Don't blow the whistle on this, please.

    Rest assured that nothing will pass my lips.

  4. Since Blinky Bill has not stepped in to correct the ortografia, I will fill the breach: the first letter is a silent h -

    huevos rancheros

    eggs (plural), ranch style

    No problema

    Gracias, senor, and one good turn deserves another. Did you perhaps not mean to say 'Since Blinky Bill has not stepped in to orthographize'?


  5. Let me rephrase that: I will happily offer free oral sex to any potential date!

    Quite the offer, the world of 'potential dates' being as wide as it is. For my part, though, I decline.

  6. Do thais get divorced? are would there be any single divorced women that would be happy to spend time doing stuff without wedding bells ringing in her ears?

    My ex-wife :o She would be happy to spend time being stuffed without wedding bells ringing in her ears.

    Somehow entirely appropriate, adjan jb, that you should be such a master of the double entendre. :D

  7. After all the recommendations, we tried to go to the Elizabethan Rooms last night (Weds) for dinner at 6.30 pm but the place was closed. Anyone know if this is a temporary closure or permanent?

    Dunno, but I have noticed the place closed a number of days during the last week and have not seen it open any.

  8. Half-seriously, back to the related topic of choosing early retirement. I do think too many guys wait too long. . . . .

    So when these 50-somethings want to retire early, even alone and with an income of only US$1,500, and come to a place like Chiang Mai, I say, "Wow, Chuck, come on!" :o

    Alright, alright, I'll be half-serious -- no, entirely serious -- for a moment too: I retired three years ago at 51, moved to Chiangmai two years ago, love both being retired and living here, and, like you, would recommend both to any one -- even those who can't come. :D

  9. One more thing: quit while you can still have orgasms.

    But only if you will be able to afford someone to have them with, no? :D

    Not necessarily. I guess your parents forgot to tell you something.

    I have often wondered why Razza is always bumping into things.

    The only things I bump into are old friends from time to time. :o

  10. One more thing: quit while you can still have orgasms.

    But only if you will be able to afford someone to have them with, no? :D

    Not necessarily. I guess your parents forgot to tell you something.

    I get it. Your advice to others is, quit your job, even though you are too poor to afford a 'friend' and will end up sitting in a room alone engaging in self-abuse. You must have really hated working. :o

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