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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. Rasseru, have you tried Cote Jardin?

    No, but I am now looking forward to doing so. :o

    Excellent . . . . . Warning: do NOT order the charcuterie starter plate unless you have someone to share it with!

    I have a new-found sympathy for the misspeaking Ms. Clinton. Turns out I was wrong, and in fact had been to Cote Jardin before.

    My wife and I ate at Cote Jardin last night and were not very impressed. We realized, after arriving, that we had eaten there twice before (just had not remembered the name), and we recalled it being much better the other times, so perhaps last night was just an off-night.

    The service was very good. However, my wife couldn't even eat the terrine we had for an appetizer (I could, but did not find it at all delicious) and the two entrees we had, a tadjine d'agneau and a shrimp dish whose name I have forgotten, were just so-so. Apart from that -- not quite 'Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?', but close -- the garden-style atmosphere was very nice and the Australian shiraz we ordered was relatively inexpensive and excellent.

  2. OK, I'm going to hate myself (and if I don't, others will) for suggesting this: try spraying the high-up ones from a big can of mossie killer or of the other type which has a long, thin metal "pipe" in the nozzle for squirting into crevices - very accurate.

    Wrong -- others will even if you don't.

    Not wrong. Think it through from a philosophical perspective............ :o

    I was speaking in terms of logic, and have no idea what philosophical perspective you have in mind.

  3. OK, I'm going to hate myself (and if I don't, others will) for suggesting this: try spraying the high-up ones from a big can of mossie killer or of the other type which has a long, thin metal "pipe" in the nozzle for squirting into crevices - very accurate.

    Wrong -- others will even if you don't.

  4. Yes, you fellows are right, but since it is here, why don't I just answer.

    Why indeed don't you, or rather didn't you, in a PM, having recognized and acknowledged the appropriateness of PMs for such communications? :o

  5. Now, back to great food, this time at Bake and Bite: yesterday I had the best sandwich I have ever eaten in Asia. I never had such a BLT even in America.

    Since you don't quite say that it was the best BLT you have had in the world, I am left wondering: where did you cross paths with same?

  6. Well, maybe I should give Tywais some sympathy. Ty does not look like a thief, but a gentleman. Notice that he kept his composure, and at worst only thought of calling the supervisor if it went on any longer. . . . .

    It is possible, of course, that the security guy picked him for that reason. Assume you have a quota to fill and need to pick ten or twenty people to search during your day on the job. Who you gonna choose, people who look like they will kick up a fuss and get violent? Or perhaps you'd rather select those who look like they will keep their composure, behave decently and, at the very least, not hit you? OK, you've got fifteen minutes to think about it and decide . . .

  7. My bad, I guess it is a bit much to expect that someone would read the whole of the post that they are replying to rather than just the last line. :o:D

    I think you are making another ill-founded assumption. I assumed -- perhaps ill-foundedly, as we may learn -- that our Greek hero was responding to your earlier post, the one that you quoted in your later correcting post, and not to the latter.

    Rasseru, have you tried Cote Jardin?

    No, but I am now looking forward to doing so. :D

  8. Surely those movies are so simple that they're actually great to use as part of learning English?

    To fast and furious for his level, I'm afraid. I always run English subtitles in the hope something sticks. I'd like to have a Thai version for him to see first if possible.

    I may be offering you no information that you do not already know perfectly well, but if my understanding is correct, DVDs here usually come with Thai subtitles too, which you can choose to run separately from the English subtitles. Would that not work for your son?

  9. Jonn's Place/Cozy corner is inside the moat. :o

    For a bookseller you don't read so well do you? :D

    My last post was a correction to my earlier spelling mistake:

    You are making here the ill-founded assumption that people read all the posts a thread before responding to any of them.

  10. I use one credit card issued from my credit union in Arizona to use only to transfer funds or get small increments of currency here.

    . . . . .

    [A] debit/ATM card is the most cost-effective way to get money out of machines.

    Another advantage of a debit card is that you are at risk (in the event of theft) only for the amount of money in the account, which you can control by adding funds to it from time to time as needed.

  11. ...all the charges where in Arizona and them knowing that I live in Thailand

    I'm certainly not Sherlock Holmes, but based on that line, it would seem to me that the fraud took place in Arizona. NOT Thailand.

    Those were my thoughts also. :o

    I am no more Watson than you, but doze wuz my thoughts too.

  12. In the mood for some pizza last night -- which happens not that frequently -- I decided to try Paradise Pizza, which as of yesterday at least had gathered the second highest number of votes on this poll, following the Duke's, whose pizzas I already knew.

    Not bad, exactly, but not particularly good, and I simply cannot imagine anyone voting for Paradise Pizza who had also tried the Duke's.

  13. I should post a picture of my bike lock... :D It's completely out of the question they get that one open. :o

    Go ahead and post, but no, it is never out of the question that a lock can be removed. Professionals can get any lock off. That said, I have no idea how professional the better thieves here are.

  14. There is NO lock which a good bike thief cannot defeat in a matter of seconds. A good thief.

    . . . . .

    If ya lock your bike, take the tire ( tyres ) either front or rear, if you have quick releases, and the seat as well.

    With a view to correcting any misunderstanding on the part of the bicycling public, I suggest that it is both more effective and much, much easier to take the entire wheel, complete with tyre, rather than the tyre alone.

    if you gonna carry the wheels and seat along, why not just carry the whole bicycle with you?

    You don't take both wheels, just one. And when you are going somewhere that will let you take the whole bicycle inside, it is indeed better to do that. Where that is not possible, though, you can often get away with carrying a wheel along with you, with or without the seat.

  15. There is NO lock which a good bike thief cannot defeat in a matter of seconds. A good thief.

    . . . . .

    If ya lock your bike, take the tire ( tyres ) either front or rear, if you have quick releases, and the seat as well.

    With a view to correcting any misunderstanding on the part of the bicycling public, I suggest that it is both more effective and much, much easier to take the entire wheel, complete with tyre, rather than the tyre alone.

  16. Blinky Bill . . . is one of those lucky fellows that get as much as they want for free and have since they were 11 years old.

    That's not quite true. It is true that he has had many wives, perhaps as many as he wanted -- or, who knows, quite possibly even more -- but I don't imagine they were free and I don't think he got the first one when he was eleven.

    When he wakes up in the morning, there are Thai girls standing in a neat line in his 'driveway'.

    Only when he passes out in front of an ATM.

  17. Very tight budget, and so much less than mine that I cannot comment meaningfully on its adequacy, but it sounds like you could at least scrape by, so why not just come to Chiangmai, check it out for a couple of months and find out for yourself?

    What can you comment on meaningfully, Razza?

    As I would have thought you knew very well, I can comment meaningfully on the use of written English. Knowing as I do how much the proper use of the language means to you, I have always supposed that you appreciate the corrections of yours that I occasionally offer.

  18. Very tight budget, and so much less than mine that I cannot comment meaningfully on its adequacy, but it sounds like you could at least scrape by, so why not just come to Chiangmai, check it out for a couple of months and find out for yourself?

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