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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Zara is best off the rack value for money I have found to date (on sale can go for as little as 4,000b a suit), but all depends on what style, I am verging towards the 'is he or isn't he gay, not that there is anything wrong with that' side of the spectrum*. Being that I am slim, neat, have the odd muscle and have short hair. All code words for, could be gay (to non gays) and definitely gay (to anyone who is actually gay).

    What ya talking about, ya Kiwi poofta.

    You already admitted that you used to be a model. OF COURSE you're gay*. Denial is not just a river in Egypt you know.

    * Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    The "measure" of a good tailor is when he lisps; "to which side does sir dress?" with a little gleam in his eye.... Not that there's anything wrong with that. :o Perish the thought.

  2. Don't take history lessons as a gospel.It's not what actually happened that's important - it's what the insurgents believe in what makes the conflict go on. The "real" history is important only if you could prove to THEM that Pattani has peacefully existed as part of the Siam for 400 years.

    You could blame them for not knowing their own history but it won't help in the least.

    What would help is tracking down who exactly is teaching/brainwashnig these young people into acts of terrible and cowardly murder. Unless I'm wrong and they're all over 400 years old.

    Radical Muslim clerics are to be found all over the world these days. Britain; France; Australia; etc. These guys use the platform of democracy to stand up and attack it. Even simple parasites aren't stupid enough to kill their host,....

    If they were a serious threat to our way of life, they would be wiped out overnight. I think they are just allowed enough rope and publicity to make themselves look primitive and foolish. - As "bogeyman" to cow a deluded population into accepting more intrusion and less personal freedoms. Same as the Communist threat of the Cold War era.

    Radical religious views are not just confined to Islam, btw. What about the power that the radical Christians wield in the US? Those are some weird, rather scary people. They certainly don't have anything in common with their supposed "saviour", unless Jesus Christ was actually a war-mongering, multi-billionaire cynic?

  3. another brilliant thing about thailand is the " SOI DOGS " as they have given me hours of pleasure watching them attacking drunken farang. :D

    thank you very much DR fisher. :o


    I would hope terence, that your newly-found religious enlightenment would preclude you from the sadistic enjoyment of watching mangy rabid soi dogs running, testicles-akimbo and fangs bared, after fellow farang travellers in the Kingdom....?

    Be nice to your farang brethren terence. A lot of the naysayers were once similarly enthusiastic, bright-eyed people like yourself and the good Doctor until disillusionment, boredom, and frustration set in....

    "There, but for the grace of God, go I." :D

  4. Yes, very much a generalization however they seem to be the ones who always open their mouths and make the rest of us look stupid not to mention hold all the political power. Here I am not afraid to speak out because the Thai people agree with me and don't chastise me for my ideas, beliefs or opinions. Just an observation there seems to be a lot of Thai bashing on this site so, again I refer you to idiots. They told me "USA love it or leave it" and I did now I love Thai and Thai people so, I do get annoyed when I see a post like this.

    Well, Doc; I wouldn't be in a hurry to turn your back on your own culture. A bit of perspective and time away from it may help you appreciate it a little more. It certainly did for me. :D

    A lot of the "Thai-bashing" here is tongue in cheek, and some is even quite amusing; if you're in on the joke. :o

  5. Generalisations are dangerous things.

    Treat every stranger as a friend you haven't met. Look quickly at the body - look slowly at the heart - yours AND theirs.


    Beautiful !


    Generalisations have saved my life on a number of occasions. Flaky philosophy out of a Hallmark Greetings Card hasn't.... Yet. :o

  6. Thai ladyboys do have rather a bad rep for "light-fingered-ness" and violence if you catch them trying to rob you.

    Not all ladyboys are like that... usually just the ones that frequent the tourist areas.

    I happen to know some very nice ladyboys... one of them who has never been out of her province in north-eastern Thailand. A nicer person you couldn't hope to meet.

    Fair play, JD. :o I have known *ahem* a couple of the "third persuasion" myself, and they are nice people.

    Unfortunately, a lot of Westerners experience of ladyboys is in the tourist areas, and it is not a positive one.

  7. Thailand has given me peace and happiness and a lot of space between me and my idiot countrymen who always have something stupid or rude to say about other people and countries.

    Rather sweeping generalisation, Doc..? :o Everyone else from your country is an idiot? Glad you've managed to distance yourself from them...


  8. A few days ago, I was driving on a back road to a customer's factory, and a huge snake bolted out onto the road in front of me! I could not stop in time to avoid it, and ran over it with both front and rear wheels. :D

    It felt like running over a speed ramp. When I got out from the car, there was blood sprayed on the tarmac and down the side of my car, but no sign of the snake. :o It must have been fatally injured but slipped off to die in the long grass at the side of the road. Sad.

  9. When it comes to sex... Lets just say they have been there so they know what you want, how you want it and how it feels.... Just put your hands in the hand of the man who has worked with the same tools you have worked with. You can't beat hands-on experience!

    You sure to want to go on with this.....?

    Thai ladyboys do have rather a bad rep for "light-fingered-ness" and violence if you catch them trying to rob you.

    Buyer beware.

  10. [quote name='toptuan' date='2007-02-20 21:30:54' post='1152221'

    Case-in-point: Our university. When thousands of students arrive every morning for class, by motorcycle, who stays out in the parking lot for 5-10 minutes staring at themselves in their bike mirrors--popping pimples, brushing their eyebrows, dabbing on skin whitener, caressing every bit of exposed skin on their face and necks? THE GUYS! Much more obsessed with primping than the gals.

    Yes, I also see so many accident fatalities due to lack of crash helmets. A lot of these fey, androgynous kids refuse to wear them as it might muss up their Japanese cartoon character haircuts. :o

    Thais and to a lesser extent, Filippinos are the "dumb blondes" of SE Asia; obsessed with how they look, and unconcerned about anything behind the facade....

  11. Bhut Jolokia comes in at 1,001,304 Scoville heat units, a measure of hotness for a chilli. It is nearly twice as hot as Red Savina, the variety it replaces as the hottest. By comparison, an average jalapeno measures at about 10,000

    A whopping 1 million Scovilles indeed. :D

    I Wiki'ed this; Scoville scale, because I have nothing better to do right now, and found that amongst the world's "pound for pound" most ring-stinging chilis, the species of the "Dorset Naga", and the "Scotch Bonnet" are some of the fieriest. :o

    Obviously blows the assumption of Brit food as "bland" and "boring" out of the water, then? :D

  12. No experience with Indians :D ?

    I imagine having cable tv cricket and sex channels would keep them happy enough... :o

    You've done it again! This is a good topic, fun and funny. You're the wrong side of the line again. Understand:-

    1) Gentle, fun prodding = funny.

    2) Racist remarks = not funny.

    Now, you've all gone anti- Arab crazy. Off topic... Why don't you start an anti-Arab thread...

    It's boring to hear and goes away from the OP's topic.

    I do apologise, jasreeve. Everyone knows you are the forum arbiter of good taste, subtlety, and sophisticated humour here. :D

    I will try to do better in future.

  13. Foreign labourers are treated like cattle here. I have seen gangs of Burmese labourers made to "squat" together and offer a wai begging-type of posture during their brief, massed appearance at the local Immigration office. Burmese are despised by a lot of Thais because of the historical enmity. The Burmese junta must be an especially cruel one to make people flee over the border to be treated like this....

    Laotians and Cambodian people probably are treated not much better. Although, they are usually not here from coercion, life "back home" may be infinitely worse / poorer paid for them.

    The most despicable treatment though is when they sometimes get shot / murdered before they get paid. :o

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