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Posts posted by kmart

  1. "Sonthi and other junta leaders flew to Chiang Mai on a Air Force C-130 on 3 November 2006 to visit a prominent fortune-teller and perform a religious ceremony to ward off bad luck over their staging of the coup. The fortune teller, Varin Buaviratlert, had been Sonthi long-time personal fortune-teller, and had foretold Sonthi's rise to become Army Commander."

    Does anyone have this guys phone number? A family memeber of mine is in very bad condition and I would like to know how much longer he will live, and I have some other questions. I am willing to pay, as I realize he is an expert and has limited time. Thank you.

    Not sure, but I have magic beans for sale. And a bridge.

    PM me a photo of your most recent tea-leaves, and your palm. I'll give you a reading.

  2. Which nationality is the most tight-fisted after checking in, bringing their own coffee and tea-bags, and paying only for the room and nothing else - The Dutch (every time...)

    Which nationality haggles the most to get a room-rate discounted down to a few hundred baht - The Italians

    Which nationality is the most rude to hotel staff - The Chinese

    Which nationality steadfastly ignores the no-smoking signs in the bedrooms - The Thais

    Well if I were a hotel owner I think its not the brightest idea posting your "Unscientific Survey" cause any potential customers of the above nationalities who were considering staying at your hotel phuket will go elsewhere if they read this..........tongue in cheek or not.

    This probably illustrates why you are not a hotel owner, as it might necessitate a sense of humour.

    Good luck in your chosen profession.

  3. Has terry 57 been "born again?" :D

    Always seems especially cruel to one's Mother, I do feel........ :bah:

    mr kmart,

    thank you very much for noticing how i have advanced myself in the last few days and its a very enlightening and positive advancement.

    my lovely mother would be very proud of her only son but unfortunatly she is deceased, :D but when i return to thailand i shall contact a medium for a face to face chat with her so she can rejoice with me.

    thank you once again mr kmart for your loving thoughts. :o


    and just to keep on topic, viva la thailand :D

    Terence, I think its tremendously uplifting that you have found recent spiritual enlightenment. My condolenses regarding your late Mum, my comment was only meant as a general, jocular, jape-type joke. :D I hope you find a happy medium (please avoid striking one, though) in Thailand, to contact your Mother. Please pass on my best regards. :bah:

    May your path to Nirvana not be strewn with too much debris / temptation.

    You'll have to pardon me now, as I have similar spiritual matters to attend to; my flute tutor has just arrived, and I have one hand clapping tutorial to make also. Peace, brother.

  4. whenever we have a vacancy in the office, i ask my staff to contact applicants by phone and speak to them in english. its a great way to short-list; about 75-80% of applicants dont show up for the interview appointment then. :o

    sadly, from the ones that show up about 50% have little knowledge of the subjects that they claim to have majored in - particularly if they are from the private universities.

    here, quality education (including english language skills) is a privilege of the closely knit hi-so clans. after all, keeping the masses illiterate and unskilled helps them run sweatshops at lowly wages.

    It concerns me that the clans that control Thailand are so desperate to cling to power that they'd rather opt out of the world economy with some dippy "sufficiency economy" theory, rather than bring education standards up to modern requirements. Are they that selfish....?

  5. It's about as sensible as the licencing laws imposed on supermarkets for the sale of alcohol, which are supposed to protect underage teens from buying. Whatever happened to an ID card's function in this regard, I just don't know. Also the second stage of sales hours, which begins at 5.00 pm is about the time supermarkets are crowded with schoolkids, just out of school. Logical? No. Thai. Yes.

    According to my gf, the after 5.00 pm alcohol sale is to discourage thais from consuming it during the day, when they should be working.

    I believe this was the reason for British licensing hours too.

    Yes, when we had wars and industries to tend to.... :o

  6. Good post, Casanundra. ^^

    As someone who is of an age when I have to start thinking about retirement plans myself; I need rigid goalposts to factor into my plans. And not flaky, half-arsed, nationalistic cant.

  7. Thai Goon is right; this forum is like a rampant breeding ground for these types of people. So much so allot of the threads are becoming boringly painful to read. I can’t understand why people just love to complain complain complain, maybe it helps them feel better about their already inadequate boring lives.


    TV is a conduit for frustration. :D At least it keeps misanthropic types (like myself :o ) off the streets...? :D

  8. I've had mine stolen twice. Both times in a bar. (Serves me right, no?) My missus recently had hers nicked whilst out invoicing for her company at a customer's factory. :o Those new Nokia "N" series seem to be in big demand at the moment, so watch out for light-fingered b@stards everywhere.

    Doubtless you can usually get the handset back (minus SIM) at your local "talaat natt". :D

  9. I think we have a few luk kreung guys posting regularly on TV already. Apparently their rights seem to extend to shagging mia farangs at least, so come on over and join the queue. :o

    dam straight...ra-ta-ta-tat dat essay aiiiiight AZiAn PrYdE yo :D

    No problems with the ladies or for some working in the entertainment business, can breed a false sense of worth which very quickly diminishes above the age of about 30, where people also assume that you are stupid and uneducated (as is the case with the majority of look krueng I would guess), but you can blow that illusion away if you are smart and educated. Sadly I personally have been unable to address that, but stupid and dumb still wins a few 'special benefits', I so dumb me love you long time.

    However, legally, I don't think you are entitled to any special benefits as a Thai citizen; as a non passport holding alien, you can obtain a rolling 1 year non-imm visa and no need to update the status of your residence upon showing your Thai birth certificiate; you can get a Thai birth certificate even if you were not born in THailand, I think your mum needs to show your own birth cert and a copy of her ID card aligning the name up as the mother, then you can get it at an embassy/consulate. After that....plainer sailing that a non Thai Alien.

    At least...this is how it used to be. I am no longer on that status now, so cannot guarantee this is still the case.

    Of course, one other benefit is being able to go fishing in websites like thaivisa; some topics seem to be like, what be that engrish expression, ah yes 'shooting fish in a barrel.'

    Did I just get a bite? :D

  10. I can't listen to Thai music at all. Even when its professionally performed it sounds like scraping nails down a blackboard to me. That music during the Thai Boxing is worst. Its all discordant percussion, and sounds like groups of kids throwing stones at your greenhouse.

    Talent doesn't seem to be important here, though.

    You try playing a watchamecallit .... hmmm ... that thing with three strings made of cats gut & horse hair.

    Anyway, it seems pretty important to the muay thai guys.


    Sounds like the horse and cat aren't dead yet. :o

    Listen to that for three minutes and you're ready to fight Tyson already.

  11. I went to Wales on holiday once. I was just in time to catch the "Festival Of Litter" they were having.

    During a church sermon in Welsh; I heard the vicar say the word "truth" in English quite a few times. Apparently there is no direct equivalent in Welsh.

    Aliens refuse to abduct Welsh people, as they find that they usually start to sing if more than one is abducted. And they cannot tell the sexes apart.

    Wales is of course famous for its vibrant film industry, and here's a few choice titles from this years output;-

    9-1/2 Leeks

    Trefforest Gump

    The Lost Boyos

    An American Werewolf in Pwllheli

    Huw Dares Gwyneth

    Dai Hard

    Cool Hand Look-you

    Sheepless in Seattle

    The Eagle has Llandudno

    The Magnificent Severn

    How The Haverfordwest Was Won

    Austin Powys

    The Magic Rhonddabout

    Independence Dai

    The Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch That Time Forgot

    Seven Brides from Seven Sisters

    The Bridge on the River Wye

    A Beautiful Mind-you

    The Sheepshagging Redemption

    Breakfast at Taffies

    Look Back in Bangor

    Evans Can Wait

    A Fishguard Called Rhondda

    Where Eagles Aberdare

    Dial M For Merthyr .

    *boom boom* :o

  12. Yes "Visa for Love" is much better than their last underground album "Ten Quid for Love", or their debut album "Sucky Sucky for a place to stay"

    I heard the current album they are working on, "Platinum Mastercard for Love", is even better.

    Joking for course.


    Their debut album "Drugged & Robbed For Love" was an instant classic. Like their musical "Fiddler On Roofies". Or who could forget their classic 7"( :o ) "Mugged On Beach Rd?"

    Pun opportunities going begging here,...... :D

  13. Its PC people like your good self that are driving decent hardworking men and women out of Australia.. This is Thailand mate.. The land of the free.. Theres no place like home.. :D

    "Land of the free? :D Not really m8... Don't confuse irresponsiblity and ignorance with freedom.

    If it wasn't for abundant food, laziness, ineptitude, and sexually pliant women; this place would be a fascist state already. Smoking or non-smoking. :o

  14. I'm certainly not leaving too. Those who are leaving probably came because they were malcontents in their homelands too (let's face it, Thailand attracts them), and now the world isnt working out for them here, they'll go somewhere else to whine and complain.

    You can run away from a place, but not from yourself.

    "Running" back to land / home ownership, legal rights, and parity regarding bank interest rates, for example?

    I'm moving on at the end of my contract simply because I feel like a change from here. Thailand will probably never change, and it will always be an option when I feel like a pleasant break from reality.

  15. I eat and drink everything I can get my hands on and very, very rarely have stomach problems :D

    You have a cast-iron stomach, david. I envy you.

    I usually put toilet tissue in the fridge overnight. :D Can't remember my last firm stool.

    What you need Mr K is to get your hands on some peanut butter, white bread and cheese ... that concoction will firm up the constitution of the most liquid of motions (even the infamous rice water stools) and may even bung up the orifice ... :o

    That concoction was posted on another thread as foolproof fishing bait. :D Wish you guys would make your minds up! :D

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