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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. I've never had sex with anyone that wasn't attractive and slim, and neither has anyone I know in the US. No charges either.
  2. The higher level corruption here you will never see, as well as in other countries. Police forces in the west do have problems but they have internal affairs which catch most of them, and the police are prosecuted if they step over the line.
  3. Everything that is fun originated in the west, from movies, beachlife, modern travel, food choices, night life, and music, which is the best worldwide and always will be.
  4. Every convenience used here has it's origin in the west. That means it's still far more advanced there. What is lacking is the obvious, and some mentioned. Corruption is always going to be higher in poorer countries. Money means a lot more and many more will do whatever it takes to get it. How they treat their children and animals here pales by comparing it to the west. Look at the buses children have to ride on daily here. Nowhere would that happen in the west, especially seeing 12 sitting on the top of the buses. Deaths and injuries waiting to happen. The road deaths here are among the worse worldwide, and it will be a long time before that ever changes. Animals are considered cute as puppies and kittens but largely forgotten after they get older, and allowed to roam free, multiplying and making many problems countrywide. Wifi is not good all over and neither is the power supplies. Look at the wiring above ground, where people get electrocuted monthly here. Power goes out all the time in many places, something that usually only happens during storms in the west happens all the time in some places where competence and maintenance are weak. Human trafficking is a huge problem that isn't being punished as it should be. There are nice places to visit here but tourists are targets on the islands and elsewhere. Road maintenance is terrible on secondary roads and holes in city areas where people fall in weekly. Dirty water abounds and you need to drink the water from the jugs if you don't want to take a chance on water borne diseases like H Pylori, which is more common here than in the west. Crime is as widespread as anywhere on earth,especially with knives and machetes, and punishment is lacking, which means crime will keep increasing. Intentional homicides are higher than most places in the west. There is illegal immigration and working here as well as in the west, and many here are slaves, trafficked on fishing boats and in prostitution. So, it hasn't caught up with the west and will be many decades before it ever would be. If it wasn't for adopting western practices and ideals, this would still be cave man living.
  5. PVC is used to protect wires outside, mostly from the weather but it works, as I had dogs chew my incoming and cut the power off twice until I had PVC put around wires outside.
  6. I know, but it does taste good on burgers. I prefer real cheese also, like Emmenthaler or Vermont Cheddar on burgers, but if it's not available......
  7. Did you forget to remove the plastic wrap on the cheese?
  8. Possibly BPH like I and most men have over 60
  9. Rice is what Thailand and most of Asia is all about, a staple the people need to survive. Importing it to a poor country is impossible for them. Much of Thailand is rice fields and growing your own is a lot cheaper than buying from others, especially importing. What needs to be done is doing with the chaff what others have done instead of burning it., composting and using it to fertilize.
  10. Generations of parents have failed at teaching their children healthy eating, and the result is the obesity and overweight percentages now. Kids mirror what their parents do until peers show them another side, but habits learned from birth to teen age are ingrained and don't go away.
  11. Children should be taught at home first, about everything necessary for life. Schools should follow up on this because many parents don't know, or don't care about nutrition for themselves or their families. With many single parent families worldwide, the situation is harder because one parent might be into healthy living while the other eats whatever they want without concerns, and the kids like sugar so you know what wins out. Stores and companies know sugar sells more food, and since they are only into it for profit, they put more into the food than is necessary, because people get addicted to sweets. The problem with all of this is the obesity level has been increasing everywhere, along with SE Asia. In my own life, I eat healthy almost 100% of the time, with only an occasional cheat. This I've shown to all my children, including the 8 year old here. The other side, where my daughter also lives, gives her snacks a lot, because they also eat them and don't understand, nor care, what that does to a child's thinking.
  12. You prefer white women to date, so you stay with that until you find one you want to stay with, and vice-versa. Conversation on the first date should be you asking her questions about what she likes. Let her do most of the talking as this is a woman's desire, to find someone who listens. If she is interested in you and your life, she will ask you questions also. Talking politics or religion is not a good first date thing. People take sides and that isn't how you get close to someone. When she talks you'll see what she's interested in, and if it coincides with your ideals, you have more to talk about. The same goes for a second date. There of course has to be mutual attraction to each other, as that's not a choice and gets things going for follow up dates. How you listen will increase that attraction for her. If you have certain values you adhere to, that will make or break future dating for the both of you, and that information will come out in time.
  13. Actually, weed, metal music and video games are just more part time entertainment that people need. Violence, meaning un provoked or in self defense, isn't brought about by it unless it's already a part of your character.
  14. Thought that from the get go. Played pool countless times and never thought you could cheat.
  15. Although it's not easy to get a divorce contested here in Thailand, using those videos and pictures, she could be granted a divorce by a judge here.
  16. This happened to my ex with one of her boyfriends. She was about to visit her new farang in Germany and she went to see her boyfriend in Pattaya. He cut her hair very short, thinking no one would want her. She told me he hit her at the bus station. Then she went on a plane to see her new boyfriend. Stayed with him three months and came back, telling our daughter when she called here that she missed her and would see her soon. When she came back to Bangkok, instead of coming back home to her mom's house, she went for the next three days back to her boyfriend in Pattaya. Soon thereafter, the new boyfriend flew to Thailand and she married him. The day before she married him, she was at my house trying to kiss on me in front of our daughter, asking for a hug and "I know you still love me". This kind of behavior usually ends up real bad for the woman.
  17. Yes, it happens, but in the west if you're found guilty, you'll have a record which will follow you, maybe a jail term, depending if it is his first offense or not, a fine for sure and a label which will also follow you.
  18. Or it could mean she's looking to her family for advice on what to do because she was embarrassed by his actions. Yes, greed abounds here but it's not everyone all the time as some believe.
  19. They need to think this over. I'm always visiting Starbucks when I'm back home. Did all the time, and will again when I move back. They usually have locks on the bathroom doors that need a code, and they give it to you when asked. I've never been asked if I'm going to buy something as that is rude. They should assume you are and adapt to that. Granted, many people take advantage of all situations, and some ruin it for others because they don't give a <deleted>, but the average customer is going to buy when they go there. Sitting there for hours isn't a problem unless it's a busy time, and then you have to use common sense and care about others.
  20. I've only been here a little over 6 years, and in all that time, I've been to the beaches a few times but I will comment on most of my time spent, which is in Isaan. Tourists are a different thing altogether, and the women they usually have are bar girls looking for a sugar daddy. I see more average looking Thai women with average looking foreigners. I also see gorgeous Thai women with fat, out of shape foreigners, but that's the smaller percentage. I also see a few good looking foreign men with older, plain looking women. I'm thinking they are more looking for a companion and housewife than one for a lot of sex. I see Thai guys dating all kinds also, at all ages. Women are very naive about a man's agenda. even after all the generations, and they'll still look to be taken care of by someone who has cash, especially after they've been used a few times by locals. This is why younger Thai women fall for the BS , at least for awhile, until they realize it isn't working. You would think after all the generations of women and men relationships, women would understand what men really want and that most are only out for sex, and that looking for the bad boy is a complete waste of time. You can teach your daughters all about men, but you can't pick their partners. That's their own deal, and it usually ends up as a waste of time until they learn the hard way, then make better choices. Sometimes it takes a lot of years until you find a partner that is compatible.
  21. True. The best way to stop this kind is being caught in the act by a husband or boyfriend. Punishment swift and just might make others think before they try the same action. A Wai and a few hundred baht doesn't do it.
  22. Exactly,, and so many think the same way. You don't touch anyone without their permission, period. That attitude shows how he thinks, especially about women, and the only way he might learn is to be made an example of. He's already 31, so his character is already in place, but being prosecuted might make him think twice the next time, which will undoubtedly happen.
  23. No, because you either don't understand what I'm saying, or choose to ignore because you know I'm right on about you. I don't rant. I tell it just like it is.
  24. You can all me all the names you want because they mean absolute zero. You are a very disturbed individual that shows all the symptoms of what I described you as, and what's sad, is that you already are aware of this but still feel the need to return, just to argue because I proved you wrong in a minor disagreement about who makes the best pizza. Just because you can't admit your shortcomings you think I'm spouting a "load of pseudo-psychology". The fact is, I'm dead on about what you are, and everyone who has just a little of knowledge about your kind can see this by what you say. I have been here longer than you, and have helped many people with posts on subjects I know about, just like many others here do. There are a few here, yourself included, who's main objective is just to argue. You do offer help at times, which I've noticed, yet cannot fathom that's what I do a lot here, and ask me to offer proof of this, when it's very easy to find. You change usernames like underwear, and tell others you've just joined. They, and I, aren't fooled. I'm not trying to convince anyone here about anything. Others can already see you for what you are, and deflecting is another tool used by your type. . I'm showing you that you have been wrong all along, and still feel the need to keep going on and on, just trying to build yourself up. It isn't working. If, and I say this again, you actually knew what a narcissist is, and how they act, you would know the difference. This passes you by, because one of the biggest actions a narcissist has is trying to fool others into believing they are always right. Gaslighting. What does going "that far" in school have to do with anything? Your quote....."I'm guess that you didn't get far at school and now you are trying to overcompensate for that failure"....... Your grammar is something you need to work on, especially if you're going to tell others about their intelligence.. .Do you think it takes a college grad to know and understand psychology? You again assume things about me because your ego has been hurt from our original argument about pizza. Drop it. Stay away from my posts. Research more, talk less. You are making yourself out to look like a fool . A teenager that can't take criticism. You use emojis that smile, thinking your insults aren't noticed. There's a fact I've noticed all of my life. The only people I don't get along with are narcissists and sociopaths. People who's only agenda is to intentionally hurt others, especially women, because their parents did a real number on them in childhood. Those either diagnosed with a mental illness or who show all of the symptoms of same. You really don't realize that there are quite a few very intelligent people here, who see you for what you really are, and there are also a few here that are just like you, and you all seem to stick together.
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