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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. The lack of caring here is off the charts, and yes, until it personally affects them, nothing will be done to rectify the problem. Even then, as the short term memory that happens here is by nature.
  2. The only weirdos I see here are you and a couple others. Those who assume they know anyone and how much hey know. Those who are proven wrong and just have to keep coming back from low self esteem of ego, or both, just to argue. Who climes everyone else here is a narcissist? I can easily spot a few, because they have all of the symptoms. I'm sorry you can't, or won't understand this, because if the shoe fits...If you are yet to see i"m helping here, maybe you are just what I mentioned, a skimmer, who only wants to see what fits his agenda and disagrees with everything else. Again, if you want to see where I'm helping, all you have o do is look at my posts, and replies. It isn't hard, and not my deal, because I already am aware of what I do. Strange and annoying? Yes, you certainly are, and you'll keep coming back yet again to show everyone just how much.
  3. Yes, the OP could have been thinking about you when he made the topic.
  4. An autopsy is in store. Going out to pee and not returning could be a heart attack or something not under his control. His wife not checking up on him s suspect, along with her statement that was not concerned by his passing. He could have been drunk and passed out and succumbed to hypothermia, which is definitely possible with cool temps and wind.
  5. You must be. You keep replying. Which again, strengthens my points. Look up the definition of assume. It's what you do all the time, and I mean ALL the time, and it's not a good thing to have as a habit.
  6. Yet, again, you keep coming back. You actually know I've been right all along, since our first argument about pizza, but that teen angst has you impossible to admit defeat. Your observations mean nothing, as you haven't the knowledge about the subject, and calling me a narcissist shows this. You simply are in denial.
  7. If you're not reading, why are you replying? Read more, talk less. I didn't say I was getting my daughter to despise her family. I said my ex wife despised her family. This is what I mean by skimming, or maybe it's a lack of comprehension skills that makes you keep coming back with very little to say. True about my character. As well as everyone else's. It's hard to change after age 30. You again proved my point. This is the symptom I've been referring to, but I can't ask you to get help, as there is no help .And you're trying to get through to me? I could be your doctor , seeing I'm a lot more knowledgeable about psychology, but again, what you have has no cure.
  8. My children are all doing well, mainly because I'm the only responsible parent they have. And again, by you coming back with childish retorts, it further shows your lack of common sense and knowledge, and only that you like to assume things about others you know nothing about. Since the first argument we've had, with you using a different username, to the next, with yet another username, to these latest, with another new username, I have proven you wrong every time, and just to argue, you stick up for another well known troll, one who everyone knows about. Like I said, research before you comment, because it makes you look like a desperate man who has some issues going way back, that you need to argue with someone just because he proved you wrong before. You can go to my prior posts, about health, depression, music, animals, the US and many other things where I was there to help, to discuss or to refute wrong ideas, which is about helping. You keep telling me to seek help, when you know deep inside you've been hurting all your life, and this is the only way you can make yourself feel better. I'm stating the obvious while you're assuming and deflecting.
  9. Assuming again. And keep coming back, as it supports my claim.
  10. TBH you're wrong, but I can surely spot those that do. One of the things I do have knowledge of is psychology. How and why people do things. A person doesn't study psychology, especially of issues like narcissism and depression because they're a narcissist. Quite the opposite, as I know personally people I have tried to, and helped, with depression. The narcissists, who I've read about for over two decades, are quite easy to spot. They have certain habits they learned from being abused, spoiled and or neglected as a child. Things they can't get rid of because there is no cure. Your words.............."I'm still not going to bother to read nor respond to anything you 'reply'. Just the mere fact that you are trying to carry on a conversation with someone who isn't interested in engaging with you tells me enough"............ Yet you keep coming back, saying you're not reading what I wrote, skimming, and still feel the need to reply. This proves my point .And deflection is another symptom. Trying to prove it's the other person who's the narcissist. Doesn't work with me.
  11. Easy then. Don't troll what I say in posts. Don't assume you know anything about anyone here. Admit to yourself I prove you wrong and don't take offense because I have more knowledge on a subject. Problem is, you will come back again, likely with a new username, just to argue.
  12. Yes, and each post is pointing out exactly what you've been all along. You not reading them is all anyone needs to know about your type. And I can say exactly the same thing about your posts. Difference is, you've been wrong since day one, and still are.
  13. Again, you assume, and still haven't the sense to see it. Saying you're a troll is a fact, as your replies are the definition of the term. How do you know you arrived here before me, and have more experience in anything? That's assuming. Where do I present myself as an expert in anything? I do have knowledge on some topics, so I go to them to help. This is what others do also, to help. If you actually knew the definition of a narcissistic personality, you would know they aren't on this earth to help but to use others. People who intentionally hurt others to boost their low self esteem. People who keep coming back, to argue with someone who has proven them wrong before, because that low self esteem can't take being proven wrong. Your opinion about me means nothing, especially seeing you're always wrong. You didn't read beyond the first line exactly for this reason. That IS skimming, and even when you do get involved in a conversation, you aren't using research but only that opinion, along with your many assumptions, which are again, always wrong. I don't have to show you anything. You won't bother to take the time to research my postings, because you'll find the truth. I proved you wrong first off about the pizza thing, when you used one of your alter egos, and you feel the need to keep coming back in many of my postings, just to try and prove me wrong. This you still haven't done, but you still keep coming back. Troll.
  14. If you spent more time researching and less trolling, you would take the time to see all of my posts, and see how many times I've helped others. Skimming is one of your traits, completely missing the points I've made, and only going by what limited knowledge you have on certain subjects and not facts, which is what I do. Like you said, speak for yourself. You came as a backpacker and no one you know came for the women. How many expats do you actually know? And you believe what they've said that it's not for the women, although they live in a tourist area. How many here on this forum have said they've come here for the women? Many. How many here came otherwise? A few that I've seen said it's because of the lower cost of living. That's what they said, although it might not be the real reason. If they made it in their country, they could have stayed I'm guessing. How many expats do you think I know that said the same thing? You assume many things but never have any evidence. Did I say I came for the women? You assume I was a sex tourist, although in many of my posts I've said I'm against prostitution and using women. If you would look at more than a couple of my posts you would have already noticed this. I actually came here to visit Thailand and see the sights, which I did. In the meantime, while I was staying at a hotel in Isaan, I met my future wife, which was a mistake on my part I admit to. A daughter was born, so I moved here because , as I said, she didn't want to leave Thailand. Later, and fairly recently, she thought different, until she found another farang she met online who she married. Trolling is your way and not mine. Others have seen this all along, both in this username of others you've used. Where have I insisted I'm right about everyone else? That's assuming from skimming and again, missing the point. You do know that assuming things about others, such as them being a sex tourist, is akin to calling them names too right? Maybe you don't, because you always come back, thinking you're right, when all along you've been wrong on every topic. This is because I keep proving you wrong, and your ego can't handle that. You say no floozies, but you live at a tourist area. Why is this? I could act like you and assume it's because of the floozies there. I know some like beach areas, so that could be your reason, or not. Your statement.... "You then extrapolate that to everyone. No. It's just you and others like you. Old men hooking up with younger Asian women. You. Those are the only people you know and meet. No one else will have anything to do with you in real life. So you won't meet 'normal' people and only assume what you know, as everything" You're assuming all I know are old men hooking up with younger Asian women. They are all the people I know and meet. No one else would have anything to do with me. Lmao If you only knew just how many "normal" people I know and are friends with, you would dry up and blow away. .But keep on assuming, because that's a trait of a closed minded, un educated person with an agenda.
  15. There are a few reasons one loses control of a vehicle. Drunk, on the phone, talking to or arguing with others and looking away from the road, falling asleep at the wheel, driving too fast for the road conditions, all of which many do, including teens.
  16. Thai food by nature is healthy. How some prepare it isn't. The large amount of seed oils is not healthy. Too much sodium isn't either. Many use, and die, from using raw fish, pla ra, in Som Tam. Over 60,000 cases of cancer reported a year now. Eating rice every meal might sound healthy, and is a staple here, but with the amount of diabetes cases here, it's not a good choice that often. I've eaten Thai food for decades before moving here, and it's just as good or better in restaurants back in the US, and the quality control is a lot safer, with meat not left out all day to be exposed to bacteria and insects. It is one of the tastiest foods we have worldwide.
  17. I don't, but who would you choose? No country should have one person in charge. Many times history has proven a malignant narcissist or sociopath has been a leader, and chaos followed.
  18. Might try getting out of the house awhile. Ask any foreigner why they came here to stay. A small percentage because they were escaping prosecution, another because they didn't want to pay support of some kind. Some because they could afford more here. Most for the women. Of course the percentage is higher for tourists, especially the men. Why do you think farangs live anywhere here besides the beaches? Why do you think the majority lives in the beach (tourist) areas? I wasn't speaking for myself. although I did move here because of a female. My daughter mainly, because my ex didn't want to leave her family. A family she despises. You came here to get far away from what? A woman that didn't want any more to do with you perhaps? By the way, what took you so long? I've posted for a few days and your trolling only started with this post.
  19. Nothing to do with being better. More educated, better technology, and further ahead in thinking because of it. Look around and see how things are run here. The corruption is much higher, the justice system is decades behind in their thinking. Law enforcement is lacking. The road department is unskilled. People come here for the women. If that wasn't there, they would come to visit , see the sights and leave. Some might stay because things are cheaper, meaning the cost of living. The majority wouldn't. Thailand is far behind in every facet. You never lived in the US, so all you go by is what you see on videos . Hiso Thais stay here because they have a lot of money to get whatever they want. That makes any place a lot easier to live. Thousands of rich Asians live in the west. Thousands of those just getting by do also. It's a much better way of life. Western schools are the best worldwide. Local schools here, besides the international ones, pale by comparison. Safety for children is severely lacking, as up to 70% of female students are molested by the time they're 17. In the US it's 11%, which is another huge reason I will leave with my daughter. Prospects for the average person here are nil. Lack of care...........
  20. People wear, and have been wearing shorts for generations. Nothing to do with being a gentleman but weather. If it's hot, you wear what's comfortable. It doesn't matter what others think because their opinions mean nothing. Unless you are wearing clothes that reveal too much for a particular situation, like the church ,temples or a business meeting, you be yourself. I'm actually a well educated American gentleman, which means I treat women with respect.
  21. I, and most others who live here and in warm climates, wear shorts daily. What's wrong with that?
  22. Beards are a personal thing. Doesn't mean anything besides that. Some can't grow them and some can. Nothing to do with being a man because that's all about how you treat others, especially women and children. Some look better because they hide a weak chin, bad skin or not handsome looks. Some women love them, some don't. Whatever makes you confident you use.
  23. Actually, this survey shows what most of them have over the years, I saw Korea as always the top but this one says Thailand is.............https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/penis-size-by-country.
  24. It's not that they do it intentionally. It's just is what it is. If you live in a dirty house, it's because you aren't a clean person to begin with. When my daughter goes back to her mom and grandma's house, she isn't taken care of like she is here, and her diet is much the same every day. I can't remember how many times she's gotten lice staying there, and if this was the US, she would have been given to me as primary caretaker from the very beginning, but living in squalor is a way of life for many, so it isn't in the court's minds when making that decision. The woman gets them, always.
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