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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. I'm actually quite the opposite, so you might want to research what a narcissist is, then come back and remain silent.
  2. I'm sorry you don't understand this. Maybe try other topics?
  3. He means live, as in residing.
  4. Try Walleye if you get a chance. About the best flavored fish, white, of all fish. Flounder is also tasty and white.
  5. "Shortly after starting the engine, the car accelerated uncontrollably, crashing onto the fence, after which Mr. Kampol was found unconscious". ...............I'm thinking narcolepsy didn't occur just after he started the car.
  6. You're certainly full of something, besides water I mean.
  7. There are specific reasons why some want this breed, and I'm sure a few here are curious as to why you do. Like I said, you really need to let the dog know who's boss, in a gentle, non abusive way, so it grows into a dog that won't attack others, and keeping it in the house is no guarantee because it can escape, and a dog that's not used to being around others, including children, and interacting in a gentle manner, might try to protect it's territory aggressively and cause damage.
  8. We have a few trolls here that are only here to annoy or argue with others, and to bring up controversial subjects that lend to that outcome.
  9. As I mentioned earlier, any dog can be dangerous. The facts are still there though. Pits do account for more attacks and deaths than other breeds, and this correlates with how many are trained. If there weren't any pits, the Shepherds, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Huskies and others would be the ones doing the attacks. If everyone who owned a Pit would train them to be gentle, we wouldn't have the stats we do now. People are the main problem, followed by the strength of the dog breeds. People have asked you, why do you want a Pit anyway? Are you going to train the dog to be a well mannered, non aggressive pet or another reason?
  10. Pits were originally bred for aggression, against other animals, not humans. People have used this to cause problems these times because of this past knowledge. The breed is a very strong breed and people use this for dog fights and ego . Training a breed this strong to be dangerous is plain ignorance, because they can turn on you and others in your family. Again, this can happen in any dogs trained to be aggressive or abused. They are a very strong dog breed and people need to take this into account, just as they should with any breed that's strong and capable of a damaging bite.
  11. This is another's view on the dogs.................................................,A good owner does understand this. A good owner should have done extensive research into whatever type of dog they are getting. The problem is people aren’t responsible. Even worse, some people get certain breeds because they want a vicious dog and they raise and even encourage it. That’s the main reason APBTs, in my opinion, get a bad rap. Bad owners take the traits of an APBT and enhance them to create a dog that is unstable and dangerous. These people shouldn’t own any dog imo. On the flip side though, most people don’t truly understand the breed. They are simply going off what the media tells them or going off of a single story they’ve herd. The truth is, an APBT is one of the best family companion dog breeds on the planet. In the hands of a responsible loving owner, an APBT will thrive. They were not selectively bred to be human aggressive. They were bred to be animal aggressive. These are two totally different things. The fact is, 99 out of 100 APBTs are extremely social and love humans. This is why they are terrible guard dogs. Because they are more likely to lick a stranger to death than attack them. This is the truth that most people don’t understand. Most people are very ignorant and simply listen to all the stories they’ve herd. This is a huge problem with our society. We hear the news and then generalize the statement across the board without having any knowledge or experience on the topic. It’s very concerning considering that some people are willing to exterminate an entire breed of dog based on prejudice. The fact is that way less than 1% of pitbulls attack. The bigger issue at hand is the lack of leadership from the owner. Some owners suck and should never own any dog. Others just don’t know what dog they are getting and don’t know what they are doing. If a person like this gets a real APBT and then let’s their dog go to the dog park, what do you think will happen? It comes down to people need to be more educated and responsible with their dogs. Know what breed you’re getting and even more important, know the particular dogs temperament.
  12. I'll say this again, through another's viewpoint. No dogs are aggressive by Dna.No, aggression in dogs is not a breed characteristic, and genetics are not the only factor that influences a dog's behavior: Genetics and environment A dog's behavior is a complex interaction between genetics and environmental factors.... Breed alone is not a reliable predictor Breed alone is not a reliable predictor of a dog's behavioral tendencies, including aggression... Pit bulls are generally well-tempered According to the American Temperament Test Society (ATTS), pit bulls are among the most tolerant breeds and score higher on temperament tests than other dogs..... All dogs can be aggressive All dogs, regardless of breed or size, are capable of dog attacks and causing serious injury. ...............Again, any dog can be aggressive, vicious and capable of hurting humans. Some have the strength, like Pits, Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers and Huskies, to kill. To the OP, I'm guessing you like Pits because of prior experience with them. You have to train the dog to be gentle with everyone, right from birth. You let them think they are the boss, or let them get away with any aggressive behavior, they can turn on you or anyone, and like some have said, they can cause a lot of damage very quickly. Abusing any animals can have it turn on you or others, but that's a given. If you just want a dog, and aren't looking at just a Pit, there are breeds that are easier to take care of with less training that don't have the ability to harm others so much. Another viewpoint..............https://skepchick.org/2022/05/study-are-pit-bulls-genetically-predisposed-to-violence/ ..
  13. We also have thousands of times more locals doing exactly the same things.
  14. That goes against what owning a homemade gun means. Having more at home also means the same thing. Not enough money to buy a regular gun. Not old enough to own a regular gun in Thailand. The need to own an illegal gun(s), which ,like another said, might have been used in a crime.
  15. I don't think you get out much, as all your posting, trying to make the bike look like it's not roadworthy or too loud, has been disproved a few times already, and if you do get outside more, you would surely see locals driving very loud bikes of all types, daily, on any road you can find. I live 300 meters from the main road, and i still hear bikes going down the road from here, loud. Waiting for a pickup on that main road, at least 3 went by yesterday, very loud bikes with modified exhaust just for that reason. I've been hearing and seeing these bikes all the time I've lived here. It's what teens do, as well as older boys. Whatever the legal limit is, I never see anything done about it, as these bikes pass police all day long and they do nothing.
  16. Deaths on Thai roads are a daily occurrence, many times in all provinces,but this involved a foreigner so it makes the news all over.
  17. You have been here a few times so you know how living is here at least for a vacation's time. Permanently isn't the same. If you have a house in the US, do whatever you can to maintain that while building the house here. having both has you two places to choose from no matter what happens in the future. Think of what interests and hobbies you have and make sure you can enjoy them here, as Thailand can be very boring, especially in the country, unless you have interests that coincide with country living. Phitsanulok is out there, away from beaches ,so that's a consideration you need to make if it's a permanent move. Do make sure you get many references about builders, checking all aspects of their construction, because many here aren't that good when it comes to important fine points about electricity, sealing, plumbing, proper paints to use, and skimp on materials. Some do very well and others very crappy. I chose the wrong builder recommended by my ex and it cost me a lot of re-do's afterwards. There are other forums in Thailand that have recommendations along with this one.
  18. Like another mentioned, being charged with an offense doesn't mean there will be a conviction. That's what the police do, assuming what happened until real evidence is shown. We don't see where he admitted anything but only showed he was sorry it happened, like anyone should be in this case. It may have been his fault, and it may have been hers, or both. Until there is more evidence , there is only conjecture.
  19. In your case, you call names after being proven wrong, which is a childish attitude much like the narcissist that never grew past age 5. Saying a few times I'm illiterate without showing any proof of this, as I always go by facts or just offer possibilities of a scenario, like this one. Opinions mean nothing, so I don't make them. If I have some knowledge on a particular subject, I offer it to help. Wisdom, knowledge and not opinions. I'd like to see these PM's that people supposedly send to you, as you wouldn't see anyone else's PM's without their permission. People argue here, and some ,like you, are corrected, but never admit it.
  20. It's rather incompetent driving that kills the most, along with drinking, which is something you've mentioned you do, but it's okay because you drive slower. Not. Excessive speed in areas where it isn't safe, in cramped conditions , around schools, downtown, two lane roads through villages, and the like also causes accidents because of the reduced reaction time to avoid them.
  21. Which says the same thing the original story does.
  22. MalcomB again assuming he knows anything about anyone. Where have I said I think Thais are against me? Where have I shown to be effectively illiterate? To the contrary, proving you wrong every time shows just how little you do know about any topics you've joined. Let's look at this example here. I listed possibilities that could have happened in this scenario and you immediately think I'm against the Thai woman. This could have been in any country with anyone and that's how I see it. I'm not prejudiced against any nationality, especially Thais as I have a half Thai daughter, had a Thai wife and now have a Thai girlfriend. You assume that the American, who was traveling next to another driver, was driving on the wrong side of the road and caused the accident? Then you say this " didn’t understand how he was wrong because couldn’t understand what they were telling him and now feels like a victim.", which makes no sense at all. The American bent down and showed remorse because he hit the woman. That doesn't mean he was at fault. The woman died and any normal person would feel sorry about what happened and want to show that to the family. Then you assume he was wearing dark tinted shades, which appears you are putting the blame on him. We all know you're prejudiced against Americans from many of your posts, so this just follows that cue. Best to stay out of this forum MalcolmB, because you again look the fool.
  23. I have not taken any side but again offered possibilities. I understand what you've said about SOP, but like you also said, no evidence of guilt, charges are dropped. I have seen prejudice and others have also. I'm not saying this always happens. The same thing also happens in the US, but insurance companies are the ones who decide who pays in the long run anyway. I didn't give in. I told the policeman what happened, translated mostly, and he took the other;s side. In the US it would have ended differently. I thought at first it would be 50/50 because I was turning, although staying in my own lane, which was evident from the debris from the cars in the road.
  24. Read what Richard said about being charged, and then charges dropped if there isn't any evidence of guilt. I lack self awareness? Do you think you know me? You don't. Don't assume like so many do here. If you had been reading all of what I and others have been saying, instead of skimming, you would see I put the blame nowhere until evidence is shown. I said possibilities, and another criticized that. If this story has more information, which they usually don't, then we would see if there was any evidence to have charges stick on the driver. Read all of what a person says before you judge them. You do notice that my post has quite a few likes and only two sad emojis. That means people agree not only with what I said, but that it makes sense because again, I said it could be either one or the other that's at fault, or maybe both.
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