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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. This is a general answer that should apply anywhere..........No, pedestrians do not always have the right of way: .. Pedestrian responsibility Pedestrians must follow traffic laws and cross safely. They should not jaywalk, cross in the middle of the street, or cross outside of a crosswalk...... Driver responsibility Drivers have a duty of care to pedestrians and other drivers. They should yield to pedestrians in certain circumstances, such as at crosswalks, intersections with traffic signals, and roundabouts. Drivers should also be aware of pedestrians crossing at unmarked crosswalks or intersections without traffic signals....... Shared responsibility Pedestrians and drivers should share responsibility for road safety. Pedestrians should stay alert, make eye contact with drivers, and understand and respect the other's space and rights. .
  2. The police assumed he was at fault with no evidence we have yet heard. Yes, there might be something the story hasn't told yet, but we are all going on what's written here. Police are quick to find fault in foreigners involved in accidents. This we all have heard living here for years. I had an accident here that was mostly the other driver's fault. I was turning and so was he. He crossed over into my side. The only thing that made it partly on my side was the fact I was turning, albeit staying in my own lane. The police heard both sides. I had to pay. In the US, they would have investigated more thoroughly and then made a decision, and the insurance companies would decide who pays for what. I have no prejudice against anyone. If you did wrong, you pay for it, period. I just know what goes on here, as do many others, and lived in the US for 62 years, and saw things much differently.
  3. Seen it personally at my daughter's school more than twice, and had to talk to the supervisor to get her to stop the teacher who was doing it. I wouldn't hit a woman, but if this was a male teacher he would have gone down for the count, and there wouldn't be one thing they could do.
  4. It does show a lack of concern not only of others lives but of their own, and the lack of enforcement adds to this. It also tells a lot about a people by the way they treat their children and animals.
  5. You must take a course on comprehending MalcomB. I again, didn't say anyone was in the wrong or right. I listed possibilities, which mean things that might have happened. It looks like you think I'm sticking up for an American just because. And blaming the local just because. No.
  6. I've been driving for 50 years, and professionally for many of them, and have observed the best and the worst driving in many states and a few countries. In all this time, I have noticed, without prejudice, the worst drivers are definitely here, followed by some black women, teens and then older Asians. Lastly there are a few old drivers that aren't bad per se, but drive too slow in places where they should keep up with traffic, and this causes problems.
  7. I'm posting this not only for you but others............ assumption noun uk /əˈsʌmp.ʃən/ us /əˈsʌmp.ʃən/ assumption noun (BELIEF) Add to word list C1 [ C ] something that you accept as true without question or proof: .
  8. What do you mean by that exactly? Do you actually think you know how long people are going to live, including yourself? My parents died at 79 and 84, so if you use genetics only, I should make it to around 83 or so. That doesn't take into account that I have worked out 3-4 times a week for 50 years, while my mom and dad were a little active. I also eat healthy all the time, and although my parents did also, it wasn't as involved health wise as my diet. My brother died at 67 from a heart attack brought on by diabetes, because he didn't lose weight like the doctors asked him to. I'm not sure of your age, but since you always seem to talk like this about older expats, you're probably under 50. What you don't seem to realize, is that I might outlive you. Because, <deleted> happens.
  9. Again, if they charged him without any evidence besides that he hit the woman that's wrong, and maybe prejudicial. People, pedestrians, get hit every day in many countries because they did something without thinking. Pedestrians also get hit because the driver that hit them was doing something wrong, so again, until there is evidence, you cannot charge someone with anything. If you do, you're assuming, and that's wrong period.
  10. Of course they do, as well as thousands of locals, and the lack of enforcement for both happens daily.
  11. Another assumption. I didn't say who was at fault. I suggested possibilities. Try comprehending better before you reply.
  12. For being here so long you seem not to know what actually goes on here, and who is shown a pardon and who prejudice, as far as traffic accidents are concerned. I'm not a Thai basher and didn't show that here in any case. I'm a realist. You don't charge someone without knowing the evidence. If the police assumed what happened, that's showing prejudice.
  13. I understand fully how many pedestrians get hit by vehicles because they walked into a road where vehicles were moving without looking. Pedestrians have the right of way of course but some choose to walk right into oncoming traffic when a vehicle is doing the speed limit and has no chance of stopping. If this was a cross walk the pedestrian also has the right of way and vehicles should be watching for pedestrians that might cross. Since we don't know the full story as there isn't (yet or maybe) CCTV which might show it clearer, one can only guess who's fault it was.
  14. When you reach a certain age, you usually have enough wisdom from all of your years to not assume you know anything about a person from their looks. One example of this is Ted Bundy, who murdered at least 35 women and got away with it because he looked like an average man. Farang on dirt bike meets no definite profile besides a love for dirt bike riding. There is no way to judge this unless you were actually there watching it unfold.
  15. And I and most of the others here see daily bad driving by locals. I've been a driver most of my life, as a job, and put in millions of miles since I first started driving, and have never seen more bad driving in all of my life until I moved here, and I was born in New Jersey, where many consider it a place where bad driving happens a lot. It's defensive driving there. here it's pure incompetency along with lack of enforcement that has more die each day than about anywhere on earth, yearly.
  16. Yes, ever since scooters were first used here.
  17. If I had a nickel for all the assumptions I hear on this forum I could run against Trump in the next election. He may have been driving straight, at a normal speed, and the woman could have walked across the road without looking, which I see daily here all the years I've lived here. The only evidence that could judge this is CCTV. They're quick to decide against foreigners regarding traffic incidents here, which is prejudiced thinking before any evidence is there.
  18. You might want to look at how many things people lose their lives over in this country alone. Third world and developing countries have more than their share of things going wrong because of the lack of technology, common sense, and care. Granted, the whole world has many problems, mostly due to narcissists, leaders who are voted in who shouldn't be in their positions, money spent more for military than protecting humans from trafficking and other abuses, healthcare not affordable for everyone. One needs to not just look at videos about the west and judge by them, but actually living in the country before you can decide on what's going wrong there. Only takes a minute to research about things instead of going by the nominal news that you hear daily.
  19. To Mr. Doom and Gloom regarding people older............ United States In 2010, 5.5 million Americans were 85 or older, and by 2050, the number is expected to reach 19 million. This represents 24% of older adults and 5% of the total population. ... Canada By 2050, the population of people 85 and older in Canada could reach 2.7 million..... Japan 5.1% of the population in Japan is currently 85 or older...... Europe The ratio of people 85 and older to the working-age population is projected to increase from 5% to 19.7% between 2022 and 2100.
  20. Right, and the way she was using that hose shows how she treats them. No training, and expect them to obey when you beat them. Much the way some children are raised. You do what I say or you get hurt, instead of explaining why bad behavior isn't tolerated, they say the child is bad and needs to be abused into submission by hitting, and many, especially here from what I've seen, use sticks and other weapons to "train" their children. Instead of teaching the dogs to be gentle, they aren't patient or care enough to train them, and when the dog does something wrong, out comes the weapon to "train" them to listen. This teaches both animals and children that hitting is the way to teach, instead of reasoning. You can make a poodle a vicious animals and I've seen this many times in small dogs who are absolutely mean, and the opposite in 100 pound dogs who are as gentle as a lamb.
  21. Cats don't usually reciprocate the amount of affection a dog does. yes, at times they are affectionate and want to cuddle and be pet, but a lot of the time they are aloof and want to be left alone. rarely does a dog exhibit this behavior. This is why they are often compared to women. They want to have attention, but when you give them too much, they walk away so to speak. A dog is known as the most loyal of animals, and this has proven to be true. As far as dogs only wanting to bring back sticks, that's what to expect if that's all they're trained to do. As anyone can see, dogs have saved thousands of lives by their training and intelligence. A dog will try and alert their owner if there's a fire in the house, and help them get out. A cat will run for the hills never looking back. As far as banning any breeds, again it's the owners responsibility to treat them well and instill kindness in them. You abuse any creature it will turn on you.
  22. Yes, women say they want a successful man that will take care of them, but many end up with narcissist cheaters who only look at them as a conquest. They'll even marry these women, which is a good choice for them because then they have a house to live in, a sex partner and can also date other women while the wife is home taking care of the family. A lot of men who make a lot of money don't have time to stay home with the family and even prefer that. This is a reason a smart woman will look for the beta male who is a lot more likely to be a real man and not shirk his responsibilities. Very rare will a woman find an alpha male that will do what he needs to as far as his wife and children are concerned. As far as the former question, I'm talking about men who are feminists and not the women. Men who look at women as equals and not objects.
  23. I know about the stats but this dog is bred to hurt people, to be aggressive, for a few reasons, mostly the ego of some owners who feel the need to have such a dog. You can breed any dog to hurt people. It's just that pits are very strong and hard to control when they are bred this way. In this instance, the police should put these dogs down before they kill someone, which could easily happen, especially being in a pack attitude, and I love dogs myself. It's become the most dangerous breed because of people. If there weren't any Pits or Rottweilers, some humans would breed German Shepherds and Dobermans to attack others, which some already do. Police and Military dogs aside, which are highly trained and won't attack just anyone.
  24. What makes a feminist crazy? They support equality among the genders. Isn't this a correct attitude or do you feel you are somehow superior to them and must dominate over them? That they aren't capable of doing a job men can or should only do things a misogynist thinks they should do?
  25. Any dog can be dangerous if they aren't trained to be gentle. Pits, along with German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Huskies, Dobermans and Boxers, are all very strong and can cause more damage biting then their smaller counterparts. If you raise a pit from birth to respect people and never be aggressive, they won't know what aggression means. I've known few pits that were very gentle towards people but would fight other dogs, which is normal. I wouldn't want any large dogs around small children without supervision because any dog can be protective of its food or toys, and if a small child reaches for it, they could provoke an attack. This would happen with any dogs. Again, it;s the possibility of more damage from a stronger dog that's the worry. Some people raise their dogs to be aggressive for no other reasons but ego on their part, and that's wrong. Some are abusive to their dogs, and make them ticking time bombs. The only times I was ever bit was a poodle sized dog in the US and another small dog here. The first because I crossed a line to look at a motorcycle a man was selling, and the dog ripped by pants. The second, here, was a dog I went to pet that bit my hand. It was outside its yard walking around. I have pet countless dogs and this was the only time one bit me, and it was a small dog. This dog was loose, and if it's owner had taught that dog to be friendly, it wouldn't have bitten me. There is a rottweiler that comes to my house that goes after cats, but backs down when I yell at it if it does, or if it goes after other dogs while I'm there. He's a very friendly dog to me and my daughter, and although it has an owner somewhere, runs free like most dogs here. There are bad owners, and many choose these breeds for that reason, and it makes all such breeds look bad. If a dog doesn't know aggression, and is taught to be gentle to humans, it won't use it...............https://www.thehumanesociety.org/debunking-pit-bull-myths/
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