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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. Latino males, like Thais, Blacks , Muslims and other Asians, are more likely to cheat on their partners. There are stats on this, and I will link one, but it's really up to how they were raised. Long before I moved here, I heard this about the Thai men. I also heard this from many women, especially Latinas, while living 32 years near San Antonio, that their men always cheat. I know it's a little exaggerated because I personally knew a few Latino men who are very faithful as far as I knew. I also talked to a few white women who said the same thing. They were attracted to the Latino men but they always cheated. Culture comes into the picture, but there are cheaters in every nationality and creed. A lot of this is the nonsense that they are better lovers, which also brings in the alpha male bulls**t, where women look to the bad boy, thinking somehow he's a better choice, when he's the worst choice they can make. It's the beta males that are the good providers and caretakers of the females and children. The boys see their dads cheating on their moms, or absent altogether, and they think it's normal behavior. Muslims can have more wives, polygyny, and yes, this does mean they are cheating on their first wife. It's their culture and it's wrong but that's their deal and the women have to deal with it if they are to stay in that faith. In Western cultures, it's easier to be granted a divorce than, for instance, here, so many stay in marriages while being cheated on. To your question, again, it's the women who fall for the bulls**t that cheaters and players use, using their looks and lines to bed women they aren't going to stay with long. The machismo, or alpha behavior is attractive to some women, who then learn the hard way that the beta males are the better choices in the long run. .........This chart shows some of it.............https://www.statista.com/chart/6841/the-most-unfaithful-nationalities/
  2. A few are hardcore brown nosers who stick up for locals and try to downgrade bad behavior, thinking it might get them to look good in their eyes.
  3. More comments from the peanut gallery
  4. Put down that mop and do some research for a change
  5. I will move back to Texas as soon as possible and get off this site, but I will certainly return years from now when you're a doddering old fool like you call people over 60. And I will smile, knowing you've maybe grown up a little to understand humbling.
  6. With the Old Breed by Eugene Sledge, then Helmet for My Pillow by Robert Leckie, then The Jim Corbett Omnibus
  7. That's false but how about all of those drunk on booze? Weed does slow reaction time but alcohol makes it impossible to drive safely, although some think so, including one who posts here.
  8. Hire the New Jersey State Police for 5 days. Millions of baht made to go towards road improvements or whatever needed, including safer school buses so 12 children don't have to sit on the top, which shows a complete lack of concern, millions off the roads until they get licenses and wear helmets, hundreds of lives saved, thousands in drunk tanks safely sleeping it off, hospitals not crowded with life threatening injuries, which make up a lot more daily roads deaths than are published, If you can't hire outside help, which was a joke, get the police to actually do their jobs by taking their phones away if they're sitting in police boxes and have each box monitored by camera to see what they let pass daily.
  9. No self driving scooters, which are 85% of the accidents. This won't change for many years to come because the laws aren't enforced correctly. Make people pay for not wearing helmets, you save lives. Same for driving under age, without licenses, 3-5 on scooters, unsafe overloaded trucks, speeding and of course drinking then driving.
  10. Dry cough can come from allergies, a cold, Covid, Gerd, smoking, and many other reasons, so it's best to check if you have anything that might have caused it before taking medications that may not help.If this has happened repeatedly it might be allergies, seasonal, that are giving you the cough. Hot tea with lemon, fluids and a humidifier or steam can help with the symptoms.
  11. I have many things I still want to do, a bucket list, that I couldn't accomplish as I was, and still am, raising children, so I'd like to go as long as possible. Genetics is part of longevity and my parents made it to 84 (mom) and 79 (dad), but dad smoked 3 packs a day for over 60 years so he probably shortened his time. My brother passed at 67 from a heart attack due to diabetes, so one never knows. You can only do your best to combat illnesses. Dementia isn't in our lineage, and it only affects about 33% of those over 80, so that shouldn't be a problem. I do what it suggests to combat dementia, but again, you never know.
  12. She stabbed him before so she goes for the knife in altercations, as do many in this country. My ex came at me 3 times with a knife over minor arguments and when she was already mad at someone else, so I can speak from experience that it happens. One reason we aren't married anymore and a main reason I will take my daughter out of here.
  13. A smart and safety oriented ambulance driver can legally go through a red light, but that doesn't mean without almost stopping at the light before proceeding. This is what happens when you assume others will stop. The ambulance does have the right of way but this is Thailand, and what is normal anywhere goes out the window here as far as how many drive here is concerned. This does happen in western countries for the same reason. The ambulance driver cannot assume people will abide by the laws.
  14. What makes you assume I'm a nerd? A nerd doesn't spend 50 years weight training in a gym while raising 5 children and working, hunting and fishing does one? Here's another link for you to ignore or not understand................https://edition.cnn.com/2024/11/14/economy/trump-grocery-prices-inflation/index.html
  15. It's quite a bit more involved than blaming the president for the higher prices............https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/price-of-food
  16. Without knowing why someone would do something this odd, you might think he was being assaulted or threatened with a weapon inside that car, so decided jumping out was safer. Depression has some doing odd things, but jumping out of a car isn't usually one of them.
  17. Living here you only see a fraction of what goes on daily. The news stations waste a lot of time on nonsensical things. In the country, generally a person is safe if they keep to themselves and respect others, just as you would do anywhere. Crime here is pretty high in many avenues. Guns, knives, machetes, sticks, as well as all the others.
  18. LSD actually has you using more of your brain than without. Just a tiny example of what happens.............In the current study, we tested these postulated effects of LSD in flexible learning in humans and find that LSD increased learning rates, exploratory behaviour, and the impact of previously learnt values on subsequent perseverative behaviour. It sure made me and others I know think out of the box.
  19. And performing for the higher percentage of kids that didn't over use drugs and just enjoyed their music. Music that was okay, innovative and new for it's time, pop oriented and easy to play. Kids loved it because they could relate to those simple lyrics, which were fun and easy to understand. Their solo music was better and showed maturity in writing. No one continually comes out with excellent music and they weren't exempt, but they did start something way back when. Badfinger, at the same time, was better in ways, and they would have written more good music had they not succumbed to depression and being trashed by their manager. Someone who can still perform at 82 is surely consistent, and you don't get there by having a"rotted" brain.
  20. Translated, what he means is, "I will not have sex with a woman I'm buying unless she is pretty and slim. I do have my standards you know."
  21. Why must some people always mention America when violence happens here? Thailand has an extreme amount of daily violence and a higher intentional homicide rate than the US, and the US is nowhere near the only country with violence. Monthly mass shootings happen here also, as well as many more who use knives, machetes and sometimes swords. Most gun violence in the US is gang related or suicides, yet some think it's people running around shooting people they don't know. Cowards are in the daily news here, with video proof, daily, where it's usually 1 against 4, 5 or more armed with weapons, and kicking victims when they're down.
  22. You seem to look at older expats in the same eye, that all are on their last legs, are in wheelchairs, unable to protect themselves or weak. Humbling will come your way soon, and then you'll realize what it's like to grow old, especially if you haven't been taking care of yourself, and even if you have. There are plenty of people in their 80's and 90's that are fully responsible for themselves, who drive, exercise and even work. A nursing home is for those who aren't capable of this.
  23. I think some never bother watching the daily news, which alone shows how much of this kind of behavior goes on daily. There is also researching the stats, which shows more of how much violent behavior happens yearly. Some probably never wander far from the safety of their village homes, relying only on locals to tell them what happens worldwide, which amounts to almost nothing because they don't know either.
  24. No there's three. The truth, the lies and MalcomB's interpretation, which is usually off the scales in another direction.
  25. Friendly fire happens for a few reasons. Mechanical failure and under skilled pilots happens. America would win more armed conflicts? Seems like they won quite a few, as far as casualties is concerned. Politics ruins things and war is money, so things don't always end the way they should, but that aside,America could destroy any country that went up against them. Don't kid yourself thinking you know all about what they have waiting. As far as Vietnam being an ally..........https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States–Vietnam_relations
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