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Everything posted by James105

  1. The police here really do put Sherlock Holmes to shame. I have no idea how they manage to track down these criminal enterprises that are buried so deep underground and make so much effort to cover their tracks that they are practically invisible.
  2. Legal aid should be for legal defence when someone who cannot afford their own defence is accused of a serious crime, not to support vexatious actions like this where the family chose to send their child to this school knowing full well the secular nature of the school in advance and what facilities were and were not available, and having the freedom of choice to move to an alternative school if they desired such a facility. They should not have been given legal aid and if they wanted to take such a nonsense, spurious claim to the courts (as is their right) then they should fund it themselves. It's the equivalent of me taking a gym to court for not providing a swimming pool when I already knew they didn't have a pool when I signed up and took the tour of the gym before committing to joining.
  3. Also, a big thumbs down for lack of common sense as the family were given £150,000 of taxpayers money in legal aid to take this nonsense to court.
  4. Absolutely!!! The way that they stormed into a peaceful music festival, slaughtered hundreds of innocent civilians, raped women, took civilian hostages (including children) was definitely breaking all the norms and taboos of any kind of warfare and this literally started a war!! This caused the other side to retaliate as there is just no way that any sane civilised people should not defend themselves from that kind of barbarous action from happening again. Oh wait, silly me, that was the other side that did this, not Isreal.
  5. That is literally my plan (except swap Tahiti for Europe and 1 year for 6 months). Unless they do announce closure of this seemingly obvious loophole I do intend to take full advantage of it. Before committing to such flagrant legal tax avoidance I am hoping this does get clarified.
  6. Well, technically he didn't expose his wiener to anyone, as no-one can possibly see it due to the gigantic overhanging belly he is sporting.
  7. It doesn't, but it is a pointless endeavour as we already have sex based categories that includes everyone. Your turn. How does having an open category exclude anyone. Take your time, give it your best go.
  8. Let's not. It needs to be taken out of their hands as the flush faced vein bulging with outrage trans hate mobs have form for bullying those who who do not conform to the fantasy that men can change their sex. Have you seen the hate and threats that the likes of Sharon Davies or Martina Navratalova get for asking for fairness in women's sports? There are 2 sexes so there should be 2 categories. Nobody would object if the mens category was open to accommodate as many genders as you can think and that way nobody is excluded and leave the women's category for actual women. Simple, fair and inclusive.
  9. Nice bit of pearl clutching there, but if the categories were just based on biological sex and there were 2 of them, who exactly is being "excluded" here? If we take another example from the list, the "Deliciagender", are you suggesting that person does not have a biological sex and would be excluded on that basis?
  10. How many categories though? There are 72 genders according to https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_the_72_other_genders/article.htm. Is it fair (for example) for someone who is "Esspigender" to compete against "Genderblanks"? Have any studies been carried out on this? So 72 categories is probably too many, so maybe (and just thinking aloud here) the categories should be based on the immutable biological sex of the individual - of which there are 2.
  11. What outrage? Has somebody been on the sauce already? Open and womens categories are all that is needed. There are only 2 sexes so there only needs to be 2 categories. It obviously cannot be based on "gender" as last time I looked there is an unknown amount of genders and there could be more than 100 now. So it has to be based on sex but for inclusivity sake (which I'm sure is something you salivate about) we call one of the categories open. Problem solved.
  12. For once I am in complete agreement with you. The mens competition is already fully open to men who dress up as women, but for the sake of "inclusivity" the mens competition can be re-branded to "open" where anyone can compete, even legacy women who are bigger, faster, stronger than actual men that you refer to. The women's competition remains open to only women. Such a simple solution that pleases everybody* *except for mediocre male athletes who have no chance of winning anything when competing against fellow males.
  13. I really don't see what the problem is as it is nigh on impossible to tell a modern trans woman apart from a legacy female as this picture clearly demonstrates.
  14. People will vote for Trump as he is not Biden and people will vote for Biden as he is not Trump. Neither have any redeeming characteristics that would qualify them as Presidential so people will vote for the lessor of the 2 evils, as they see it. Those who have sacrificed their ability to reason will take their cues from either their CNN or Fox overlords and what will be will be. Everyone else will just carry on as they realise that neither of these 2 incompetent old fools will really make much difference to their lives as the office doesn't really have much in the way of power anyway. The useful idiots will carry on writing long stupid lists like the OP to make them feel virtuous that their particular media overlord is the right one.
  15. I must have missed the part where they rocked up in armoured tanks along with the threat of nuclear destruction that would be required to effectively overthrow the government in the USA. What were they armed with... a spear??! You have all drunk way too much cool-aid from the teats of CNN, MSNBC etc and seem to lack any critical thinking or observational skills of your own if that is really what you think when looking at these pictures. It was a protest that crossed the line to include trespass and the sentences should really have reflected that. The minute you think what you saw there was an "insurrection" is the point you should look long and hard in the mirror at what CNN et all have turned you into.
  16. Only over here is it so difficult. In the UK with Apple pay or whatever there is not a chance someone using cash will be faster than someone using their phone to pay as it literally is just a tap that is needed - it's people who use cash who are now the ones holding up queues as they fish it out of their pockets and then wait for change. The problem here is that every shop does something different, they don't want to pay the fees for Visa/Mastercard transactions or even debit card transactions so there is a mess of scanning QR codes to directly transfer from banking app or using one of several different apps to pay. I prefer cashless (typically) as everything time I buy something from 7/11 it always ends up being something like 21/41/61/81 bahts so I end up with useless annoying small coins rattling around in my pockets.
  17. Sure I do, the BLM riots were violent and destructive. Whatever passes for "insurrection" nowadays looked like a nerds costume party. Insurrection: BLM riot
  18. They should face the same level of justice that BLM rioters received. Nothing more, nothing less.
  19. It would depend how they got to the uk. If they entered the UK by legal means then yes I would. If they arrived illegally then would not as I do not support the rights of criminals to gain entry into the UK over those who try and enter by legal means and would want them deported straight back to Uganda. If they are in Uganda I would suggest they seek refuge in the nearest country that is safe for them, which would be one of the several countries bordering Uganda. So in your view why would they not want to seek refuge in a nearby country then? What has the US/UK got to do with any of this? The only contribution to this the UK or USA needs to make is to immediately stop any foreign aid from reaching Uganda until such time as they repeal this and similar laws.
  20. Uganda borders Rwanda, as well as many other countries. Why would they need to go all the way to the US or UK for refuge? Would it be because you think that that African countries are inferior in some way?
  21. How exactly does this situation improve when Labour gets in though? Are they going to stop appeasing and bending the knee to the hate mobs like this and BLM etc when they get in? I have not seen any evidence of this and my current assumption is that as bad as things are now, it will get significantly worse under Labour. Perhaps you have some insight I am unaware of you can share?
  22. Ok, well thats good as I remitted enough cash for about 2 years into my Thai bank account over here in December. If I was to (hypothetically) spend 6 months or so out of Thailand and make myself a non tax resident in Thailand next year or the year after and take the opportunity to replenish my Thai bank account whilst a non tax resident would that be legal tax avoidance or illegal tax evasion?
  23. You seem to have forgotten to include the context surrounding this sentence so to help you out here is the link: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-essex-65263650 The context is: - They climbed and suspended themselves from the QEII bridge for about 37 hours - The bridge had to be closed for 41 hours, delaying almost 565,000 drivers - Small businesses lost up to £170,000 in earnings - Caused delays to people who needed urgent medical care So they didn't just unfurl a banner over a bridge, their actions directly impacted thousands of people. If they want to show a banner in a peaceful protest on a street they can do this. Their sentencing represents a deterrent so that other idiots of "no fixed address" think again when they have a desire to hold up their "end of the world is nigh" signs in places that are a danger to themselves and others, and is neither authoritarian or draconian unlike the original topic this thread relates to.
  24. No, she is not. She uttered the lie that "trans women ARE women". For that statement alone she should be nowhere near the conservative party and should join one of the other parties that pretend they believe that lie.
  25. Kids born today will be living in a majority muslim world by the time they are 50. That'll be fun for them. I doubt there will be so many men trying to claim to be women in that kind of world as women's and LGBT rights plunge ever further into the abyss.
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