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Everything posted by James105

  1. Of course, it would never occur to the pearl clutchers that this could be the very reason for displaying the Thai flag, as Isreali soldiers would be only too aware that the evil murdering rapists on the other side of this conflict are holding Thai people hostage as well as Isreali's.
  2. It's 72 virgins. Family guy did a thing about it...
  3. So if they win then they could reduce the number of legacy women and replace them with "modern women" for "balance"? This feels like a potential win for the Patriarchy.
  4. It would be better for all involved I think if on the bus you could just wear a face mask to protect you from "man made global warming" as that way the person you chose to sit next to on the bus would know exactly what your opinions are on Climate change, Palestine, Covid, LBGTQ+2LSA, illegal immigration, pronouns, Trump, the Tories etc and would be able to make an informed decision to move elsewhere (or pretend someone else is sitting there) before you got a chance to. That way this person would be safe from being infected by leftist woke nonsense.
  5. This is the reason you cannot do it online. The clock resets and your 90 day report is now due 90 days after you returned, but everything resets so that means that the first 90 day report has to be done in immigration and then the ones after that can be done online again.
  6. It does seem a bit easy to knock out and cause an entire bridge to collapse. It's going to give all the wrong people ideas for their next terrorist attack as it is a lot easier to commandeer a large boat and steer it into a bridge leg(?) at rush hour than attempt to take over a plane to crash into a building.
  7. Clearly you didn't read the article, as excess deaths are not counted differently. The article states that with the covid death count there were many different ways of counting this. In Norway a covid death was only counted as a covid death if the consulting physician said it was the cause of death, whereas Sweden counted it as a covid death if they had tested positive for covid at some point but died of something unrelated such as a heart attack. The way every country counts a death is the same. Are they alive or not. If not then it is counted as a death.
  8. Another one that seems to think that the only thing that killed people during covid was covid. The excess deaths are the only reliable figure to use here as some countries counted a death as a covid death if within 30 days of a positive test and some didn't. But a death is always counted as a death whatever the reason so if you look at excess deaths from all causes then Sweden looks quite good, and importantly they didn't destroy their economy or wreck their kids education either. I know these cold hard facts can be difficult to take if you have been heavily invested in the lie that lockdowns saved lives, but they are what they are. https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/sweden-during-pandemic#excess-deaths
  9. Sure, if the only thing people died of was covid then preventing covid deaths would be a good thing. Unfortunately during this period the things that kill people in much greater numbers did not go away and were probably exasperated due to lockdowns (people not being screened for cancer/heart conditions whilst still treatable etc). Also different countries counted covid deaths differently so is not a reliable number for comparison. What is a reliable number though is excess deaths from any cause. So my point stands, that Sweden without a lockdown had lower excess deaths than countries that applied lockdowns, so it could easily be argued that lockdowns caused worse outcomes than not locking down. I know the data does not suit the narrative that 'lockdowns saved lives' (sorry about that), and this is the point I was making earlier. Even with cold hard facts presented to those who thought lockdowns were a good idea that demonstrates they were palpably not a good idea, people (such as yourself) would willingly accept lockdowns even with knowing this fact.
  10. Yes, I stand corrected. Sweden without a lockdown had lower excess deaths than countries that applied lockdowns, so it could easily be argued that lockdowns caused worse outcomes than not locking down. https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/sweden-during-pandemic#excess-deaths
  11. I admire your optimism but I think "the people" will willingly accept it all over again. Even if you could inject hindsight directly into the 70-80% of people who craved lockdowns and literally show them how much economic damage it caused for no difference in outcomes they would do the same thing all over again, and probably demand longer and harder lockdowns as the previous ones were ineffective. Propaganda is a powerful tool and far too many people are susceptible to it. Governments have experience of using this tool now and will use it even more effectively next time as covid was a wonderful and profitable time for the richest and most powerful on the planet, and there is just no way they will let the next one go to waste.
  12. Are you equally racist to non-white people living in the UK based on their ancestors migrating there and have now made it their home? Do you tell them to "go back home" as well?
  13. If the content posted is not illegal then why would you object to that? Do you want censorship? Did you read 1984 and think how amazing it would be to live in that kind of world?
  14. Did you see the photo of the "transgender woman"? It's literally a bloke having a shave. He is just your everyday perv that has been given permission to legally perv on women and if anyone complains he holds up the transgender card and the actual women get punished for being transphobic.
  15. Perhaps you should reflect on the story of King Canute and the tide and see if you can draw any lessons from that.
  16. It's hubris to think that despite there being clear geological evidence that the planets climate has always been changing over millions of years, humans are solely responsible for it now. Where you can draw accurate correlations though is how much richer the richest tend to get when the gullible proles fall for another one of their money making schemes.
  17. Surely it should be WASPE as they are against state pension equality, as prior to the change women (despite living on average longer than men) were entitled to get their pension at 60, whereas men had to wait until they were 65. The change simply made it equal.
  18. It's irrelevant. Every doctor knows before they start that if they get convicted of crimes then they can lose their ability to practice doctoring. All she had to do was abide by the law. It wasn't a big ask and it is really not difficult for the vast majority of people to go through life without breaking laws (other than speeding tickets of course). She could have protested without causing vandalism but she did and demonstrated behaviour that would be expected of an overgrown child, so this brings into question both her character and her judgement which are essential qualities a doctor should have.
  19. There are many professions that will lead to loss of job when convicted of a crime not related to the job they do. Off the top of my head that would include military, judges, laywers, police and probably many, many more. What all these jobs have in common though is that when someone joins that profession they do so in the full understanding that a conviction of any kind (other than speeding, parking tickets etc) could lead to the loss of their job. Most people do not have a problem with obeying the laws of the land and if they wish to carry on in their profession it really isn't that difficult to simply not break the law. Even easier if that person is in a well paid profession I should think.
  20. It's the misleading headline of the post that makes it difficult for those that have trouble reading any further than the title. The headline is: "UK doctors involved in climate protests face threat of being struck off" That sounds terrible as everyone, including doctors dressed in uniform or literally anything at all, are entitled to protest peacefully even on the most nonsensical of causes, such as this one. Of course, a little further down is the crucial information: "her involvement in climate activism led to a series of criminal convictions." I think if the title is updated to accurately reflect the content e.g "UK doctors convicted of crimes face threat of being struck off" then this will be of great help to those who have trouble reading anything other than big bold text and help them get to the same level of understanding of the story as those capable of reading more than the title.
  21. The whole of Europe is shifting right due to the mess the socially liberal policies are making of their countries. Merkel's disastrous open door immigration policy is a fine example of a leader wanting to appear virtuous on the global stage at the expense of the safety and security of her citizens. The people of the UK are fed up with the Tories who have failed on every promise they have made. Labour will do worse as there is not much in the way of "free money" they can use to bribe voters with for a second term, leaving the door open for a long overdue alternative to the globalist establishment parties. It's not the Tories shifting right, it's the left that have lurched so far left it only seems that the Tories are going right, when in reality they have taken up the positions Labour would normally hold.
  22. 4) He is not really a conservative. We will get 4/5 years of Labour followed by a swing to the right as the UK is more of a right leaning country (as demonstrated by the domination of the conservatives over the decades), but the conservatives have (quite bizarrely) stopped being conservative by raising taxes, shutting down the country and paying people not to work during covid, increasing immigration to record numbers etc. Obviously this will get worse under Labour and I would not be surprised at all if a party like Reform were elected after Labour have had a go, unless of course we really are in upside down world and Labour become conservative in much the same way as the Tories emulated Labour during their time in government.
  23. Lia Thomas is a very good swimmer, hence getting on so well. It was purely coincidental that he only started to win tournaments when he identified as a women and competed against women
  24. So instead of the queen this is what is going up. Any moment now I'm sure I am going to wake up and find this bonkers timeline was all just some kind of really weird dream. Or at least I hope that is what this is. It can't be real.... can it?? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-68565332
  25. Ah, spoken like a true Nazi. Any other books you want to burn by people that happen to believe in the reality that a man cannot actually become a women, no matter how much lipstick he wears or what surgery he has?
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