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Everything posted by James105

  1. Now try replacing the word “unvaccinated” with “obese” in what you said here and see if you still stand by your desire for medical apartheid based on peoples personal choices about what they put into their bodies.
  2. I think the restaurants will be disappointed in missing out on the custom of the 90% or so that have not been fully vaccinated yet, but I kind of presume this will be as widely enforced by restaurants as massage shops who enforced the foot massage only policy.
  3. You are blaming unvaxed people in Thailand for prolonging the pandemic? That’s quite the unique take on things considering the shortage of vaccines here.
  4. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/rescue-dogs-shot-dead-by-nsw-council-due-to-covid-19-restrictions-20210821-p58ksh.html
  5. They are literally shooting dogs to “prevent the spread of covid” there. I don’t like that. I think that is insane.
  6. The word "could" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Seems you can say whatever you like nowadays without needing to provide a shred of evidence so long as you prefix whatever nonsense comes next with "could". The media will report it, so long as what follows is scary enough for the already scared rabbits to continue their cycle of fear. "This includes unreported and asymptotic cases" in pre covid language would mean "this includes healthy people who are not ill".
  7. I've not heard of anyone in the world having 5 shots - this has to be a world record. Someone should call Guinness.
  8. Australia are now a horror show and the story about the dogs was beyond disgusting and counter productive. People are more accepting of cruelty to humans than they are to dogs and all this will lead to is 10 times more people on the streets protesting than would have ever have made the journey to pick up one of those rescue dogs.
  9. Ok, so what do we expect to see as a result from this in 2 weeks from now then? My guess is based on the historical data of the last 2 weeks of lockdowns and how well they performed. So this will mean more lives destroyed, more businesses permanently closed, more mental distress because people cannot even walk around a park as they are inexplicably closed, more suicides, more poverty, more undiagnosed treatable cancers, more people made homeless as they cannot make rent, more covid infections as the places where covid spreads a lot remain open such as factories and markets, and since any outdoor space (that covid hates) has been closed, then people who are going to hang out together need to do so in one of covid's favourite venues, the unventilated indoor condo party! Congratulations to all involved in making the monumentally stupid decision to continue the exact same polices that have failed to make any difference for the last several months (at least to the virus) for yet another 2 weeks. Slow hand clap.
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