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Everything posted by James105

  1. If you are claiming propaganda is a powerful tool then I would agree with you. The Germans were also able to use it to great effect to coerce people into doing all manner of things that they would not normally do. It's just a shame that they are using this powerful tool for the purposes of increasing the wealth of big pharma instead of using it to convince people to get healthy using the traditional methods of diet and exercise. Since 80% of people who get severe covid illness are obese this pandemic would be a non-event if people didn't make such terrible choices about what they eat and drink. I can see the future. To be considered "vaccinated" everyone will need to have their "boosters" at least every 6 months. On that basis it is physically and logistically impossible for the world to be "fully vaccinated". You will not be able to comply your way out of this.
  2. I am not surprised that the UK "found" the first person in the entire world to die of this new variant such is the propaganda coming from that country just now. The fact they haven't released the details of this person tells me that this person was already dying of cancer and most likely caught covid in hospital. If it was a fit 30 year old then we would know about it.
  3. Firstly I never said I was laughing at a genuinely deadly virus - I never even mentioned Ebola or its equivalent. I am merely laughing at clowns acting like clowns - in this case the UK government. Secondly, according to the CDC the vaccines will not stop the latest variant. They found that 80% who have it were fully vaccinated and of those one third had a booster. It would take a person of incredible naivety to believe that these "vaccines" will stop this mild and highly transmissible (even amongst the vaccinated) variant of covid and if you know anyone that naive please tell them to get in touch with me about a bridge I know is for sale.
  4. I personally am finding it quite amusing to watch the UK government tell people that have had 2 jabs that those jabs now offer virtually zero protection against the new variant and a booster is required, whilst at the same time trying to tell the 5 million "vaccine hesitant" that they need to get their first/second jab and will be introducing vaccine passports to coerce them into it. You don't need to be the worlds foremost behavioural psychologist to recognise how dumb this is. If someone was hesitant to get a vaccine when they were "95% effective", how is telling them now that the first 2 jabs offer almost zero protection going to persuade them to rock up and get their first? There will also be many that have had 2 jabs who are uncomfortable with vaccine coercion or vaccine passports who will most likely refuse the 3rd jab out of principle. That said, it's good that they are making these dumb announcements - the more of these they make, the more people will wake up to the fact that neither the government or big pharma is acting in their best interests and that they will not be able to comply their way out of this.
  5. It could also be the post pandemic stress disorder! https://www.standard.co.uk/news/health/post-pandemic-stress-disorder-heart-conditions-covid-london-physicians-b969436.html Other than the cold weather and stress I cannot imagine what could be causing heart problems in otherwise healthy young males.
  6. I think there are about 300ish cases of this variant in the UK now and not a single one of them is in hospital. My only concern is that one of those 300 might get run over by a bus within the 28 days of testing positive as this will then turn this variant into a deadly one, such is the way covid deaths are recorded in the UK.
  7. Neil Ferguson is wrong about literally everything. This is the same guy that predicted 200 million (yes million) deaths from bird flu when there were actually 282.
  8. The best time for Pattaya bar and restaurant owners to throw in the towel and hand back the keys to the landlords was back in April when the bars were due to close for a period of 14 days. The next best time is right now. There is no scientific or health basis for this alcohol ban to continue in Pattaya when Bangkok (of all places) has the green light to sell alcohol and not even the expert virologists that post regularly on here would be able to contort themselves into a position where this is justifiable. They might as well tell the bar owners straight what we already know. Owning a bar or restaurant is no longer a viable business in Pattaya and the longer they hold out and try to hang on the more painful it will be.
  9. It may just be a petty restriction to you, but this petty restriction is costing people their businesses and in extreme cases their lives due to financial ruin. It matters not what the reason is for someone wanting or needing a glass of wine as they can get it from somewhere like 7-eleven anyway, but these restrictions simply make the already rich (7-eleven owner) richer, and the family owned restaurant or whatever significantly poorer. It's not about one glass of wine from a poster on a forum, it's the tens of thousands of glasses of wine/beer/whatever that cannot legally be sold just now that provide the ability for those who sell it to pay their rent and feed their families. That is the bigger picture.
  10. Very narrow minded take. Some of those living on the streets could well be bar/restaurant owners/workers that have had their means of income taken away due to prohibition. It's not about one person not being allowed to have a glass of wine with their meal, its about the suffering and loss of income of everyone that relies on alcohol sales as part of their business model or their job. In Pattaya I should imagine that is a significant proportion of the population.
  11. Maybe you should widen your news sources rather than just regurgitating the ones that peddle the fear that you are seeking: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/omicron-covid-symptoms-angelique-coetzee-b1965576.html
  12. I don't think any rational person would be particularly worried about the new scariant, especially since the SA scientists are saying that it is mild. I think most rational people though will be rightly terrified about the over reaction from their governments that will use this as an excuse to further exert control over their people and continue to restrict their lives in some way, demanding that they get booster shots whilst at the exact same time telling people to be scared of this new mutation as the vaccines do not work against it.
  13. If you are double jabbed you do not need a test. Only those who need a test are those who are not jabbed.
  14. Having the hotels still involved means lots of potential for scams. School kids in the UK discovered how easy it was to make these things turn positive (I believe Coca Cola works quite well) so that they wouldn't have to go to school. I presume the hotels will soon discover that by using a similar technique, they will be able to sell those people the PCR upgrade package which includes a compulsory overnight stay.
  15. $$$ from taxi $$$ from test Presumably the hotels still want a piece of the covid action in the absence of tourists.
  16. The thing that mystifies me is why those that have had the jab feel it is their job to interfere with other peoples health choices. Maybe if the jab was 100% effective at stopping contracting or transmitting the virus I could get on board with that, but it isn't, so I cannot. I've had the jabs by the way before the tedious name calling starts, but not for health reasons as I am not in the target demographic to get seriously ill from covid. Oh and by the way, this particular story suggests that if you are in the category of 'obese', then double jabbed or not the right time to go on a diet to protect against severe covid illness was 18 months ago and the next best time to go on that diet is right now. https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/double-jabbed-welsh-mum-three-22224691. For reasons I cannot understand the media continues to promote the ineffective vaccines but does not properly highlight the disparity in severity of illness between people who look after their bodies and those who do not.
  17. Interesting that you believe that this is actually about health. Perhaps I can hook you up with a guy I know who is selling a bridge you might be interested in.
  18. Indeed. Which means smarter thinking is required rather than focusing on making sure big pharma is maximising their profits. If only we knew the profile of the person most likely to get severely ill from covid and could actually target the vaccinations more effectively, then we could aim for the realistic target of vaccinating 100% of those likely to get severe covid in a 6 month window rather than worrying about the impossible task of vaccinating 80% of everyone, including kids as young as 5 who do not even get sick from this. It's a real shame no-one is tracking the demographics of who gets really ill and dies from this virus so more intelligent decisions about vaccine distribution could be made.
  19. The global vaccination rate of 80% is an impossible goal as the "magnificent" vaccines only last about 6 months, which means there is not a snowballs chance in hell that the world will ever reach 80% vaccination rate.
  20. Right, so you are not talking about covid vaccines on a forum related to covid vaccines? You are talking about other long ago established vaccines people can be compensated for so something entirely different to the article I linked.
  21. I thought that was common knowledge. Is this article factually incorrect then?: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/16/covid-vaccine-side-effects-compensation-lawsuit.html
  22. A "magnificent" vaccine would not require someone to quarantine on arrival into Thailand whilst they await the result of a test to see if they have the virus that the "vaccine" does not actually stop them from catching. A "magnificent" vaccine would neither require coercion or compulsion for people to get it. If the vaccines were truly magnificent then we would not be in lockdown nor would we still be wearing masks.
  23. If only it was as simple as getting a jab and you get your life back. Can you describe a country where those that complied, have had their 2 jabs are now living without any kind of restrictions, are no longer required to wear masks anywhere and the governments have willingly handed back their emergency powers without any further threats of restrictions?
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