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Everything posted by James105

  1. Sure, VHS came afterwards and was cheaper, more widely available and offered longer recording (goes for more miles) so won in the end. The same will apply to EV when they achieve the same as your comparison when they offer better value and are more convenient than petrol cars, which will happen one day probably in the next couple of decades. Right now they do not, and that is even with the propaganda style marketing and subsidies of various agenda driven governments. If they had to compete fairly (as VHS did) with no subsidies hardly anyone would buy them, apart from of course rich virtue signalling celebrities who think they are doing their bit to "save the planet" despite excessive use of private jets. I'm sure when the betamax owners of the past came to the logical conclusion that VHS offered better value and convenience they went out and bought a VHS, as will happen naturally when EV tech is at least as convenient and offers the same value as the petrol car.
  2. The future is a big place and when the technology has improved enough to be a better value prospect (without subsidies) in comparison to their equivalent petrol cars then they will be viable, but not in the next 5-10 years which I suspect is the time period Trump is talking about.
  3. I can formulate a theory as to why this is a uniquely American problem that does not occur in other similar countries that have banned easy access to guns. My theory is that if you have less guns and make it difficult to obtain them then the opportunistic 17-25 year old nutcases (that every similar country has) that fantasise about committing school massacres find it way too difficult and inconvenient to arrange and therefore do not carry out school massacres and go play Grand Theft Auto instead or something.
  4. Cars probably do kill more people than guns but since the primary purpose of a car is transport and not killing humans no-one is asking for them to be banned. Also, it is not easy to drive a car inside a school building to carry out a massacre as it clearly is with a semi automatic rifle. Even then the car is more regulated than a gun as far as I know. Do you even need the equivalent amount of training and proof of competence in it's safe use to use and own a gun in the USA as you do with a car?
  5. This is the equivalent of a very slow and very expensive death sentence. Once the appeals have run their course what is the actual point of keeping this person alive at the expense of the taxpayer if there is zero intention to rehabilitate them and reintegrate them into society?
  6. I suspect the point was that we have millions of years before that happens again. I also suspect that considering the technological progress we have made in the last 50 years, and on the basis that progress does not cease for the next several hundred thousand years, science may well have a solution to deal with this that was not available 485 million years ago. Not something to lose any sleep over today, that is for sure. Cleaner air is a good thing and it looks like we are heading that way regardless, but let's not pretend that humans can control climate change just yet, no more than we can control a virus. I remain befuddled why so many people are convinced by the narrative that this is some kind of emergency considering the timescales at play here.
  7. A somewhat blinkered view no? Who is funding the 'research' that you are committed to believing or do you just assume they are the good guys as you have bought into another fear narrative and they are here to save the day? After the covid era I am not prepared to believe either side as it is as clear as day that everyone is in it for their own gain, especially the 'good guys'. I'll just carry on living as normal life as I choose, including the most efficient transport (in terms of time / convenience) for whatever journey I need to make, or holiday I wish to go on. If battery tech improves enough to make electric cars the more practical choice then I will buy one when that is the case and not before. People are being manipulated on both sides here, probably for financial gain. There is neither an apocalypse coming anytime soon, nor is 'nothing' happening as climate change has always been occurring since forever on this planet. Improving air quality is something we should strive for, but not at the expense of going back to pre-industrial eras of poverty and low life expectancy whilst the richest and those in power carry on doing as they please. Over time there will be tech solutions for the air quality issues that even China may adopt rather than using coal. That day is probably decades away, but still probably millions of years before an actual apocalypse.
  8. It's hosted in California. Doubt the Thai morality police will have much influence shutting it down, especially if the police say where they are from e.g ISP: I understand you want this website taken down for morality reasons. Can you just confirm where you are from again? Bib: Bangkok, Thailand: ISP: LOL
  9. Yeah I'd just email them as you may have automatically been switched onto whatever it was at the time for everyone else. Mine is about 3 years old. I emailed them earlier and this was the reply: "Greetings from Thailand Privilege Card Member Contact Center. We hereby certify that there will be no deadline for membership upgrades, and that the condition and price of the upgrade remain the same at 500,000THB as long as your present membership is valid for more than three months before 23 September 2025."
  10. Ok I will just have to presume in that case that you don't actually know what you find "disgusting" about his political views, but you have heard someone else say that his political views are disgusting and therefore you think they are disgusting, even though you don't know what specifically is disgusting about them. There was no effort to provoke, I was just curious as "disgusting" is quite a strong word to use and I have no idea what he has done or said to invoke the use of such a word. He is quite left leaning in his political views and voted for Biden previously.
  11. Actually I really don't know what political views Musk holds that people find "disgusting". Genuinely curious. Do you have an example of a "disgusting" political view that he holds? He has never even voted for Trump. Is it because he voted for Biden previously, is that what you find disgusting?
  12. Just curious, what political view(s) does Musk hold that you find "disgusting" and do you even know what Zuckerborgs views are?
  13. 5th (or first). Exercise. An underrated but very effective tool in the mental health toolbox.
  14. I've heard this story before and it does not have a happy ending unfortunately. A very good friend of my Gf had the same problem. Card/gambling addiction. She had what could be described by many as a good life, a nice 3 bed detached house in a good location, a nice SUV, a terrific 5 year old daughter in private schooling, a fairly wealthy father of said daughter who provided everything for her. In the end the father of daughter became tired of bailing her out and ceased providing funds (which had already ran into about 3 or 4 million, it was hard to keep track). That didn't stop her and she started to use the readily available loan sharks who would happily cover her gambling debts until they had her house, her car and she is still on the hook for 8,000 per day interest payments on whatever she owes them. So she had to leave Thailand and is now working in Korea and her daughter has been shipped abroad to be with her father. The people this person owes money too are obviously not nice people and you may find her problem becomes your problem even more than it is already. Buying her assets that can be used as collateral against a loan from a potential loan shark may just help her hide the problem as you won't know about it until they turn up to take the car/house away. Gambling addiction is about as real a problem as someone can have and it doesn't just affect the person who has the addiction. Since gambling is illegal here it is going to be difficult to get help for her. Having seen this problem first hand (and not from not just this person) I would suggest securing your assets as much as you can to protect them from being used as collateral. I appreciate how negative this sounds but I am not aware of any good outcomes from someone who has this addiction and it doesn't tend to stop until the bottom of the barrel has been well and truly scraped.
  15. Why would I, he isn't releasing a new platform that is a copy of another, he just bought the original one. I don't get why you keep bringing Musk up when I keep not mentioning him.
  16. At no point did I say that Musk invented Twitter. Twitter briefly suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story until just after the closely fought election, which I am sure was just a coincidence. Anyway, there are other topics about Twitter, this topic is about threadspaceagram or whatever it is called.
  17. At no point did I say that Musk invented Twitter. If you are happy to give Mr Zuckerburg more of your data to engage in what will undoubtably be a safe place to engage with same-minded souls who all receive their exact same talking points from their CNN overlords, then I hope you enjoy your time there.
  18. Ok I'll answer your question then. I have a twitter account but this account doesn't have any of my personal info on it and I barely use it. Hope that helps. My original (sarcastic) point was that copying someone else's idea is hardly innovative and is just a cynical ploy to take advantage of the crying leftists who have become upset that Twitter is now a place where dissenting views are allowed, even if they come from the center or the right of center.
  19. If you can find the part in my post where I mentioned Twitter then I will answer your question. If you cannot please report yourself to the moderator for making an off topic post.
  20. Is there any beginning to Mr Zuckerburgs innovation? What an incredibly original idea and I am surprised no-one has thought of this kind of thing before. It's even going to be free and I am sure I can trust Mr Zuckerburg not to use my personal data to make money from as he is such a philanthropist!
  21. Right. So basically you do not have a solution and just want to criticise those who are proposing a solution, which would be the government. I haven't heard of Labour plans to deal with this so I presume they have the same solution you have, which is just to criticise and hope that somehow the NHS and social services survive when it gets even more out of control under their watch than it is now.
  22. Perhaps you can advise the government how you can tell an asylum seeker is bogus or not when they rock up after having disposed of their passports and identification, lie about where they are from and then abuse the legal aid system with endless appeals if they are denied. So what is your solution for this? I presume you have one?
  23. Germany has a worse historical safety record than Rwanda in the last 100 years, so why is it you believe that Rwanda is less safe than Germany then if you are using wars from decades ago as your reasoning for it not being safe there today? I think I can guess the reason.
  24. The tax payers are already picking up the cheque. "Unless action is taken, Braverman said that the cost of housing asylum seekers will rise to 11 billion pounds a year, up from about 3.6 billion pounds currently." https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-says-cost-deporting-each-asylum-seeker-rwanda-be-169000-pounds-2023-06-26/#:~:text=Unless action is taken%2C Braverman,about 3.6 billion pounds currently.
  25. Comparing a governments efforts to control its borders and stop people drowning in the channel making a dangerous crossing to the Nazis and gas chambers is laughable. Sending asylum seekers to Rwanda for processing is not quite the same thing as gas chambers now is it, unless of course you have the racist opinion that being sent to Rwanda is the equivalent of being sent to a gas chamber due to it being so inferior to the UK.
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