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Iron Tongue

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Everything posted by Iron Tongue

  1. What a dumb article. So if Russia invaded Romania, Thailand should send troops and material to fight and die in Europe? I doubt that most Thais could name 5-members of NATO, they certainly shouldn't fight for them.
  2. No there isn't. You are just regurgitating Chinese propaganda. The Taiwanese wish to remain free and Taiwanese, and have never considered themselves as part of China. The results of multiple elections in democratic Taiwan, from local to Presidential prove you are incredibly incorrect.
  3. Don't know what they are, but you'd better take them. Unfortunately, they are suppositories!
  4. From how little he looks next to the car & Thais, I'm guessing he was rolled-up in the spare tire well.
  5. Air scrubbers on passenger airplanes are designed for high-volume movement of air through its various filters. Air filters do not know what they are filtering so it wouldn't cost more if it was smoke or viruses.
  6. I agree. Normally, I tend to ridicule bad behavior, but in her case, I think there's more showing mental illness than cultural bad behavior.
  7. Sure. But just catching Legionaire's Disease is an indicator that the person is already not healthy. We've all probably been exposed to Legionaire's bacteria, and lots of others germs & viruses (ahem, Covid), but our bodies probably just sloughed them off. You're going have to just believe me on this. My mom was a forensic pathologist who worked on isolating and identifying the Legionaire's bacterium when it first struck in the US.
  8. Legionaire's disease is caused by a naturally-occurring bacteria that gets aerosolized in contaminated air conditioners. It is not contagious and typically infects older people who are susceptible to respiratory infections. Treatment is via antibiotics just like other forms of pneumonia. I don't know why this is a story, other than that hotels and building managers should follow proper maintenance of all equipment. -Unless Thais want to start a panic blaming foreigners.
  9. Why not allow this? Just pick them up in Boeing aircraft.
  10. I don't know if I'd feel safe aboard a joint China-Thailand space vehicle, but the food aboard should be pretty awesome!
  11. Not me. From all these recent occurrences, the Thai police have shown remarkable restraint when encountering crazed Farangs. Then, as police, you really want to be better armed than any bad guy, and barricaded suspects are particularly dangerous. Drunk and especially methed-out crazies, have an amazing ability to absorb pistol bullets before their bodies stop working.
  12. The German should have been arrested and deported just on the basis of having a Mullet.
  13. ??? Did you do the math? I'll wait. The US population is approx. 5x that of Thailand. 395,000,000 isn't close to 50 billion.
  14. Lazy Thai scammers, how pathetic at only 79 million? The US gets over 50 billion scam calls a year.
  15. Right! So you think it's plausible for someone in the BACK SEAT to crawl over the driver because he wanted to exit the car while in traffic? The taxi driver refused to let go of his car door because he feared being carjacked.
  16. Yeah. I thought he applied-for and received permission to leave the country until April.
  17. Not unexpected of a people who invade countries and steal the toilets out of homes as gifts to their mothers.
  18. That isn't much for Western lifestyle, 3-children and wife. Will you be able to save anything because if anything happens to you, what options does wife & kids have? And what will you do after your 5-year contract runs out?
  19. It is easier for smaller women to look and remain thin, which is greatly valued in the entertainment industry. As the saying goes, "The camera adds 15-lbs". Of course, tall and thin is better, which is why so many models make the transition to acting. 5'10" and dress size 0 is the ideal on runways and in Hollywood. Of course, for porn, all the men are short. Obviously, the shorter the man, the bigger his schwantz looks!
  20. Woohoo! This means that I don't need to cancel my plans for kicking pregnant Thais across the country! At only US$13.88 per assault, I might enough left in my budget to make a second circuit!
  21. ...but she is pretty hot! Which means she thinks she can get away with anything.
  22. Russian gal looks pretty hot even with the blurred face. I think I'd let her kick me in the womb!
  23. What? No mention of his immigration status? I suspect this is fake news!
  24. So? In most countries, if you physically go after a cop and grab for his gun, the police have every right to shoot their attackers. No court would convict that cop.
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