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Iron Tongue

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Posts posted by Iron Tongue

  1. Presuming you are in the UK, stay there and wait it out for next 6 months.  It will only get worse in the LoS as the govt. still isn't addressing it as a national emergency. 

    Even with the mess in UK at the present, you will do better there vs Thailand.

    Build up cash, get a refund if you can.

  2. Maybe he's already on the road so can't answer, then again it has only been overnight.  


    If possible, I would suggest wearing a hat, sunglasses, face mask and try to look as "non-farang" as possible.


    A lot of people are blaming this as a farang problem and no telling who else is out there when travelling through 6 provinces.


    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

     a moot point really as unlikely to be beds available. Insurance won't help anyone in that case. An example of New York

    Pfft!  Some people try and prepare while others are ready to lay down and die.  Guess you have decided.


    You'll die faster if you don't have high end insurance that'll pay for a private hospital.  If not, a public ward is where you'll end up amongst the thousands of others left to die.


    Look at Germany vs Italy.  The Germans have premier medical care and their # deaths are remarkably low.  (And have you seen how fat the elderly are?)

    In Italy, with poor to bad medical care, their rate of deaths have been 4%+.  Even though the Italian health & diet is better than the Germans.

  4. 6 hours ago, WhereIsMyRyeBread said:

    Good and clear info.

    I paid 3,800 Baht just 2 months ago for my multiple re-entry permit to use with my non immi O marriage visa which now won't permit me to leave and return to Thailand. The permit was issued based on non immi O visa not a contingency of having a work permit.

    What do you call issuing a permit that legally can't be used now again?

    Oh that's right. A scam.



    I would call it a global pandemic.  

  5. 14 hours ago, GA19 said:

    Anyone else been able to source a little insurance for peace of mind at least? I know many only offer 100k thb for cv19 treatment, still,  it's better than nothing. Seems you must be here for 6 months or hold a work permit to qualify.   Regards and take care

    Calculating how much additional insurance should depend on how old you are, any underlying conditions, density of people where you live.

    Not so much if you are under 40 and in great health, ifnover  over or underlying conditions like respiratory, high BP, diabeties, you will need more.  Calculate what may be needed for at least 2 weeks in private hospital with a respirator and then some if you are in a danger group.

  6. 3 hours ago, Ketyo said:

    My guess is that the Thai Military government has zero awareness of the importance of exercise. 

    This order only lasts until the end of March.  I doubt missing 5 days of exercise will substantially damage the health of anyone.


    Other countries like Italy and Israel have far harsher bans on outdoor movement with 650 meters and 100 meters being the maximum one can travel from their home.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, papa al said:

    Nearly everybody is going to be exposed regardless.

    Huge difference between slow rate of infection vs all at once.


    The reason why countries have adopted a strategy of "flattening the curve" is so infection can be stretched-out over weeks and months in order for medicos to be able to handle an even load of new infections.  Caregivers do not get overwhelmed.

    If everyone behaves selfishly because they don't want to watch their kid anymore, you increase the chance of creating a huge spike that will overwhelm medical systems, and this is when people die.  Dying in a village with as your lungs slowly fill with fluid, sounds like a lousy way to die.

    • Like 1
  8. Amazon Prime has a lot of movies, some good with a lot of bad.  Some decent original programming as well.  They also have a lot of old TV shows, which you might enjoy.

    Probably the best deal since streaming is really just a bonjs feature to their retail business.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 16 hours ago, nomad2019 said:

    With the world crisis these restaurants both thai street style food shops etc should be closed down to meet proper food safety standards.

    Watched in amazement yesterday while restaurant owner came around everyone with a dab of hand sanitizer ...then i seen the state of the glass that was put in front of me ...it was filthy plus it probably was only breifly cleaned with cold water so any virus would likely spread. They should wash everything with hot water jets ! Noticed at the side of kitchen where it was absolutely rotten with many rat hole rat runs up the side...so got out of there.

    What im saying is that people are washing down the streets but really this virus will spread much more quickly from people drinking out of these cups glasses and eating and using this cutlery.

    You just noticed this now?

    And as you appear to be from London, what do you think is going on behind the scene there?  You think all those restaurants and take-aways are sparkling clean?  More likely a grundgy teen or a surly Bangladeshi putting your food together between scratching themselves both above and below the belt.

  10. 12 hours ago, Number 6 said:

    I think there are horrors in China we will never see. I'm not at all impressed with the US response. It paled in comparison to Korea.

    The ROK is half of a peninsula, and you may not be aware, but it is barely out of martial law (it still is imo).  They can go to war footing in an instant and can clamp down on everything including civil rights.


    If you want to correctly judge the US, compare it with something similar like the whole of Europe, not just a component country.  If you compare continent to continent, Europe's rate of infection, total infected and total deaths far exceed the US.  Will infections continue to grow in the US?  -You bet, but by the time this is over, there will be far fewer deaths than on the continent of Europe.


  11. 1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

    Italians did not take the appropriate social distancing measures to begin with. Then when the north was to  be locked down, selfish people fled  bringing the infection with them. They didn't self isolate for 14 days.

    Much of this is a direct result of Italian stupidity and refusing to follow instructions. We are seeing it in the UK, USA and Canada too. people returning from out of the country refused to self isolate. They will infect and kill innocent people.



    The Italians knew about covid-19 but attitude was to not let this change their lifestyle.  Travel, go to cafes, clubbing, soccer matches, and then family dinner with parents & grandparents on weekend.  Even after the devastation done to the north, they had to deploy troops to S. Italy because people still can't follow isolation orders.

    Italians likely brought covid-19 to the E. Coast of US as well as S. America.

  12. 15 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    Thai people taking stored wealth from gold and placing in fiat cash to get by during this time.



    I'm thinking this.  People are needing money for food & bills, especially when so many are jobless, or making less money.


    Saw this happen in Hong Kong.  Times get bad and gold goes back to the traders.  I wandered the used jewelry stores on Kowloon side and saw displays with hundreds of used Rolexes behind the glass.  

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