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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 3 hours ago, monkfish said:

    Interpret that as you want but for me it does.

    Title = Pot-smoking tourists not welcome in Thailand, says health minister
    Quote = But those smoking in public risk facing a three-month jail sentence or fines of up to 25,000 baht ($705.82).

    Thank you for confirming my interpretation. No smoking in public is what I wrote and no smoking in public is what you have reiterated. You can smoke as much as you want as long as you don't force others to do so. Sensible.

    If you are looking to Troll or to get into an argument, you failed.

  2. 31 minutes ago, roietfortress said:

    yea i agree about the OG Kush. i detected no THC (aka didn't get a buzz). i'll use it for cooking. i think they diluted the strain for strong CBD. or its not OG Kush.


    i'm still a fan of their GC tho. i smoked it every day this week. good buzz and medical effects. we might buy a kg before the legislation gets passed next month. they might ban home deliveries or add quantity limits. you never know in this jungle.


    i found 6 more seeds in the GC, so we'll be hitting our 15 plants per household limit easily.



    It's a thing: https://cannaflower.com/product/og-kush/

  3. 3 hours ago, chrischronic said:

    Many everynight. Mostly Thais with their big leo bottles. Not only walking but sitting in front of 711 on the curb in front of lotus etc. It's super common here in BKK. I'm surprised if you have not seen all the people drinking beer in the open.

    Now you are changing it to "in the open".

    Don't recall seeing anyone walking around with an open beer bottle/can. Sitting quietly drinking with friends, yes. Walking around with beer in hand, no.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    I post the news from the Thai government so people don’t think Thailand is a place where cannabis is freely available and you can smoke a joins anywhere you like. A quote from the Health Minister.

    Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul vowed to promote Thailand as a leading marijuana market for medical purposes and discourage foreign tourists who aimed to visit the country for recreational purposes.

    The Minister gave an interview with foreign press on Wednesday, August 17th, that the Ministry expected the marijuana market in Thailand to generate about 1.5 billion USD in early revenue and would grow 2-3 times higher after the first year of the decriminalization.

    He also reiterated that Thailand would focus on cannabis and hemp for medical use only and did not currently promote recreational use. Foreign tourists who planned to visit the country just to smoke the plant were, therefore, discouraged.


    Yes, they want people who will order a bottle of wine or beer with their meals, not get stinking drunk, start fights and sleep in a gutter.


    Same with cannabis. Use sensibly, for your ailments. 

  5. 1 hour ago, monkfish said:

    He said they are not welcome and will be Jailed and Fined according to CNN so this is kind of World news now.


    Doesn't say that at all. You just made that up. 

    The article talks about possible fines for smoking in public. You know, in places where you are likely to disturb and annoy. Then the deterrent is there.

    Behave sensibly and no one will disturb you. 

    If honestly, I personally don't know anyone who smokes recreationally. Everyone I know who does so, does so for health reasons in one way or another.

    To help with sleep, anxiety, pain etc

    Even from what I read here, some people claim it helps them at work. 

    I think what they are saying it that they don't want irresponsible people creating negative headlines. 

    Expats probably already know how to behave in moderation, but some tourists, as you know, like to make the most of their freedom and live life to excess. Drinking, partying etc Not an issue if they know how to keep themselves out of trouble.

    It's all there for you, but don't do stupid things. 

    They want this to be good for everyone, so that it keeps on rolling(see what I did there? ???? ).


    People have lost a lot over the past few years; with good intentions, hopefully people can get their livelihoods together again.

    Dispensaries with good knowledge can help people choose the strains that may suit them best and charge a premium for doing so. Those who have more time on their hands can do their own research and save a bit by doing so.

    Something for everyone. Just don't go to Thailand to abuse it, make a fool out of yourself and make Thailand look bad, is what I think they are trying to convey.






  6. 5 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    No you don’t understand, legal for medicinal purposes only.

    Those are your words. The actual quote states



    medical and health purposes

    doesn't it?


    So in other words, if you are stressed and anxious, feel free. If you are just taking it just for fun, we will frown at you, but please be careful and sensible. No prescriptions necessary; just be sensible and responsible. 


    There are always people who will do things in an unhealthy manner. Do we constantly lock down the human race in order to stop some people from making mistakes they are going to make anyway?

    • Like 2
  7. 17 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    I think you should check your facts prior to posting,

    Thailand's Ministry of Public Health has designated marijuana and hemp as controlled plants, legalising cannabis with the aim of promoting it for medical and health purposes, and limiting its possession and use to people aged 20 years and above (unless they have permission from a doctor)

    So what is it that you don't understand from your own quote??



    legalising cannabis with the aim of promoting it for medical and health purposes, and limiting its possession and use to people aged 20 years and above


    So it legal for anyone aged 20 and above. Smoke the flowers etc to your hearts content. But extracts, such as oils are not allowed to be made and sold. That's the bit likely confusing you.



  8. 1 minute ago, KannikaP said:

    So you prefer to download and save the TV programs to a hard drive? 

    For £50 you can get a Fire TV or Chromecast and have more choices than you can handle.

    But that isn't what he wants. I'm sure it will be annoying to him to have to even see this after what he wrote, especially as he already has a Android Box from which he can stream.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    The government are still discussing what is going to be legal or illegal, it was announced that cannabis was legal for medicinal purposes only a few weeks ago. I believe the strength sold could not be above .0.025%. It was also announced you could only grow and sell it if you have a licence.

    The deputy PM got elected on the criteria he was going to make cannabis legal.

    I don’t  know why it was announced as being legal before being put through Parliament and the laws entered in the Royal Gazette ?
    I can’t imagine now how they are going to enforce any laws, a case of closing the gate after the horse has bolted. 





    It clear that you do not understand anything to do with what has been legalised.

    Probably best to leave it that way. 

    Likely someone can explain it to you, but you will still choose to keep your own 'way off base' interpretation.



    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Burgo1979 said:

    You were the one that questioned the thc content of KDHY, so if its not what you think it should be, then give us the reasons and evidence why it isnt, you still haven't and are now using another strain to prove a non valid point,


    Try reading the post six posts before you posted this nonsense. The table used is from them and it corresponded with what they were selling.

    That clearly demonstrates that you just open your mouth without thinking or digesting information.

    They can state whatever they want; it doesn't mean that it is true.

    Again, I pointed out some very obvious discrepancies. ST1 being a glaringly obvious one, as we all know it does contain CBD. Charlotte's Angel is another. The more you look the more you find. You were the one trying to put words in my mouth with regard to Green Crack.

    You can now go in my Ignore list. Done.



    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Tall Midget said:

    I've never understood why people like you get so upset and anti about something that is doing you absolutely no harm. Go down there and chill out as opposed to sitting on here punching your keyboard day in and day out.


    The irony is that he is a smoker of cannabis, but smokes at home and has no knowledge of what he writes at all. Simply just cutting and pasting things he doesn't really understand. 

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  12. 6 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Possibly a 2000 baht fine.  Vendors get 20k fine, I think.


    But as already stated ... coffee shops may be offering a bit of 'tea' to hide behind the smoke & mirrors.

    https://www.holidify.com/pages/smoking-in-thailand-2597.html#:~:text=Source For smoking in public,around THB 2000 or more.


    I actually had you down as a smart guy. Liked the way you presented your reviews etc


    But you have really sunk to new lows with that nonsense.


    That is nothing to do with what we are discussing. Public means that there are people who do not want to be affected by your smoke. Your article is clearly discussing tobacco and published possibly years before cannabis legalisation.

    Now, there are dedicated places for smoking cannabis. If someone goes inside, they are going inside for one reason and for one reason only. Therefore they are deemed to having consented to inhaling or being affected by second hand smoke and they almost certainly smoke themselves.

    It's not like a supermarket that the general public are expected to freely access. Many of which would be forced to smoke if smoking where allowed inside the supermarket. This is a place where people are expected to be smoking; a cannabis cafe.


    I don't know where people's intelligence has got to. It's like they have no inherent ability to parse information.

    The ridiculous things posted here is evidence of that.


    • Like 1
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  13. 58 minutes ago, thaichina said:

    Suver haze   4% THC   10% CBD


    Cherry wine   1% THC    13%   CBD


    KDHY   18-20%  THC    NO CBD 


    The figures you have posted aren't accurate nor based in reality.


    You couldn't even be bothered to copy the information properly.




    The KD HY is listed as a Suver Haze hybrid with 4% THC and 10% CBD.


    Suver Haze itself has just 1% THC.


    If that is Squirrel Tail at the bottom of the list, then it cannot be right as ST1 has approx equal parts THC/CBD.


    It seems many just swallow whatever they are given. Spend a moment to check.


    Charlotte's Angel is listed at 1%: https://www.leafly.com/search?q=charlotte's+angel


    The table shows 7%. 

    This is why I say their table has little basis is reality. 


    So do your own searches, rather than relying on their incompetence.

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