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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 2 hours ago, marcus111 said:

    Firstly In reply Bruno, yes you put the link up. 

    But why the sarcastic comment "Unwittingly it appears".

    There was no need to say such so ofcourse I will bite back.

    Secondly this KD Hybrid is a seriously nice product and I can assure forum members that the purchase is not a 50 baht per gram product . At 100 baht per gram it is punching way above it's class.

    Thirdly I have never been able to tell how good a smoke is just by looking at it, many look similar but it all comes down to the quality of the puff.

    Anyway let's wait and see what the forum members say about the product..!!!



    It seems you really don't understand much.


    Allow me to help you. "Unwittingly" means that you likely did not realise that the GC being sold via the link you found is cheaper than the link from Baan Kru Samun Pri, the site which people are labelling Lampang Farm. 219 for 10 grams in your link, as compared to 300 baht.

    Since you haven't mentioned it, it's likely you did not notice it, hence "unwittingly". There was no malice and I have repeatedly attributed the find to you. That's a good thing. Maybe smoking to much is giving you the paranoia.


    But the salient point is that both sellers are in partnership. You may see it on the leaflet included with your order. Logos from Ban Kru Sa Mun Pri & CBD Lampang Foods on the same literature. Both numbers on the same leaflet and both located in the same place.


    One has GC slightly cheaper and the other KD Hybrid much cheaper. So unless one is actually Organic, it could be the same product. That's why I suggested that you buy from both to check the quality if you are genuine.






  2. 2 minutes ago, Excel said:

    Ignorant racist ? Well well Enoch Powells academic achievements were quite outstanding which means he could hardly be called ignorant.  Now let's see, how do yours stack up against his so that we may have a fair comparison of the veracity of your comment ?



    I'm a speed reader. Just one excerpt:



    Powell returned to the government in July 1960, when he was appointed Health minister,[116] although he did not become a member of the Cabinet until 1962.[117] During a meeting with parents of babies that had been born with deformities caused by the drug thalidomide, he was unsympathetic to the victims, refusing to meet any babies affected by the drug.[118] Powell also refused to launch a public inquiry, and resisted calls to issue a warning against any left-over thalidomide pills that might remain in people's medicine cabinets (as US President John F. Kennedy had done).


    • Like 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, marcus111 said:

    Still can not find that 50 Baht per gram for the same product that you mentioned so many times.

    Maybe I will come across it unwittingly sometime.

    Toooooo funny.


    Not quite sure if you are just Trolling the board or if you are genuinely having a problem.

    I suspect the former, since I quoted your post to provide links to both. So I know you will have a notification that someone replied to your post and you would have the opportunity to peruse both links.

    But if you are the kind of person who likes to pay over the odds for a product from what looks like the same supplier, don't let me stop you.



    • Like 1
  4. It's all very well looking at it from a 'native' point of view. But you don't look at how the countries from which the immigrants came were exploited to make the U.K prosperous in the first place.

    Not only that, but cheap labour was imported to do the dirty jobs, fight wars etc

    In addition, the immigrants from those times were often far better educated, conservative and diligent in comparison.

    Doctors, lawyers, commerce....a long list can be put together of the positive aspects of immigration.

    The issue would be uncontrolled immigration, as opposed to anything Mr Powell uttered.


    As usual the ignorant racists are looking for the problem to fit their solution.

    Actually a bit surprised as to who actually started this thread, but then not at all really.





    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, onebaht said:

    has anyone compared GreenLabs green crack to Lampang Farm green crack yet?

    marcus111 has come up with an interesting link for GC, unwittingly it appears; https://shopee.co.th/สรรถนาการ-กรีuiiคrก-(10G)-i.199112930.19740272097


    10 grams of GC for 219 baht plus postage. The pictures in their advertising are quite interesting in themselves.

  6. 50 minutes ago, marcus111 said:

    For those interested in the KD Hybrid I posted about.

    In shopee search PLUTO FIGH or PLUTO FIGH SHOP. Or call them direct 0939137374.


    I just ordered another 10 grams 5 minutes ago through shopee.

    And to the person that keeps insisting that it is only 50 Baht per gram you are wrong. I think you are getting confused with a different product and leading people astray.

    Good smoking to all.



    Okay, I looked at the pictures within your link. I suggest that you look a bit closer too.


    Perhaps they have two differing qualities of product.

  7. 37 minutes ago, marcus111 said:

    For those interested in the KD Hybrid I posted about.

    In shopee search PLUTO FIGH or PLUTO FIGH SHOP. Or call them direct 0939137374.


    I just ordered another 10 grams 5 minutes ago through shopee.

    And to the person that keeps insisting that it is only 50 Baht per gram you are wrong. I think you are getting confused with a different product and leading people astray.

    Good smoking to all.



    KD Hybrid: 50 baht per gram. https://shop.line.me/@baan_kru_samun_pri/product/1002513340


    I already linked to it and you said that you recognised the pics. So which is it?

    Also, why don't you just provide the link? Are you incapable?

    https://shopee.co.th/จัดสรรค์-KD-HํYbird-(1G)-i.199112930.16983754563 is your link at double the price.

    Perhaps you can actually buy a gram of the stuff for half price and compare. That might actually be useful.

  8. 42 minutes ago, nbg said:

    Cant find this KD Hybrid on their line menu

    I already posted a link to it, on the previous page.. It's actually 50 baht per gram and not 100 baht per gram. marcus111 must have purchased it from somewhere else.

    For some reason known only to himself, he didn't post a link to the seller of his KD hybrid, but alluded to it being the same seller. Which of course is not possible, as the price is different and they don't sell Cannabis on their Shopee page.


    You can ask him to clarify. I clearly do not understand what he is doing.


    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

    That is the method to use in very small batches, if you don't have the equipment required to separate the curds and whey from whole milk. It is certainly not how butter that is bought in supermarkets, which is what this thread us about, is made. Which is what your post suggests.


    Doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to any of my statements. 




  10. 12 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Have a look on line.

    250 baht if your power source

    ( right arm ) is ok.


    Other types, 1000 baht and up for electric.

    Comes with sausage making nozzle.

    Buy your pork, beef or whatever and have a go.

    Good recipes for sausages etc on line.

    Friend tried both types of sausage skins and prefers the natural to the collagen type.

    images (6).jpeg

    7518fa783f9fd892277cbebfecf673e5.jpg_720x720q80.jpg_.webp 39.78 kB · 1 download

    Electric starts from between 200 and 300 baht, if you don't mind supporting Chinese economy via Lazada/Shopee et al.

  11. On 8/28/2022 at 5:41 AM, MJCM said:

    Why not buy one of these




    And then buy the beef in your favourite store and mince it. This way you can control the thickness of the mince meat yourself.


    We use this attachment for itmince.jpg.1ad7e26824145e3e6bacfce136a95f2b.jpg



    Erm, a chopper costing 300 baht will do the job. I know, because I do it often. 


    I prefer to make my own as then I know what's in it. The stuff on display in supermarkets is often exposed to the air, so will have more bacteria everywhere. Also sometimes a red colour is added so you don't notice it's changing colour.


    Made yourself, much less surface area with bacteria from the beginning. Plus you can control the fat content and meat quality. Often cheaper than bought mince.



    • Like 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Yes... impatience is one facet of this issue.


    The other is of course, that every time there is a dog in the road (and its not uncommon), as you slow down and approach the ‘dog moves off’....   in this case the dog didn’t move off, the driver made a horrible mistake. 

    But.. this is not as if the driver was speeding down the road, flying over speed bumps and hit a dog.

    The dog was lying in the muddle of the road and didn’t move out of the way when usually they do because dogs which are lying in the road are usually far more street-wise. 








    Maybe it was ill. Who knows? Either way, we all have the responsibility to do the best we can in every situation.

    Driver let himself down by being lazy and making an erroneous 'assumption'.

    • Sad 1
  13. 1 hour ago, marcus111 said:

    Oh well.....

    I thought the photo's looked familiar.

    No need to report back then.

    And I think I will not loose any sleep over 500 Baht..!!!

    Another mixer to add to my Prikpot buy.



    What photos looked familiar? If they were the same photos, it would have been the same company, there you would have paid 450 for ten grams.

    Yet you have claimed to have spent 500 baht for 5 grams. 


    Post the Shopee link for your purchase. Strange that you didn't post it in the first place.


  14. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Its not a private drive way.


    While the land on which a supermarket is placed may be privately owned, it is a public space, in this case this was a public-road. 




    There is a sleeping policeman there for a reason; it means slow down/drive slowly.

    If you are not sure the dog has moved, check. Takes a second or two.


    If you are an impatient idiot, there may be consequences for such behaviour.


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