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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 21 hours ago, marcus111 said:

    There's a new one on shoppee...

    KD HYBRID @ 100Baht per gram.

    No idea about the name but worth a try.

    And they do COD which I prefer.

    Ordered 5 grams so will report back after tasting.

    Good smoking to all.

    New one? No. 


    The place from which you claimed to order and have tried their products earlier, has it for half that price.


    Thanks goodness you didn't provide a link. That would have had people paying double the going rate.



    • Like 2
  2. On 8/27/2022 at 7:26 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    Given the subject and the positions from which you are both presenting your debate that would actually be some from or ‘reverse irony’ !!! ????



    I wonder how many people are ‘very nearly’ involved in incidents such as this ?

    We all know we ‘should’ stop and wait until we are 100% sure the dog is out of the road. 

    But realistically, we all know that dogs are streetsmart.... Thus when driving down a quiet soi or a back-country road and there is a dog sleeping in the middle we pap our horn and slow, expecting the dog to move....  the dog always moves so we always ‘assume’ the dog has moved... only this time in the example of this thread, the dog didn’t move. 


    What about other animals? rabbits? cats? pigeons ??.... where do we draw the line for stopping, getting out of the car and looking to ensure with 100% certainty that the animal has moved away ??? 

    Is it only dogs that we ’should’ stop for ? 




    This article is about a relatively large old dog, sleeping in front of a 'sleeping policeman' in a private driveway of a supermarket car park.

    Please address the facts as opposed to presenting a 'straw man' argument.

    I'm not interested in debating your silly made up scenarios.

  3. I would suggest that if you don't know what you are doing, to not ever click on links. If right click, doesn't reveal an actual Magnet link, move on. Similarly, if hovering doesn't reveal a Torrent file, move along.

    It doesn't mean that the whole thing is dodgy, but you could be led on a wild goose chase of re-directs and promotional gateways.

    • Like 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I've found it the best way ...........

    Agree to anything she wants, but never get around to actually fulfilling her demands.

    I'm not like that. I mean what I say and I say what I mean. No means no.

    Though I try to be nice about it ???? If I say yes, I do it.

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    Avoid how? The dog is in the middle of the driveway, there is no going around it if it decides not to move. I don't say it should be run over, but what is definitely ridiculous is the way that dogs own the roads in this country. Driving around them is what people do, and it only reinforces the sense of "my road, my home" in the dog.

    Also amazing how in case of the dog causing an accident, nobody owns the dog. But if it's the dog being hurt, suddenly half a dozen people appear for compensation.

    I didn't miss the irony of the only person liking your post being a jaywalker ????

  6. 11 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    Avoid how? The dog is in the middle of the driveway, there is no going around it if it decides not to move. I don't say it should be run over, but what is definitely ridiculous is the way that dogs own the roads in this country. Driving around them is what people do, and it only reinforces the sense of "my road, my home" in the dog.

    Also amazing how in case of the dog causing an accident, nobody owns the dog. But if it's the dog being hurt, suddenly half a dozen people appear for compensation.


    You are only succeeding in illustrating your inability to solve simple problems.

    I can simply stop, get out of the car and shoo the dog along. I am not so rushed that I cannot take the few seconds necessary.

    The dog is lying next to a sleeping policeman in a private driveway. So you are supposed to be moving slowly until your reach the public road.

    If you cannot take the time to slow down and take care, look into yourself.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, KIngsofisaan said:

    If you marry a crazy, unbalanced person, that is your own fault

    Perhaps. But that doesn't change the fact that your advice is quite ridiculous. Marriages don't work just because you give in to someone's demands at every opportunity. That's is ridiculous.

    What if their ideas are totally unrealistic? It's ok if you have deep pockets that can cover every wild idea ???? 

    Sound as if you found the right balance of deep pockets and a not too crazy woman ????



  8. 2 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

    If this dog was so well known by the Big C employees, they should have made arrangements for the dog to rest and sun bathe in a safer location. Instead they allow the dog to be an annoyance to their customers and put the dog and others in harm's way. The same thing happens at the front door of every 7/11 store. Customers have to walk around these feral dogs and risk either being bitten or falling on slippery tiles and other obstacles outside the front door, and the employees do absolutely nothing about it. It's disgusting!

    What a life you lead ????

  9. 19 hours ago, KIngsofisaan said:

    You should ask yourself what leads to your conflicts?


    We never have any conflicts at all.




    Say yes to everything. 


    You have a job, you have had a more priviledged life.


    If you have conflicts, that is 50% your fault (Takes 2 to tango)


    Start giving more than you expect to receive


    Expect nothing except making her happy, then you will gain everything you seek

    That is just plainly nuts. It works with the people with whom it can work and doesn't with those who is doesn't

    To give it as blanket advice is just plain folly. 


    Sometimes someone needs to be captain of the ship and it cannot be a crazy, unbalanced person.


    You are just writing from the point of view of your current situation.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, fdsa said:

    this is an enclosure, used for external drives







    this is a caddy, used for internal drives (for laptop in this example)





    this is a caddy, used for internal drives in servers or NASs




    what is an "enclosure for internal drives"?



    No, an external hard drive enclosure is for internal drives, that together create an external drive. An external drive already has a hard drive enclosure.


    Caddy is also used to describe the same as above.




    Whilst you are right about the naming principle in theory; caddy is also a term used for drive enclosures for creating external drives.



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  11. 5 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    meanwhile the "owner" of the dog is  nowhere to be seen for his/her/its irresponsible  beahviour.....next time maybe the dog  will  knock some kid off their bike and kill them.......too many of these dogs in the road, its  plain ridiculous and negligent

    Knock some kid of it's bike by sleeping next to a 'sleeping policeman'? You are really searching deep to find justification for your unnatural hatred.

    Plainly ridiculous indeed. Just an old dog that anyone can see and avoid.

    • Like 2
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  12. 6 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    The term caddy is used for the hardware used internally in computers. Some Macs, as I said, can use a caddy, most can not, that you don’t know this doesn’t change the meaning.

    Hard Drive Enclosures are used for external drives. Though there are a verity of ways of mounting an external drive that doesn’t need an enclosure a caddy is not one of them.


    I would try to see if a Linux or windows machine has any better luck.

    A caddy IS a hard drive enclosure. The term is interchangeable. Don't talk wet.


    Hard drive enclosures are used for external drives?? That is not correct ????


    A hard drive enclosure is used for internal drives. 

    • Confused 2
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  13. 48 minutes ago, Siam Buds said:

    Found best supplier so far. Ordered 3.5g


    It's imported from Canada 


    Amazing price. Basically same that I paid for fake Gorilla ???? CBD


    Orange ???? Zkittelz 28% THC ????


    Purple Souffle


    Jilly bean


    Will report on Zkittelz soon





    Purple Souffle




    Jilly bean






    If any of this is over 350 baht a gram, why are you posting it here?

    • Thanks 2
  14. 50 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Did you miss the point of the machine that it’s going to be in? While a few Macs can use a caddy it is only a few, so replacement of the internal for some and an external for others is needed.


    for some machines, I have just assisted with one, an external SSD is the answer. The startup time went from several minutes (over 7 but I didn’t check how much more) to 70 seconds 


    What are you talking? He didn't state that it was going to be IN anything. That's the point of an external drive; it's external. ???? Any Mac can use a caddy. 



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