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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 4 hours ago, dastott said:

    OP here. Many thanks again. I signed up for 4 weeks unlimited data SIM with AIS in Bangkok. Working perfectly down here in the south. Can renew the 4 weeks unlimited data at an AIS center or Family Mart before the expiry date.


    What is "4 weeks unlimited data SIM"? Any relation to the 200 baht 30 day package 10 Mbps suggested here?

  2. Let me know how it performs once you have spent the 2500 baht on RAM.

    Always interested in advancing my knowledge. My knowledge states that it isn't worth the outlay.

    If 4 GB modules of DDR2 were cheap, then there would be no need for this thread. They aren't, so it's better to lower your RAM usage if you are really using that much or at least get a better SSD with DRAM if yours does not.

  3. 26 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I work as computer professional since about 30 years. My first own PC had the for that time gigantic amount of 16MB RAM to run Windows NT.

    Believe me I know the performance differences of RAM, SSD and CPU.

    If a PC has so litte RAM that the startup work faster with more RAM then that is extreme. After I start my notebook and some in the background running services it uses about 3GB RAM.

    And if I open a few windows then it wants to use more than 4GB. But because it does not have more than 4GB it starts swapping. And even the fastest SSD is a lot slower than RAM. So more RAM would definitely make it faster. 

    Currently my desktop, on which I work > 90% of the time, uses 6.8GB RAM with only a few active applications.


    I don't believe you. I believe me. It won't make much difference. I didn't state that it would make no difference.

    I am stating that for the outlay for 2 x 4 GB of DDR2 the difference will be negligible.


    Maybe better to investigate why you system is using that much RAM.


    This from my thirteen year old laptop.




    Windows 10 64-bit.

    2.4 GB in use with 27 tabs open on the Browser and VLC playing lossless music files.






  4. 10 hours ago, stouricks said:

    I am 35km from P'lok in a small village where only 3 houses have internet.

    I have 3BB 400/400 fibre to my house, now re-allocated to 600/200. Brilliant, no problems and only Bht 749 a month. Compare that with the ad on UK TV for say Virgin or Sky......nearly 40 quid for 50mb/s.


    No one actually needs to pay those prices. Prices are negotiable in the UK.


    I pay £20 per month to BT for phone line and 55/19 Mbps connection. Still too much I imagine you say. ????

  5. 47 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    I am always skeptical when people think some exotic program is better than all the other not so exotic programs.

    For me the old and new version of Edge work fine and I also use Firefox and Chrome from time to time. I have no problem with any of them.

    Some websites are (better) optimized for some of them but that is an issue with the websites and not with the browser.


    Perhaps he refers to the lack of intrusive ads and banners by default.


    Either way, the solution is here. As the OP intimated, it's not worth the hassle.



    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, CraigInBangkok said:

    I think he was just as bad but did it in a more sly/clever way by helping out the poor and got a lot of support. In the end he just got too greedy.


    I would imagine it wasn't about greed, but about gaining too much influence and blocking certain factions from feeding at the trough.


    They aren't interested in the economy. They are interested in keeping the status quo. The old criminals and Ma Fia they claimed to have removed, are in the government now.


    So many criminal enterprises run by the Police and Army. It has been that way for decades. I remember walking down lower Sukhumvit in the 90's with someone pointing out to me the establishments run by the Police and the ones run by the Army....


    Not everyone wants to do business with assiduous criminals. So their options are limited.


    They've filled their boots, but they are still not satisfied. Embarrassing themselves pretending to be Minister of this and that. Power crazy.







    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, KC 71 said:

    Well Done ,no doubt this will save many lives ????


    Oh dear....

    Perhaps you can explain to us how it could possibly save lives?

    I'm sure many, even on this forum alone, could recount how it is improving their lives. 

    I read here about people who use it to relieve symptoms of serious illness.

    So explain your reasoning about the seizure no doubt saving lives. You must have some first hand knowledge to make such a statement.


    Oh...it seems that you were just being sarcastic.


    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 13 hours ago, jastheace said:

    friendship yes. and that shop in patts junction of 2nd and klang (I forget name). common in many 7-11 also in patts.


    BEST supermarket. They have two branches; one where you mentioned and the other at the Dolphin roundabout.

    Closes at 1 am. Not sure of the closing time of the Klang/Sai Song branch.

    Friendship also has two branches, though I don't know if the smaller branch, closer to WS, has stock. Closes early anyway.

    The larger branch, east of Tukcom, has some exotic varieties and closes at 2.30am. Not a smoker, but noticed they have a dedicated counter for those things.



  9. 16 hours ago, steve187 said:

    do you have a link


    Link to what exactly? No one, at least certainly not I, knows your dates. 

    So I could only link to a random date example at best.

    Anyway, you've likely already missed the boat, with the best combinations already taken. It has been running for a while now. At least a month.


    Here, for example, were options for Manchester;












  10. 7 hours ago, brianbbb said:

    The baht bus are now coming along second road in jomtiem on the way from pattaya and not turning on to Beach Road 


    Aahh...Jomtien's second road.

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