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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 22 minutes ago, Shane77 said:

    I think what DTAC is trying to do is to get rid of SIMs owned by foreigners who don't live in Thailand. Then sell those ridiculously expensive tourist SIMs on arrival at the airport from next visit. I guess they won't sell SIMs without those packages at the airport.


    Not at all. That is just paranoia. If you had Roaming enabled and planned ahead it would not be an issue.

    Also you can buy Tourist SIMs without a package for 49 or 50 baht. They just don't put them in front of your face unless you ask. It's a sales outlet and I'm sure the airport space is expensive. So they prefer if you spend a bit more. They all do the same thing there.

  2. 1 hour ago, Shane77 said:

    I tried mobile banking but it required an OTP which I can't receive because my SIM roaming is disabled.


    I also tried a Thai credit debit and I thought it was going to work, but it also asked an OTP at the end... So frustrating...


    My old SIM's roaming was enabled, but I lost it and got a new one. And I forgot to enable roaming for it.  Too bad...


    I think I'll have to call them to enable roaming. Or ask someone to top up at 7-11 for my SIM.



    Do you have any credit on the SIM? If not, I can put 20 baht on it for you. Then you can call them to ask them to activate Roaming and to use 15 baht to extend the SIM by six months.

  3. 1 hour ago, Harveyboy said:

    the scourge of this country .. vermin on every soi ..im a dog lover believe it or not but id see the whole of these soi dogs culled  im sick of having to carry a stick or large stone each time i walk down the to my condo ive  been bitten .. so has one of my kids ive seen families turning back to the condo afraid to go past them i know its not answering the question regarding being on a bike   but walking or riding on the streets get more dangerous each day and Thailand does nothing to help with the issue..  



    im a dog lover believe it or not



    I choose to not.

    Dog lovers don't carry sticks or large stones. You are afraid. Fear is not love.

    Conquer your fears instead of advocating murder because of them.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Shane77 said:

    Any luck for this issue, anybody?


    Is topping up by mobile banking or a cashier at 7-11 also extend the validity?


    Yes. Though if you have enough credit, you can extend by 180 days for 15 baht.

  5. 1 hour ago, mickyr55 said:

    If you feed them they will forever become a nuisance because they want feeding really is not a good solution, I have a sonic alarm with flashing lights bought off Lazada for about 400Bht emits a high pitched sound inaudible to humans but dogs don't like it the flashing lights show them where the sounds coming from had it a couple of years now and it works easily fits into shirt pocket. 


    Nonsense, you just made that up. Feed them once and they know that you are friend and not foe. No more aggression. Like you and I, they just need to know who is who. Once you know someone is ok, you relax your guard.

    I was shocked at one point to see a dog running alongside my motorbike. I stopped swiftly to deal with the issue and he jumped on the bike. He wanted to go for a ride. 


    Dog people see it differently. Not to denigrate anyone who does not have similar experience. If you are cycling with clip-ons or a fixed wheel bike, then of course it's a bit of a nuisance.

    But if you are often cycling the same ways every day, it makes sense to make friends.


    I had the same issue in a temple that I used to walk through. Daytime I would give snacks every now and again. One night when walking through in the pitch dark, one dog starting barking and then the whole lot of the started barking. I couldn't see a thing.


    So I just got down and ordered whoever was barking to come over...now . I heard paws running towards me and soon there were dogs all over me playing and having fun. They need to know; friend or foe.

  6. 6 hours ago, songhklasid said:

    Good morning all, 1st time I posted for a while , a question please , I have a thai phone plan with AIS, but I am stuck in oz for who knows? My credit runs out next month, I have bkk bank online , can I do transfer to my phone acc , ? I could ask in laws , but language , tips etc ? Any info appreciated , cheers 

    songhklasid .


    Are you using the package or do you want to simply extend the expiry date of SIM validity?

  7. Also not sure why he is completely ignoring Microsoft's own official link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/switching-out-of-s-mode-in-windows-10-4f56d9be-99ec-6983-119f-031bfb28a307


    Already posted in post #2 it is clear that there is no requirement nor instruction to purchase a licence after switching out of 'S' mode.


    It's a sad fact that some people just take against you on a forum and so will argue because of their perceived dislike, as opposed to just getting the correct info out there.

    • Thanks 1
  8. One of the reasons why people still bang on about more RAM hails from the days where people still used HDD. So one had to wait for the slow HDD to load programs into RAM. With SSD the load to RAM is much faster, as are the swaps. So everything feels and is much faster. More RAM just makes it that little bit quicker and might make some swaps unnecessary. But the average user doesn't care about that.

    So buy RAM if you can afford it but the storage method is more important to the average user.

    I purposely avoid any jargon as most of the users want simple explanations they can understand.


    Jaiyenyen would not notice a difference if he put his 4GB of RAM back in unless he started doing some serious multitasking.


    I currently have 90 tabs open on Opera browser and that is with a fourteen year old laptop. Whilst they are open I am also using the laptop as an entertainment centre. AMD TL-60 Windows 10 Pro 4 GB of RAM. I don't need 8 GB.


    The people who need 8GB of RAM need 8GB of RAM. That doesn't mean that everyone needs it.


  9. 1 hour ago, KeeTua said:

    When someone would complain about a slow computer to me the very first thing I would do every single time is open Task Manager. More times than not the problem is clearly apparent there, either a program or multiple programs using too much processor continuously and/or too much memory in use and/or not enough memory installed. Sort by the columns in Task Manager to determine the culprit(s).


    If the problem isn't made obvious in Task Manager, which is rarely the case, then I dig a little deeper into the specs of the computer, check disk free space and Event Viewer. I've seldom had to do much more than uninstall offending programs or up the memory.


    Even though the OP has already done upgrades it doesn't mean the original problem causing slowness has been fixed. He should give Task Manger a look for the heck of it if he hasn't already.


    I'm with the postors who suggest at least 8GB of memory. Hard to go wrong there.


    Nice that you have joined a side. I'm with those who say that 4GB is often enough in conjunction with a quality SSD.

    But then I don't have loads of bloat and unnecessary programs running.

    One can bang on about 8GB as much as one likes, but there are many of us running Windows 10 on 4 GB of RAM with no issues.


    What the posters actually suggested is that when you buy a new laptop, don't buy one with less than 8GB. I would agree with that, dependent on the budget. If the budget allows for 8 GB, then buy 8 GB.

    I would buy one with 16 GB if the price was right. But to suggest that everyone needs at least 8 GB is just ridiculous.




    8GB is largely unnecessary. People who complain about slow devices are almost inevitably using old spinning disk storage.

    How many people have you seen complaining about slow PCs when they are running with solid state drives.

    I can guarantee that 90% of the people viewing this thread, have no interest in digging down within the Event Viewer.


    RAM these days is almost never the bottleneck. The bottleneck is usually the storage method. More RAM is nice to have and of course more RAM is better than less RAM,  but most of us don't need it.

  10. 5 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    At this point in time it is still very expensive to buy new with SSD here as they are only offering in higher priced units last time I checked - and non gamers/extreme users do not need.  If you check YouTube for good desktops for upgrade and then search on Lazada or Shopee believe you can find some good values and yes even including the extra cost to upgrade to SSD.  But understand they may not be your cup of tea but for others it might fit the bill.  Cost is almost throw-away for a usable computer.  


    Exactly, but we have so many people who base their knowledge on hearsay and then repeat it so that others base their knowledge on 'Chinese whispers'. Meanwhile people like us get excellent devices for next to nothing. Especially because of those who refuse to carry out even the most basic maintenance on their devices.

  11. 10 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Most have HDD, so would need to be upgraded. Not sure what kind of savings there would be. Think I'll stick with new.


    Seriously, you have no idea. If you don't know, ask. Jumping to conclusions without any information and knowledge is not wise.


    You already spent money on an item not fit for purpose and you were ready to do the same again. If it weren't for the advice to fit an SSD, you would have thrown more good money after bad. You have fixed ideas based on your imagination; nothing to do with reality.


    So keep an open mind, discuss, learn. That's what we humans do best. Don't waste it. ????

  12. 6 hours ago, jaiyenyen said:

    So, yesterday morning I took my Lenovo ideapad 320 to the Advice store at Zeer, Rangsit. After the sales staff had picked themselves up from the floor and stopped laughing at my pathetic laptop with the AMD A4 processor (They found that particularly amusing) we decided upon upgrading to a Kingston 480GB SSD and 8GB of Kingston RAM. I tried to buy Adata brand but that was out of stock.

    The SSD and RAM came to 3000 baht and I paid another 600 baht for it to be fitted and have everything changed to the new SSD.

    I used my laptop yesterday, and I'm in my office, working with it now. There appear to be no issues. I've also just ordered a case for the old HHD so I can still use that externally.

    Using my Lenovo is a pleasure again. Speed has improved markedly. The only thing holding it back now, is me 555.


    Laptop is fine if it does what you need. You don't need to impress anyone. Spend what you can afford. Certainly a better spec than the one that I am using.

    • Like 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Does it include Thai and English languages and have both alphabets on the keyboard? Maybe important for some folks. 


    Who will service it if there is a problem? It utilises old and outdated components and goodness knows who even made it. The brand name was possibly leased to whoever made it.


    But coming back to your question...it's an AIO, but the keyboard is not attached, so you can obtain whichever keyboard you like and install whichever languages you require.

  14. 45 minutes ago, Pumpuynarak said:

    I can only speak as i find and i've had an Acer AIO for 8 years and its still going strong but one day it will no doubt give up the ghost and i'll be off to JIB to get another one Acer Aspire C27 to be precise.


    They don't make them like they used to... My ACER is more than fourteen years old. I doubt one made today would last that long. I'm still using the original battery. I get at least thirty minutes out of it.

    Have you fitted an SSD within your current AIO or are you still struggling along with the old spinning disk?

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  15. 2 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Where did you but refurbished computer equipment, in Thailand?


    I didn't. I don't live in Thailand. Though I have purchased two laptops in Thailand; one second hand and another new. The new one I purchased in Thailand more than fourteen years ago. I am using it now to send this message. The second hand one I purchased more than fifteen years ago. It works but the spec is too low to be useful.

  16. 4 hours ago, giddyup said:

    I guess buying used has it's pitfalls as well, unless you buy from someone you know.


    ALL of my PC equipment was purchased as 'refurbished'. Most had been customer returns within the return period, so were still brand new but I received a substantial discount with a twelve month warranty. I even bought an old PC from 2009 a few years ago and it is still going strong.

    Most people just make up scenarios in their mind, as opposed to actually having any issues themselves.


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